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4 signs that the marriage is in crisis

There is always a cause and effect to everything, and the same is true of marriage. There are always signals that your relationship is in danger.

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A normal emotional relationship requires passion, energy and time to maintain, and avoidance is definitely the beginning of trouble. Not interested or even bored with what your significant other has to say, preferring to spend weekends with female friends rather than your partner …… Get serious and find out what the problem is!

2. There are men out there who are more attracted to you than him

After marriage If you are always attracted to other men, this is also a pretty dangerous sign. While your eyes can be cast elsewhere, when this new fantasy becomes more than your fond gaze on your significant other, it’s the beginning of mental infidelity!

3. You become cranky and irritable

Your tolerance for him straight down, resentment increases, and nitpicking, nagging, and criticism become a major part of your communication. A lot of the tension in the relationship starts with “not seeing eye to eye”.

4. Sex no longer gives you pleasure

Sex is the most visual reflection of your happiness, and intimacy can make your marriage stronger and more tender. It’s hard to imagine how long a family can survive when you think the other person is lacking sex appeal.

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