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Reunite? 4 things to figure out before the compound

As the saying goes, “A good horse doesn’t go back,” but in love, there are many examples of getting back together after a breakup, so you better think about these 4 things before you decide to start over with your ex.

1. What was the reason for your breakup?

Infidelity, value disagreements, too many differences in lifestyle habits, family involvement on both sides …… There are many different reasons for breaking up, and identifying the problems can help you Adjust your mental expectations of each other after the relationship has restarted and begin to address these issues.

2. Do you have the confidence to face the difficult issues in your relationship?

If you have been through a not-so-peaceful breakup, there is more or less resentment towards each other, and getting back together will allow your defenses and guarded mindset to adjust to a new stage, and the pain of the breakup The pain of the breakup will also have some negative impact on this renewed relationship and will require enough trust and patience to face it.

3. Are the people around you supportive of this decision?

Bystanders are often able to sense problems between you instead. Before deciding to get back together, ask your family or friends and see what they have to say, they may be able to give you good advice.

4. Are you just doing it out of dependency?

Are you unable to adjust to life without him? Did you decide to get back together with him after the breakup because you felt lonely? Do you understand your true feelings inside? Don’t let this bad decision waste your time.

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