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3 moves to make ordinary girls can also attract men

Every woman has her dream man. For example, I, the one who can most impress my heart is the highest paid and most box office appealing smiling machine in the world, the handsome American Tom Cruise. And I look ordinary, average body, want to attract those good men, it is possible? Of course it’s possible, if you listen to the experts.

Great beauties don’t need to fret about it, they never need to do anything proactive, men’s eyes are already on them, and all they need to learn is how to pick and choose among the many great suitors. And our luck is not so good, mediocre looks, average body, when there is a man of choice around, his eyes often do not stay on us. What can we do to have hope?

Some men take your phone number and call you, invite you out for a drink, and everything goes by the book; others, however, don’t respond to your burning gaze. Is it that he simply does not want to get to know you? In fact, experts tell us that all men are waiting for the same thing, that is, women like them. Men are always proud to attract women, and to reject a woman is to deny their charm. If men today are losing their initiative, pride becomes their last weapon in the face of increasingly outspoken and confident women.

I. Making a bold move

Going to a friend’s birthday party. I immediately fell in love with this man, who had a deep gaze and could understand my sense of humor. At the end of the party, I asked him to drive me home. In the car, I pretended not to put my hand on the one he was holding the gear knob. We were silent all the way, then I arrived home, and at my door I took the initiative to kiss him on the cheek …… He later told me that I had taken the initiative to pursue him much to his relief — he would not have dared to do so, and my gesture had given him a tremendous shock in his heart. — Lei Jie, 29, Miss Air

Expert comment: At this point, women are as quick-eyed and unfazed as a fisherman with a fishing fork in his hand. The easiest way to face the hesitant man is the most effective. Some men immediately give in and secretly rejoice that you have made the decision for them. But there can be a downside, and that is when you adopt the manly approach, you can scare away other men.

Man’s take: Women who flirt like men don’t interest us because we feel like we’re talking to a man about love. We like it when women take the initiative, but in a more subtle way. A woman who orders us to lie down will scare us away. Girls, be gentle, will you?

II. Seduce him with sexiness

My secret recipe: long hair, short skirts, champagne and mesmerized eyes. I usually wear only professional clothes in the office. One night, I went to a bar with my colleagues, among whom was a man I had long desired but had not yet confessed. That night I wore a short skirt and boots, and my hair, which was usually neatly combed, fell down. When he asked me to dance, I sat next to his chest and let my hair sweep across his face – and I became his permanent dance partner. — Xu Ping, foreign company employee

Expert comment: This approach applies to women who are very confident in their looks, body and bust. Men are not going to pursue women who smoke cigarettes and discuss their investments with them. Don’t believe them when they say things like temperament is more important than body, and when they see a beautiful woman they will immediately get up and leave you to face the bill.

The man’s view: Unless he’s not interested in women, no man is indifferent to the lure of sex. A woman who invites me to look at her, I will look, and if she encourages me to touch her, I will touch! But this kind of flirting requires natural and subtle skill, otherwise it can be seen as vulgar.

Three, use intelligence to attract him

I’ve often been called “too smart” because I have a master’s degree in chemistry, which is seen as a “man’s major “But it was these molecular formulas that helped me conquer my fiancé, Xinpeng. I rarely talked about my work to others, but Xinpeng seemed very interested in it. I liked him a lot and wanted to let him know my expertise, so I patiently described to him the projects I was currently working on …… Later he told me that women with high IQ made him very much in love. –Julie, 30, chemical engineer

Expert comment: This approach is perfect for women who are still good looking and have a particularly good IQ. Men generally believe that the beauty of an intellectual beauty is like a mellow wine – the longer they stay together, the more lasting the charm.

A man’s perspective: It’s hard for us to enjoy a conversation with women who just giggle and giggle. If we want to talk, we’d like the other person to speak constructively as well, rather than mentally begging her not to open her mouth. If she’s both pretty and funny, we’re willing to go anywhere with her.

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