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6 wrong love at the beginning of the motive will lead to tragedy

Not every couple can end up together because some people have “bad motives” when they take the first step in a relationship, and a false start inevitably leads to a less-than-ideal outcome. The first thing you need to do is to get your own personalized information.

1. Love his wealth

Some people fall in love with a person real reason is simply because that person is rich. Because they know that if they fall in love with such a person, they will reap great material rewards, whether it’s valuable gifts or a paper-thin life.

A relationship that is so gold-digging has strayed from the essence of love, and in the waste of time, such a relationship will hardly blossom into a brilliant flower of love. The most important thing to remember is that love cannot be measured in money, let alone guaranteed by material things.

2. To show off to others

Some people fall in love for a strange purpose. The purpose is strange, their biggest intention is not to love, but to show off the lovers around her to the people around her. The most important thing is that it is not the couple around them that they like the most, but the couple has many qualities that are worthy of other girls, such as handsome appearance, elegant talk, insight, thoughtfulness, gentlemanly manners, and so on.

They want to hear the admiration of those around them for her partner, and relish the admiring glances of their girlfriends that will truly satisfy their hearts. But that’s not really what a relationship is.

3. To pass the loneliness

Loneliness is shameful, but loneliness cannot be a reason to fall in love. Many people can’t tell what they desire to fall in love for, whether it’s because of loneliness or for some other reason? A real relationship is not about running out into the street when you’re lonely and pulling in a random person to spend one or more difficult nights with; that’s not a relationship, that’s just company.

Two people who are really in love with each other will have feelings for each other, which is often referred to as a call. The fact that you are in love with someone who is just killing time and doesn’t like them is not a serious matter, it’s just that the meaning of such a relationship exists only for the boring and lonely moments.

4.To appear to fit in

After hearing that your best friend or college friend is in love or getting married

Driven by such thoughts, even men around her who have no interest in her may be targeted for love as long as they can look good. However, falling in love blindly in this way is likely to have only one result: a broken heart.

5. For Social Purposes

If it’s just to show that you’re not a woman in front of friends or family and friends to show that you are not single and in love, then forget it. If you don’t care about him, don’t like him, don’t love him, then how can you call it a relationship?

6. To keep someone else from getting him

This is without a doubt wrong. Some people don’t want to break up with a loveless lover simply because they can’t overcome the strong possessiveness inside them; it’s not that they don’t want to lose the other person, but they don’t want anyone else to have them. They treat each other like a piece of clothing, but the love is long gone. Please don’t forget that the most beautiful flowers grow in the soil.

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