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In love with fresh meat? These truths you need to know

The current trend of “sister-brother relationships” is not only reflected in celebrities, but also in real life, and there are many around us ordinary people.

“Sibling Love” is not mainstream, why is it popular?

One, people in sibling relationships need to have the courage to be anti-traditional and break through old habits.

The happiness that comes from resisting the pressure of tradition and custom is itself the happiest and most cherished. It is often said that lovers will be married at last, and that is why.

Two, sister-brother relationships are the best of relationships, the most wonderful and memorable ones.

Sister loves brother because brother has a mature, unique charm that other men do not have in attracting her, and brother loves sister because sister has a grace and gentleness that other women do not have. The world’s most beautiful sister-brother relationship would not be possible without a great man and an outstanding woman.

Three, sister-brother relationships often indicate a woman’s confidence and a man’s maturity.

A confident woman and a mature man (a man’s maturity is not defined by his age) tend to behave in a clear and unambiguous way. They don’t joke around with serious topics or make fun of life’s big events.

Fourth, siblings tend to be people who have successful careers.

The business needs to have a warm and stable harbor, never like Qiu Ju playing lawsuit – not a day of peace, not to mention the front of the business, the back of things. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

There are ways to maintain a sister-brother relationship

1, to know how to reduce the pressure of men

Girls love to make small sex, when something does not go well, they cry, break things, go back to the mother’s house. The “sister” type of lover has been through several love sea, know how to make their own position most comfortable, what distance is most suitable for two people. The actual fact is that you will not be able to use some cautious behavior language to make things difficult for men. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

2. It’s more important to talk than to look

Women in sister-brother relationships don’t have the quality of being young and beautiful, and men don’t have the advantage of being older and well-paid. This is when the two people get along more purely, reverting to the need to communicate, the need for emotion. Then, “talk” must be the first condition for two people to get together. Whether the “sister” of the mind childish or, “brother” character old or mature. It’s only when you’re on the same level of thinking that you can communicate.

3, to have a pertinent opinion

A mature woman makes men benefit greatly. The sister type wife has deeper experience, when the big choice of life direction, can provide men with the most pertinent advice that has considered the whole picture and analyzed world affairs. This is something that can’t be matched by the style of a young girl who has nothing to worry about.

4, to properly give men a sense of security

Some men have Oedipus complex and need warm type of women. Because they are more eager to feel safe. This is purely a feeling that tends to happen to men who have a special attachment to their mothers. When a “sister” has the warmth of a mother, it is easy for him to become attached and quickly start a family with such a woman.

5, to have their own circle of life

Sisters usually have their own circle of life and have developed a long term relationship. The most important thing is that you have to be able to do this. This is a great spiritual relief for the man. He doesn’t want to be called on to fight cockroaches when he’s too busy and dizzy. And, a harmonious marriage is exactly one that allows the other person to retain their individuality while respecting it.

A few things you need to understand about sisterhood preservation

1. There is no scientific reason to say that women age fast. Even if they are aging fast, men who really love you will not abandon you. If a man abandons you because you are getting old it only means that the man is not worth loving.

2. Even if a woman is old, so what? The actual love of a person does not only love her young and beautiful? The woman’s charm there are many, in addition to beautiful, the accumulation of years will make them elegant, mature, calm, sensible, opinionated, independent personality, profound ideas, rich in connotation, but also can become a husband’s mentor and confidant friend.

3. Men who are smaller than themselves have more youthful vigor and can bring youthful and beautiful reverie to women.

4. Women live longer than men, looking for a man smaller than themselves can grow old together. Otherwise, they will be old widows.

5. Women can only reach their sexual peak in their 30s and 40s, so find a smaller man for a coordinated sex life.

6. It is not necessarily the case that a younger man is immature. Physiological age and mental age are not necessarily proportional.

7. Love is your personal and private matter, no one has the right to interfere, don’t care what others see. You don’t love for others, live for others.

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