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Affordable? Why men always love to play ambiguous

Love requires commitment, ambiguity does not require responsibility. The first thing you need to do is to find a person who is ambiguous and save money. The man playing ambiguous, the figure is affordable. The reason for this is that it is not a good idea to have a good time. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

Why do men like to play with ambiguity?

1. By nature

In the distant past In the ancient times, males would have sex with as many females as possible to ensure the reproduction of the group in a hostile environment. No surprise, this genetic code has been present in men. This is not an excuse for men to be horny, but rather an indication that it is just in the nature of men to be horny.

2, safe

Why are there so many married or The company’s main goal is to provide a platform for the development of a new generation of women who will be able to meet the needs of their families. The actual fact is that you will not have to worry about the other person’s pestering and also the wife and girlfriend’s questioning. The men buy a four-star villa to let the site recommend women to meet, chat with the beautiful women to engage in ambiguity, the interest to meet with each other to eat a meal, play a passion; the interest is gone, as before nothing has happened. The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the market.

3, save money

Three wives and four concubines, bound by the law; adoption The second wife, bound by the wallet. For men who are not willing to hang on a tree, playing ambiguity on the cyber virtual family network is really an economical and environmentally friendly game. The environmental protection is that it will not threaten the existing family relationship; the economy is that it does not cost too much money. The first thing you need to do is to get the best out of it.

The subtle rules of men playing ambiguous

1. Don’t play with just one person

Since you decided to play ambiguous, you should make up your mind to form multiple family relationships on the Saker Virtual Family Network. God-sister, fiancée, girlfriend, confidante …… single-mindedly ambiguous with multiple women. The first one is ambiguous, and the second one is ambiguous. The thrill of a flurry of flowers is not something any man can refuse.

2. The emphasis is on obscurity, not on love

What is “fuzzy”, hazy, hazy, hazy, hazy, hazy, hazy. Play ambiguous fun, play love is self-immolation. So men’s ambiguity, more is “play”, less is “love”. This moved the real feelings of the woman, 100 percent hurt. But the extent of the damage depends on the situation.

3, the majority of men who think they are

Like the ambiguous Men, narcissists mostly, have a lot of egos. The man who thinks he can afford to play ambiguous, without a little self-righteousness, self-deception is impossible to do. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

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