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Nagging men do not want to talk to you n things

When two people are together, communication and communication is important, but the way you choose to communicate is equally important. The first thing you need to do is to choose the right time to talk about it, rather than nagging about it.

Women like to talk and are open to communication. However, once you choose the wrong topic, not only will the man be disinterested, but it will also affect your relationship. There are things a man doesn’t know, but he just doesn’t want to bring them up or discuss them with you.

Details of your past and your significant other’s life together

While we We are as curious as women about our significant other’s past, but we would rather play deaf and dumb than pry into these old stories. It is not how broad-minded we are, how big is the temperament, is really can not stand the woman to state these things when the look of careful retrospection, more can not stand to hear those who can make us angry, gnashing of teeth details. The woman’s past is always on her mind, contrary to the woman who values the present and future of the two more.

How do you and your BFF complain about him

Because we have heard how other women share their opinions about their boyfriends or partners in private. “He only earns so much money, he told him to change his company and he didn’t go”, “His mother is really annoying, she calls him all the time”, “He is too cheap, he sends a few flowers on his birthday, how happy you are, someone sends diamonds “…… God, this is terrible. I couldn’t take it if I heard my girlfriend describe me like that to someone else. …… Sometimes, I know, but I don’t want to change.

What do you think of his physique

I envy Schwarzenegger, even though he’s lost his shape since he became governor. But don’t women always say they’re too muscular like monsters? I’m not an actor, it’s not necessary to work so hard to stay in shape. After being together for a long time, it is normal to neglect the body. After all, men don’t care about body image as much as women do.

List and price of shopping

These are all purchases for those very rare “formal occasions” when she’s feeling “stressed” and a lot of them are sleeping in the closet. I get angry when I think about it, knowing that we’ve been wanting a plasma TV and the bank loan is still outstanding. I wanted to buy a lighter and she yelled at me for “wasting it”. I’ve been trying to buy a lighter, and she’s yelled at me for being wasteful.

Discussing the details of other people’s weddings

While women

While women kept saying that the wedding was too cheesy, they still described with great interest how many famous cars they had, how many private gardens they had chartered, how many singers they had invited to support them, how many banquets (seafood banquets) and big cakes over a meter high, and how big carat diamond rings they had given ……

Details of falling out with other women

Give us a break, it seems like female colleagues especially love to fight with each other over the little things. Women with men always look like a bird, don’t let me know they also have a tough, spirited side, that will reduce the image of women in the hearts of men ladies. If this woman doesn’t need my protection, I might be able to protect the other weak ones.

A conversation that starts with “We should talk about it”

My mother likes this opening too. It means that women have thought a lot, a lot about certain issues and want to communicate with us. If we argue with them, they are sure to get upset, and if we ignore them, they get even angrier. What is there to talk about? Isn’t it good to live a relaxed life? We all understand the reasoning, why don’t we think about why people choose this approach? Because life is too tiring.

Comments on his parents

If women really respected them , there wouldn’t be this conversation. But look at them so old, raising me for so many years, women have any opinion on how to tolerate? (On this point, women and men disagree greatly.) Don’t keep saying “I did it for you ……”, are you trying to say that it would be better to follow other men?

Inquiring about a man’s personal business gets busted in person

I wouldn’t leave a clue if I really had something, there would be no clues left for women. The woman’s possessiveness is horrible, watching closely in the open and checking in the dark. If you want to turn it over, but don’t let me bump into it, it will be very embarrassing. If a woman says no, she won’t believe it, and if she says yes, it’s the same as setting off a bomb.

Ranting while drinking beer

I’m already very controlled in my fat intake, and I exercise regularly and do housework, so please don’t frown every time I lift my glass and lift that tedious knowledge of dietary calories. When women are gorging themselves on boiled fish, men usually don’t say anything.

Was with another man

If I don’t want to break up. Then it’s the kind of thing I’d rather not know about, otherwise it’s hard to convince myself to accept it. If I wanted to break up, this would probably be the best excuse, but since I’ve already made up my mind, what difference does it make if I know about it or not?

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