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Seven strokes to deal with married men playing ambiguous

Where have all the good unmarried men gone? The married ones came to have an affair, what a world! There are many sisters encountered such a situation, married male friends from time to time alone to ask you to eat, play ball, soak in the hot springs, into the door out of the car to get off if the “Ladyfirst” behavior between the optional physical contact will always happen… But there is nothing specific to talk about. Some sisters feel awkward and anxious, what does he want to do? The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what kind of relationship this is.

1. If this ambiguity is pleasing to you…

Yes, it’s quite possible. In fact, the vast majority of women feel some sort of pleasure within themselves at the idea of a man paying attention to them – an affirmation and recognition of their femininity. So, if this kind of ambiguity makes you feel good, there is nothing to be ashamed of. The reason why this relationship is ambiguous is because of the uncertainty – neither like ordinary friends, nor to the point of lovers. And this ambiguous state of uncertainty is anxiety-provoking and feels enjoyable.

2. Why reject another possibility?

A great deal of the anxiety about ambiguity comes from fear of furthering the relationship. After decades of discussions about so-called redheads, blueheads, and the fourth emotion, do you still think you are not entitled to one or more blueheads?

Does this relationship still make you anxious now if you let go of the traditional definition of how a relationship “should be”?

3. Should we talk about it explicitly?

If you’re not interested in this man and feel uncomfortable or even bored by this ambiguity, and he’s not your boss, there’s no harm in picking it apart and blowing him off to keep your life clean. If you feel happy about the ambiguous relationship, but at the same time troubled by the anxiety of uncertainty, you may also hesitate to make it clear – if you can really make your thoughts clear, there is no harm to make it clear and talk about it; however, if you can’t make it clear yourself, it is advisable to make yourself clear first. Otherwise the conversation will only add to the distress of both parties.

4: Do you want this man?

It’s one thing to feel good about being offered, but it’s another to actually accept a man. It is easy to produce a “others are good” sour grapes mentality, think “good men are married” is often the case. If you take a moment to think about the man, and if you are sure you don’t want to go further with him, you will be less anxious inside.

5. What if this man you want?

That’s a bit of a problem. In an ambiguous relationship, whoever gets serious first loses first. Of course, it doesn’t matter if you win or lose in front of true love. You can also get a lot of information on how to get the best out of your business. Are you willing to be a “mistress” for him? The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

6. Who’s the backup for whom?

With divorce rates so high in this day and age, some insecure people are thinking about finding a spare tire not only when they are single, but also in the midst of marriage. This kind of ambiguous relationship will make people feel “possible” together – if the existing relationship is messed up, there are other possibilities – the heart seems to have more security. But you should know that this “spare tire mentality” will definitely affect your current relationship life, even if you are now single. So, whether or not the other person sees you as a backup, you don’t want to see the other person as a backup.

7. If you have a husband or boyfriend

Will this ambiguous relationship Will it affect the most important emotional relationship you have right now? It often depends on what your husband or boyfriend thinks. If he is more insecure, big personality, two people get along for a long time on your good because of the habit and ignored, may be clever to use this relationship to increase their own “sense of rarity” to enhance your husband or boyfriend’s emotions. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things.

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