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Soul mate is not desirable 4 moves to teach you to find a good partner

Do you believe in “soulmates”? Do you think there really is a soulmate in this world that you can connect with? It feels like a lot of girls should be nodding their heads, but a study published on the ScienceDirect website called JournalofExperimentalSocialPsychology denies this sensationalist idea and says that linking a relationship or a specific person to “perfection,” “destiny,” “soul mate,” “fate,” and other illusory concepts It’s likely to ruin the relationship.

Superstitious beliefs about soul mates are undesirable

In a narrow sense, in this life on earth we meet several soul mates, some for the first time, some for a very deep karmic relationship over lifetimes, and they appear at different points in time and thousands of miles to reunite with you. This is what we call an amorous soul mate.

In fact, all the people we are in love with can be considered soul mates, and there are indeed those who are more compatible, and they don’t need to say anything more to understand each other. The soul mate may only be the difference in the degree of compatibility. However, there is still some homework to be done, no matter how well the two people fit together.

Many people have this belief because they equate finding a “soul mate” with finding “happiness” and feel that Only when you choose the right person and marry the right person will you be able to be happy. In fact, happiness is not a goal or an end point, it is just a means, a process, a feeling. You don’t need to get anywhere to be happy, you don’t need to have a lot of money or be respected and loved by many people to be happy. You don’t need to have a lot of money or be respected and loved by many people to be happy. You can feel happiness only when you are a person with inner happiness. A person who is not happy on the inside will not be happy with anyone they meet.

A partner who can live a good life is the best partner

First of all, first impressions.

You want to love someone when the other person is at least submissive and doesn’t have issues like body odor that you can’t tolerate. It is also very important to have a harmonious sexual relationship between partners. Sex is the life energy through which partners achieve a state of mind-body unity, and it’s where a lot of relationship rifts come out.

Partnership homework starts with the body. When you say the sacred “I do” when you get married, you’re accepting that the other person may become a different person in the future, perhaps ugly, sick or even disabled. Most of the love between men and women is “conditional love”, imagine if the other person becomes sexually disabled one day, will you still love him/her? If you can’t change your heart no matter what the other person becomes, don’t think your love is sacred.

The second is to know how to control yourself.

Emotions are the most uncontrollable and most likely to cause conflict between partners. Everyone has so-called “emotional landmines” in their hearts that will explode once they are stepped on. The most like to uncover each other’s scars when the partner quarrels, so that each other are very hurt. This “emotional landmine” is the result of deep unhealed wounds and unrecognized self-worth, and the years of weather and sand covering the wounds, forming an unfinished event in life.

The third is the idea of values.

This involves one’s values and inner sanctity, what is enshrined within the pantheon of one’s heart, and that is what he or she cares about most. For example, if a person believes that the most important thing is filial piety, then a partner who insults his or her parents and elders will certainly provoke a strong rebellion. Other values such as money, self-esteem, fairness and justice, all affect the way a person sees the world and his or her feelings. There is nothing wrong with each person’s values; what matters is how they are agreed upon and balanced in intimate relationships.

The fourth level is the spiritual, spiritual level.

Many partners will feel like everything is fine ah, and life is comfortable, but it always feels like they are living in two worlds and can’t communicate. In the new century, if two people can believe in something “common”, or religion or something else, it is of course ideal. But if they can’t, there must be a trade-off, and most people in real intimate relationships will choose to give up the fourth level.

In fact, one or two of these four layers are enough to create a good intimate relationship if they fit together. The more you go down the path of body and soul, the harder it is to find someone, because the standards set are too high and difficult to achieve. The best partner is the one who can live a good life, and the one who is more comfortable with that person than he or she is, is the best partner.

Getting it right about soul mates

The source of intimacy. is still the relationship one has with oneself. One can only straighten out intimacy if one has a good relationship with one’s inner divinity, one’s Buddha nature, one’s origin, or one’s true self.

Don’t date because you’re lonely, and don’t marry because you’re lonely. Learn to be alone before you authentically enter an intimate relationship. Being alone is a beautiful self-study, and a mature person can appreciate the beauty of being alone and enjoying themselves, as well as enjoying time with their partner.

Don’t think that your love is so great that meeting your so-called soul mate is like a princess and a prince living happily ever after, these movie plots are also your “big spiritual self “This is a rule of the game of human nature, except that people are programmed to forget their true self or the divine nature as it is at birth, and always feel that they are lacking and incomplete. Therefore, they spend their whole life searching for the other half of their soul. The more people are on the path of spiritual growth, the more convinced they are, and the more they hinder themselves.

I believe that some people really do meet the so-called TwinFlame, and the feeling of a charging shiver or the opening of the capillaries of a Mercedes when they meet, you can feel it right away, and the sweetness of being together at the same time, the feeling of being connected, is intoxicating. It’s really intoxicating, that both souls have grown to the point where they can meet at this moment to enhance their homework together.

The truth is: not everyone can meet that twin flame in this life, and even if they do, they don’t necessarily stay together until old age. So adjust your mind and body, cherish every partner you meet, thank them for the journey they have taken with you, cherish this partner who is with you now, live honestly, and don’t force yourself if your destiny has really run out, everything is as it should be.

Everyone we are with has the potential to end up as our soul mate. The point is whether two people love each other enough, whether they are willing to pay for the relationship, and whether they are determined to hold hands. As long as they do, he is your soul mate.

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