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How to be a good best friend Did you pass?

BFFs are an important part of a woman’s life. We spend a lot of time together and support each other through difficult times together. When she breaks up and falls out of love and is sad, how can she not have you at this time?

What is a BFF

BFF, that is

Girlfriends, that is, “girlfriends”, honey, has the meaning of “small honey”. The new name for women’s best friends is now BFF. The best thing about this is that it sounds like the sun is shining at the bottom of your heart. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Girlfriends used to be called our best friends, best friends, and so on, but nowadays the name can be said to be more and more petty. The most important thing is that we are still our respective girlfriends, and we are still crying together when we fall out of love, and when we are drunk, we are embracing each other to go home ……

BFFs are “lovers” for life, although we can’t see each other all the time, although we can’t share each other’s happiness and sadness in time, but if we meet again one day, my dear, nothing will change.

It is said that there is a kind of love, called long-distance BFF. The first time I was in the city, we were not in the same city, when it was pouring rain in front of me, the sun was shining on your side, the first leaves fell from the treetops on my side, your world was still green, I was in the crowd full of northern dialects, you were in the south watching people come and go, in short, we are not together, in time and space shift and distance, you and I have new friends, and new circles, you have the intricate feelings I’ve got pretty light housemates, maybe and you hold hands with the boys I can only see in the photos, probably who I like who is just a name to you, but you know, I know, you are you, I am me, it’s enough. Thanks to you and me, we knew each other when we were young and had years of companionship, and aren’t all girlfriends have had the same class memories.

But for some special careers, they will be your initial honeymooners at a stage of your life when you are still immature, and they know your past. And when many people want to dig into your past, those former BFFs become your most dangerous enemies.

What can you do when she’s out of love and sad and hurting?

Breakups are like the flu; everyone feels like they’re definitely not going to get better at first, and according to Columbia University psychologists, there’s a natural waning and blurring period for emotions like grief after a few weeks.

Let her let her emotions out

If you feel that her

If you think she needs to vent her emotions, watch a romantic movie with her so she doesn’t have to deal with her friends and can distract herself with some company, and there are few broken people who don’t get emotional watching romantic movies.

Be with her all the time

Loss of love is also a great poison for a woman’s confidence. . Buy a new dress, take her to that elegant restaurant you’ve always been reluctant to go to, and let the gentle waiter serve her attentively; go to the spa with her and let the magic hands of a male masseuse soothe her physically; pay for a night in a luxury hotel and tell her – she deserves the best of everything.

Let a warm man warm her up

Not asking you to introduce a boyfriend ha . The good thing about warm men is that most of them know how to grasp the proportion of being good to a girl without letting the other fall in love with them, and of course many of them don’t love women. sowhat? at least let her find the self-confidence of being shown affection by the opposite sex, the vanity of walking around with the opposite sex as an accessory, that’s what comes from a bestie’s heart!

Extension: What do you do when your bestie has other situations?

She’s sick?

Sick people need two things: a good doctor and positive energy.

1. Be with her as much as possible

The attitude of many sick people is avoids talking about it because she may not be sure how to deal with the issue. Some just want to vent their emotions. But now that she has let you know about the situation, at least you can let her know that you are there for her at all times, and that the on-call caregiver is your best role.

2. Understand her condition clearly

On the matter of being sick You must makesure that the help you offer is real and reliable, not vague hopes and wishes; an empty blessing sounds off-putting.

3. Offer what you can

Visits of this kind often force the patient to withdraw from his or her own care. Moves often force patients to squeeze time out of their daily lives to smile at people, which is not what real BFFs do. You might want to offer to go with her for a routine checkup, help clean her home, or just tell her you can prepare dinner for her today. In short, you’re doing everything to relieve her of work and add more free time and rest.

She quit her job?

Unemployed people often face confidence crises and poor work habits. The sudden absence of work often breeds laziness and weight problems, and then confidence becomes even more of an issue. All your best friend has to do is help her make her unemployment period a regular and healthy one.

1. When you lose your job, you want to take a breather, calm down, gather your thoughts, and even rethink your career path. This process usually lasts one to two weeks, and if a new opportunity is immediately put in front of her, she will be on the fence again, and it will be a double whammy if she fails to find a job again.

2. Make her feel wanted

Everyone gets positive energy in different ways, and whether she’s into karaoke, sports, or a big meal, your grand presence is the best way to support her. You can even pamper her by asking an unemployed person to help you collect Taobao delivery at home or something. These trivial feelings of being needed are important to fixing the cause.

3. Cutting costs is key

Financial crunch is the number one thing most The number one priority facing the unemployed. Don’t look at the surface of her shopping to reduce stress, that is also her own initiative to choose, does not mean that she will have plenty of money. If she’s the one who insists on paying, buy all the ingredients and have a girls’ night out at her house. The best way to do this is to take care of both your face and your heart.

How about that? That’s what makes a sweet BFF, right? You are also convinced that when one day you two roles change, she will do the same to you. To BFFs, we are all an integral part of each other’s lives.

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