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These 6 types of people make it impossible to chat happily

Gossiping seems like an easy thing to do. Is it really? Not necessarily, some people just can not chat, although he did not mean to, but always make everyone unhappy, and over time, no friends. You must have this kind of people around you, as long as you talk to him seriously about something, you will immediately regret …… how so difficult to talk? If that person is you, be sure to check where you went wrong, or friends run out of light will be very bad oh.

What are the symptoms of someone who can’t chat?

1. Having a grandfatherly attitude

“Let’s go to XXX for dinner tonight ……”

“I don’t like to eat.”

“Then let’s go to XXX”

“Don’t you think that store is dirty”

“Then you pick a place”


Diagnosis: No matter what someone says, come up with a negative It’s really annoying to come up with a negative, and this way of speaking can make people feel disrespected. The most annoying thing is that since you denied me, when I asked you what to do better, you came back with a question about not knowing, who do you want to be angry with?

What to do? We all have to negotiate, don’t keep dismissing people. If it’s a team gathering, just go with the flow. If you’re with a close friend, tell him what you want to eat today and what you don’t want to eat, and we’ll all just delineate a place together.

2. Exude negative energy and be upset

“I saw a couple fighting in the subway this morning, and the woman started it.”

“Idiots die, how do people like that not go to die? “

“Didn’t finish it, then an older woman next to ……”

“Come on, I don’t want to hear about boring things”


Diagnosis: I didn’t mess with you, I don’t owe you anything, why so much negative energy? If you like to posture, this posture serves no purpose other than to provoke hatred. Who does not want to talk properly? You’re so negative all the time, no one cares about you.

What to do? There is negative energy in life and at work, but we generally spit it out and get over it. Do not have something to remember, or just look at anything. The people who exude negative energy will make people afraid to approach them, but on the contrary, people who exude positive energy will be liked.

3. Talk about topics that no one cares about

“Did you guys hear, gay marriage is legal in America yay! I have a friend ……”

“I think it’s rushed to legalize gay marriage, it’s a serious social issue.”

“Gee I’m just chatting lah …… I heard that my gay friends at home are excited about it! ”

“I don’t think it’s something to just talk about and what does the US have to do with us”

Diagnosis: Oddball, can you please stop coming out and wreaking havoc on the earth?

What to do? It’s best to talk about something that everyone is interested in or is around. If he is interested in the topic, you can discuss it. What fun is it to talk about a topic like the U.S. attacking Afghanistan that no one cares about and you’re the only one talking about it?

4. Not waiting for others to finish

Diagnosis: “Nine Pieces of In “The Ninth Grade Sesame Official”, whenever Master Xing wants to unleash his mouth-breathing skills, no one can finish his sentence! The actual life, you jumped out and interrupted only halfway through the conversation, and it’s okay if it happens occasionally, it’s always like this you want to fight!

What to do? It’s respectful and polite to hear someone out. If he doesn’t finish, how can you know what someone is trying to say?

5. It’s like life is just not as it should be

“Oops I told you oh yesterday my mom called again XXXX”

“My roommate is simply not washing clothes and mopping the floor XXXX “


Diagnosis: read read read read, complain endlessly …… Come on, we’re here to talk, not to listen to you complain …… Over time, friends will alienate you because you can’t talk properly ah.

What to do? What’s the point of getting together if all you can do is listen to someone complain when you’re together and no one else can talk properly?

6. Make yourself the center of the conversation

Well, these The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the public. …Are you all right, please? We really didn’t want to know.

What to do? It’s all about talking about what’s going on, or discussing things of interest. So, give someone else a chance to talk, too.

Not being able to talk can hurt in the workplace

Don’t think of not being able to talk See it as a trivial thing. It’s a big problem for people in the workplace, not only for promotion but also for getting along with colleagues, so how exactly can you learn to talk?

1. Slow down the speed of your speech. It’s better to speak slower when you speak than to be wordy, try to make the other person understand what you’re saying, don’t rush to say it all at once, and speak slowly.

2. Don’t try to say too many things at once. The communication between people is all about you and me, and you can’t say too much at once for the other person to accept.

3. Talk to people more often. When you can’t talk, then talk to more people. When you go grocery shopping, talk to the aunt who sells vegetables, when you go to dinner, talk to the boss, try to give yourself the opportunity to talk, talk to anyone, talk more and you will find that it’s not really that difficult.

4. Listen to more people. You must have the kind of people who can talk a lot among your friends, you can pay more attention to how he talks to others, you don’t have to learn all of them, only the ones that are useful to you, some of them may be more humorous, that one is more difficult to learn, you can learn how he talks to others, such people are generally more active, able to move the atmosphere, and easy to get along with people.

5. Don’t be afraid. The other important reason for not being able to speak is the fear that the other party will not like what you say, or that you will be ridiculed for saying the wrong thing, which is a sign of lack of self-confidence.

6. Be in a good frame of mind. The more you tangle with it, the worse it is to talk about it, so you might as well just relax.

Maybe you are in a hurry to communicate with your friends, maybe it’s good intentions, maybe it’s not quite the skill of expression that keeps you from really making small talk with others. You know, small talk is also a good way to communicate with others it. It doesn’t matter, learn some chatting skills, as long as you really respect others and communicate with them in a good frame of mind, learning to chat is easy too.

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