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Before deciding to get married, ask yourself 15 questions

Nowadays, the entertainment industry is bursting at the seams with news of who’s who getting divorced, and every time the news comes out, a bunch of netizens lament that they no longer believe in love or marriage! The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. Give yourself 15 questions to find out.

1. What kind of life do you really desire?

You haven’t even figured out what kind of person you are and what you want, so how can you possibly know if the other person is compatible with you? If you have seen EatPrayLove, you should remember that Elizabeth Gilbert, the heroine, finally discovered her true desire in her thirties and that getting married early was a big mistake, so she ended her years of marriage and began a journey of soul searching and self-discovery. Thirty-something is not too late, but do you really want to cause collateral damage because you didn’t think it through at first? So it’s important to figure out what kind of person you are and what kind of life you want.

2. Are you happy with him?

Love is when you think of him, your heart is rippling, and when you are with him, your heart is full of pleasure. If you are not happy with him, then you need to think about whether he is right for you.

especially when it comes time to consider marriage, if you are not happy with each other, then life after marriage is destined to be painfully depressing. If two people are already in love with each other with constant arguments, or if their relationship is a bit faded, then don’t think that marriage will turn things around.

3. Do you have common topics and hobbies with each other?

Having common topics and hobbies is a very important support to keep your relationship going, if you don’t have common hobbies, it’s really hard to go on, relatively speechless, such a day just thinking about it is already trying to escape, isn’t it?

4. After being with him, do you have more or less positive friends around you?

Whether male or female, if you are with the right person, your world will become bigger and your eyes will be more open, otherwise, down the road you will find yourself tied up and become a frog in a well. So please think back, after being together, did your original best friend leave you? Did the other person help expand your twitter feed, and what kind of new people did you meet through him?

5. Do you really accept each other wholeheartedly?

Some people get married on the grounds that they’ve been together for a long time and take it for granted that marriage is the next step. But marriage is really strange, day to day, night to night, firewood and salt, will make people have complaints with each other, if you have felt before marriage that the other party has quite a few aspects that you really want to change, his flaws you can not receive, then he may not be the person you want. It’s not really fair to anyone to go into a marriage with the mindset that you’re going to change him down the road.

6. Is he comfortable with the status quo, telling you not to let go when you have an opportunity, or is he encouraging you to follow your heart and take on the challenge? or encourage you to follow your heart and take on the challenge?

This is very important. Being with someone who is not motivated will only get worse after marriage if he is already slowing you down a lot before marriage and he is most comfortable if you don’t change to improve. The two people’s pace is not the same, is a major reason for the end of the marriage, if you are originally upwardly mobile, freedom-seeking people, then even if you can currently tolerate being stuck, the future will certainly have to face this personality differences.

7. Is the relationship balanced?

When two people are together, it is rare that both sides give as much emotion, there will always be one side that loves more, but this gap cannot be too far, if most of the giving and love comes from one side, the other will be especially emboldened, and the deep love from the The other party’s deep love will even make him feel trapped and thus choose to leave. As for the one who gives more, one day he will feel tired.

8. Why are you still with him?

Because you love him, trust him, respectfully admire him, and value him? Or is it because you are afraid of being alone, too afraid of the single life and don’t know what to do with yourself alone? Or maybe it’s because you have twitter in common, live together, and have to rely on him financially, etc. and have to? Figure out why you’re still with each other, and you’re naturally clear about where your life is going after marriage, whether it’s the abyss or heaven, how do you choose?

9. Do you really trust your significant other? And does the other person trust you?

Trust in each other is a very valuable asset in a love affair. If you trust each other, then you won’t suspect each other or even quarrel because of the provocation of some indifferent people.

Especially if you are getting to the point where you are almost married, if you hesitate in asking yourself this question, then be sure to think seriously about why this has led to this situation and how you can build, or seem to rebuild, mutual trust, otherwise , without trust between two people, there will be a rift in the middle, and you will really regret starting such a marriage.

10. Are you moving forward in the same direction?

The direction in which two people are moving forward is even more important than the pace. Some couples will avoid talking about some very realistic, but critical issues before marriage, such as having children, work, religious beliefs and so on, because there is so much involved, so it is always a fluke, the boat to the bridge is naturally straight. But reality is much crueler, and when the boat reaches the bridge, it forces you to face it immediately and give a reaction, and if it turns out then that we all want something different, it can cause a lot of collateral damage.

11. With him, can you still be yourself?

It’s right and proper for two people to be together and perfect some of their flaws, but that’s a completely different thing than transforming yourself (or being transformed by someone else) into another person. Losing yourself will make you live a very exhausting life, because from start to finish it’s an act, and such a marriage, unless you go against the grain, is unlikely to last.

12: Are you acting as a partner or a parent in the relationship?

Taking care of your significant other is a sweet thing, but for example, if you are the woman and your boyfriend is like a child, and you spend your days taking care of him like a mother, things can become disgusting and tedious. With his lack of commitment and childishness surfacing, every time he makes a mistake will make you question your choice once again. And, you’re always nagging and saber-rattling, who and wants to make out with their old mother?

13. Can your significant other be a solid support behind you?

After you get married, you and your significant other are a small team that needs to face all kinds of difficulties, and it’s important to be able to steadily move forward with trust and to be each other’s back. The most important thing is to be able to trust and be the back up for each other. If you are in a relationship and you have troubles or difficulties, nine times out of ten the other person will not give help or even encouragement, then you will continue to be alone in your life after marriage.

14: Are you attracted to your significant other?

The other person’s physical appearance is not really the most important thing in a relationship, but at least you have to make sure that the other person has something that attracts you, especially in terms of personality or ideas. If you get married just because the other person is good in every way, such as monthly salary, family and so on, then sooner or later you will get disgusted and reject this person, which is certainly not a fair choice for others.

15: Do you want to say “Yes” or “No” in your heart?

Imagine your life with each other after marriage, and your first inner reaction is your truest thought.

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