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Ten unspoken rules that disrupt happy and harmonious marriages

In China, there are unspoken rules in all walks of life, and by extension, in the family, which makes up the smallest cell of society, there are also unspoken rules that keep marriages stable. Some subtle rules, which have been around for thousands of years, maintain the harmony of the couple within the marriage, both explicitly and implicitly. Here are some examples:

I. The man is the master, the woman is the master

Male dominance, female dominance is the most prominent unspoken rule that has been agreed upon to exist in marital relationships since the advent of human society, especially in China. The existence of this rule has led to a situation where the man is strong and the woman is weak in the search for a spousal relationship, resulting in a marital life pattern where the man is out in the world and the woman is at home raising children, doing housework, and serving her in-laws, which has long been the dominant form of marital relationships in Chinese society.

Two, men are taller than women

In Chinese society, men and women choose their spouses. The company’s main goal is to provide a better solution to the problem of the problem. Do not want to eat soft food, do not want to be bullied. It is one of the most important criteria for most men to choose a spouse, as they want to find a woman weaker than themselves to be their wife.

Three, it is normal for a man to be philandering within marriage and easily forgiven

In If the man cheats within the marriage, if he turns back to the shore, a single-minded appeal to his wife’s forgiveness, willing to maintain a loving and cherishing family wife and children, easy to get the wife and surrounding people’s understanding, the family generally will not break up. Especially for a little money power of the man is even more so, occasionally outside the heart to go away, is a normal social, there is nothing worth making a fuss about. If he is single-mindedly devoted to his wife for the rest of his life, he may even be ridiculed and hit by his foxes and friends.

And if a wife is blatantly philandering out and cheating on her wife, it’s hard to get a cool explanation from her husband and the people around her once she’s found out.

Four, tension between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is always the hardest part of all marriages

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in China is very delicate, and it is difficult to have 100% water floating and amicable. A significant portion of in-laws and daughters-in-law maintain friendly relations, often as a facade. In fact, behind the scenes, both mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law have a host of grievances against each other. The cultured in-laws and daughters-in-law are superficially amicable, but inland they are secretly fighting.

And this tension between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been around since ancient times, so don’t try to wipe it out for a while either.

Besides, whether it’s a mother-in-law or a daughter-in-law, don’t let your husband get caught in the middle of a difficult situation by making the relationship between your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law stale over a small matter.

And husbands, when dealing with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationships, have to please both sides, not favoring one of them and blaming one for the wrong, and husbands have to act as fire extinguishers when mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationships are tense, which is one of the most important responsibilities of being a husband within a marriage.

V. The availability of housing is always one of the most important deciding factors in choosing a spouse and maintaining stability in the marriage after marriage

Nowadays, in many big cities, no housing is exempt from marriage, especially for women.

Because of the high price of housing in China, and the fact that people have had the concept of having a house to get married and no house to start a family since ancient times. Therefore, the availability of housing has become one of the decisive factors in choosing a spouse and marital stability after marriage.

Six, for exes and marriages go heart and kidney sniffing, cover to death, do not confess the truth

Six, for exes and marriages go heart and kidney sniffing, cover to death, do not confess the truth

In marriage, everyone has a bit of a story with the opposite sex in addition to their spouse. Either a pre-marital ex, or after marriage can not resist the temptation to walk away from the heart and kidneys, more or less a little less pure smell thing exists.

If the pieces come out truthfully to your spouse, then the marriage will definitely have a red light on.

Sometimes it’s important for the stability of a marriage to keep things from each other that don’t cause actual sexual harm, and to give the marriage a relatively clean and pure environment in which to live.

Seven, it is better to compromise your inner dissatisfaction with appropriate restraint

Eight, when appropriate, show the romantic world of the two of you, the formality is indispensable

For example, on wedding anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, Chinese New Year, etc., even the most passionless couples should not forget to show off their romance, live the world of two people, show their love, and go through the formalities of the ceremony is essential.

If there comes a day when couples no longer have the idea of going through the formality of showing their love, then the marriage will really be like a pool of stagnant water and eventually go to extinction.

Nine, love and care hang on the mouth

National people for The expression of ‘love’ tends to be more subtle, especially for men.

However, love and care are not offensive even if they are more than that.

So even if you’re an old married couple, you still don’t forget to put love and care on your lips, but the way you express it varies from person to person depending on your personality.

So even if you’re an old couple, you still want to show your love and care.

Ten, the goal is firm and dedicated love

In the long road of life The two couples will certainly encounter such and such setbacks and bumps in the road, but, no matter what difficulties they encounter, the two couples should aim to be firm and dedicated to love, and work together to tide over the difficulties. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you are doing.

If the couple can do the above ten points in their marriage, they can repair the shortcomings and carry forward the good points, and always regulate their behavior with these subtle requirements, do their part, don’t steal each other’s duties and rice bowls, the The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

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