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3 stages of women’s matchmaking standards can not be sought in full

When a woman is 30, marriage is inevitable. You can say you have a lot of personality, but it has been proven that most 30 women are successfully married on a blind date. The first thing that you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do. Everyone who has been through N of these events knows that there are three stages of matchmaking.

Phase 1: The wait-and-see accumulation period.

The performance is squirming and nervous.

Like a student taking an entrance exam for the first time, you’re nervous and on the edge of your seat. The second or later date is not very likely, usually “a light”, and since then, forget about it.

Phase 2: The Bold Exploitation Period.

When matchmaking becomes a habit and seeing more than one is like losing something, you will no longer be nervous or picky.

Basically, you meet people when you have them, and you don’t shy away from asking this and that anymore, you’re just like the “film police”, and you’re interested in each other’s families, hobbies, education, jobs, and even The “film police” like the other side of the family, hobbies, education, work and even aunts, nieces and nephews are all well known. In this period, if you can meet a talk, all aspects of the conditions can also be considered, it must be seized, because this is the “right time to meet the right person”, can not be delusional to think that there are better later, we have to “black blind man to break the stick” story We have to use the story of the “black blind man breaking the stick” to remind ourselves.

Phase 3: The waiting period.

Once you miss the best time, when dating goes from habit to torment again, all you can do is rely on the yin and yang of your past life. Since regret has no effect, it’s time to focus on work or honor your parents, and wait for the “super-sized pie” to fall from the sky. Amen, blessings, and only blessings.

In summary, whether male or female, you must marry yourself or capture your heart during your most golden period, which is the only way to comfort the hearts of countless people, mom and dad, friends and family, and most importantly, yourself.

Who will accompany you to say goodbye to singleness and choose a spouse whose criteria cannot be “all-inclusive”

Who will accompany you to say goodbye to singleness and choose a spouse whose criteria cannot be “all-inclusive”

“I’m not so far down that I’m looking for marriage, am I?” I often hear singles who can’t wait to draw a line in the sand with the draft to show that they are still worth their weight in gold. Many older youths seem to have kept this a secret, seeing the draft as a disgrace, especially since some women prefer not to marry for life, rather than muster the courage to take this step. As a result, the proportion of foreigners seeking marriage is much higher than locals at marriage agencies, and there are more men than women.

The purpose of marriage recruitment is to expand the dating opportunities, if the mouth is full of money, 30 years old still adhere to the 20-year-old “up the hall, down the kitchen, talent and appearance” selection of spouses, naturally will lose many marriage criteria. The company’s main goal is to provide a better understanding of the marketplace, and to provide a better understanding of the marketplace.

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