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8 big blind date trick to let the leftover women catch a good marriage

In the age of free love, most people will not go on a blind date as a last resort, but you have to admit that dating is one of the most effective ways to solve the problem of leftover women. The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the public.

Note 1: Always let him choose the place for the first meeting

As a woman, having too many ideas can make a man feel like you’re trying to control him, so don’t have too many opinions. When he asks you on the phone where to meet, you say, “Whatever you want, anywhere is fine.” This way, you not only give him the feeling of being a bird in the hand, but you throw the gauntlet down to him.

Note 2: Be sure to arrive a few minutes after him

Note 2: Be sure to arrive a few minutes after him

“text-indent:2em;text-align:left;”>The woman on the blind date must not be a little girl of twenty-odd years old, so if you arrive earlier than the man, it will make people think you are in a hurry, especially to catch up, don’t listen to what others say that the girls who arrive on time give people a feeling of innocence, are blind. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time, and you can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time.

Note 3: Ordering is a skill

Be sure not to If your date is a diamond, he’ll think you’re trying to get rid of him. But if you order a very cheap dish he may feel that you can not be on stage later, so the meaning of the can, let him know that you are not arrogant, but not not eaten never seen. Usually my advice is to order a green vegetable, it is difficult to make a mistake. The first thing you need to do is to get a drink; text-align:left;”>More talk is more talk is more talk, always remember. The first time you have to bear with me, even if he later thinks you are a talker, that is later. The ladies are sitting there smiling obediently. If the other party is really not talkative, and you look at him, it leads to a few topics, if he still does not talk much, you will tell a joke to him, to say: “Or, I tell a joke to you, you are not allowed not to laugh oh.” Even if you tell a bad one, he’ll think you’re cute.

Note 4: Avoid sensitive topics

The first time you meet someone, ask The first time you meet someone, ask them how many girlfriends they’ve had, how they broke up with their previous girlfriend, it’s terrible, it’s too octogenarian. Remember: you are a lady, those questions are not too late to know slowly later. If in turn he asked you, you say: “ah, you ask me so, I am a little embarrassed, after slowly tell you okay?” This way, one, you give him a signal that you want to continue a relationship with her, two, he will think you are shy, and three, he will not yet think you are not real, because you do not want to hide him, just do not want to say it now.

Note 5: Appear to be honest

Although the first few tips are a bit of a trick. The first few tips are a little bit of a trick, but in the end it’s all about making the other person feel like you’re sincere, pure and honest are qualities that men think their wives need to have, but know that being honest and being smart don’t conflict with each other, so don’t let people think you’re stupid. For example, you can reveal to him something that sounds sincere but is not relevant: “I love to sleep, and my mother said that if you marry someone to make breakfast for your husband, you can’t sleep, heh heh heh:

Although it’s hard to marry a virgin nowadays, men want their wives to have little emotional experience, and if you keep staring at him, he’ll get hairy inside. The first thing you need to do is to look at the phone and see if it’s ready

Note 7: Is your phone ready

p style=”text-indent:2em;text-align:left;”>It’s annoying to have calls come in endlessly when you first meet with him. But if you change your phone to vibrate and he finds out he won’t be comfortable, if you simply put it in your school bag and make him think you must have a backpack. So shift your phone, put it on the desktop in a big way, better make an appointment with your best friend and send you a text in the middle of the day, you can also tell him in a big way that it’s from a good friend, a phone call without a text isn’t quite real, is it?

Note 8: Be moderately seductive

The first few do

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