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Refuse to chase four moves to let him take the initiative about you

Fancy a guy and too shy to show it? Then let him ask you out. Before he acts, you have to let him receive the message: I am also interested in you, waiting for you to come about oh. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do and then decide on the details.

The Four Principles

1. Hint that there is time to date

Boys who hear that the girl they like has time on her day off will think about dating her. Although girls may think how good it would be if boys could take the initiative to ask themselves. But boys are very timid. Nowadays, most of the boys are late bloomers, so it is necessary for girls to make some assistance in dating. For example, it is good to tell the man what day of the week he is available and how he schedules his time. If you look like you’re busy, it’s hard to get a date!

2. Tell him straight up what you want

One male I have the idea of dating a girl I like when I hear that she has a message about a movie she wants to see, because it doesn’t hurt to feel rejected if it’s a movie.” said the announcer. For example, “Is there a recommended restaurant around here?” The girl who has a catchy excuse for a date such as “There is a movie that I want to see recently” is very popular. This kind of girl makes guys feel that there is an opportunity to take advantage of her. The girl who is usually unconsciously showing what she wants to do will be very popular. At first glance it may seem a bit casual, but to guys it’s a rare hint.

3. Showing interest in each other as well

Boys will often have little confidence in how to please the girls they like because they think about the presence of other men who are sophisticated in dating. However, if the girl takes the initiative to enter the area in which the man is good at, the situation will be different. At this point, the guy will feel more confident. You can go to a concert of your favorite artist, or taste the food of your favorite restaurant together. It’s a good idea to try to get into each other’s circles and show a “please teach me” attitude.

4. Don’t spend too much on the high end

Good grooming is important, but it can cost a lot of money. But a girl who looks like she will spend a lot of money will make guys feel like they can’t lay their hands on her. Because guys will think that if they want to please this girl is to spend a lot of money. So girls should please be aware that although the appearance looks luxurious, the grade is too high aiming at their own boys will also become less oh!

Specific implementation details:

1. Let him sense your presence

A big rule is to be in front of each other often, intentionally or unintentionally, to show how good you feel about him, but don’t express excessive intimacy and let him feel your presence at all times. For example, if the other party has a xx models of cell phones, or like particularly weird pets, you may want to go to Baidu tiktok from time to time to see the relevant information, and then every other day to discuss with him the relevant content. It’s a major principle of sales in general for salespeople to sell, so that the other person perceives your presence and is the first to think of you when they encounter something they need (to talk to someone or share something interesting).

Some people say this is simply common even among ordinary friends, not private to couples. Then why do this, in fact, this is just to create contact opportunities, in the city, the most important thing is the opportunity to contact, contact opportunities a lot, the turtle and the horse can look at each other. But if he is not moved, and did not take the initiative to contact you or reply to you, probably you are not his plate. The chances of such a chase dropped to 40%. We need some action-packed conversations.

2. Contact him every now and then

For example, every holiday season For example, every holiday season, you should send a text message to him to say hello. To give a simple example, “This text message is sent to the bad people who did not take the initiative to greet me on this major holiday, hum, although you did not hang on to this lady, but I am still magnanimous to wish you a happy holiday la.” Send a whine, your claim contained in the joke, the focus 1 is to make it obvious that it is a group, the focus 2 is to cause the other party’s guilt psychology. This way you can go in and out, and if he’s slightly interested in you, it’s time to hit the snake.

Next, you have to find a reason to contact him every now and then, for example, if he has a car, you can text him to ask if he knows how to go from what road to what road, and when you get the answer, you can thank him. People are curious, more than twice he will always wonder, to ask you for an explanation. You can say: “A friend of mine asked me how to go to xx restaurant, I don’t know, but I thought you should be more familiar with the road if you drive, so I asked you.” The point 1 is to make him feel good, and the point 2 is to satisfy his psychology of helping the weak. It’s also an opportunity to create a little human interaction between you, whether it’s to thank him for buying him dinner or to celebrate a big success by having dinner together.

3. Create conversation around him

On the other hand, you have to keep making conversation around him so that he catches the ball you throw out. Even if he’s not very interested, you can keep sparking it.

The point of the conversation is to be plausible. You can even be nonsensical by saying something like, “I had a dream the other day that you were sweeping the streets. If he asks you for details, you can just tell two sentences, and then sell a story, saying: a sentence and a half to say it is not clear, the next meeting to tell you. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

How often do you have these conversations and he doesn’t ask you out? The two of you, neither the “edge”, nor the “point”. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

It’s said that men chase women across mountains and women chase men across veils. If he is interested in you, you hint a little, he can certainly receive. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

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