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Women’s sexual indifference cause countermeasures big analysis

Sexual apathy is one of the manifestations of abnormal or disordered sexual function in women, which generally occurs rarely in men. Women are indifferent, undemanding, unfeeling, or even anxious, uncomfortable or painful about sex. For married women, sexual indifference not only affects their own physiological and psychological health, but also affects the harmony of relationships with their husbands and families. In fact, most of the sexual indifference is not caused by pathological reasons, but by psychological factors.

Psychological factors that lead to sexual frigidity


1. Due to improper education in childhood, trauma caused by sexual harassment, religious inculcation or adult role models and other factors, the formation of prejudice against sex, such as sexual intercourse is dirty and dirty, lewd and unclean behavior, is a sin, is “men happy, women suffer”, and thus aversion, revulsion, fear of sex.

2. Lack of sexual knowledge, fear of sexual intercourse, fear of sexual intercourse will produce pain, or do not understand the psychological differences between men and women, the wedding night the male action is rough and impatient, quickly reach orgasm and ejaculation, the woman does not experience pleasure, but also feel discomfort or pain The woman feels discomfort or pain, and even vaginal cramps. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.

3. Worry and fear of pregnancy and the lack of reliable contraception inhibit normal sexual satisfaction and can also cause sexual apathy.

4. Poor living conditions that interfere with sexual life and unhappy and unfocused moods that make it difficult to provoke sexual excitement.

5. Couples are not in good terms, distrustful, suspicious or resentful of each other, and unable to generate sexual excitement.

6. The woman has had a more serious masturbation habit, and the pleasure is not strong enough during intercourse after marriage, or the man has sexual dysfunction such as impotence and premature ejaculation, and the woman is not sexually satisfied.

Cure for sexual frigidity

1. Both husband and wife should Understand the knowledge of sexual physiology and sexual psychology, grasp the different characteristics of male and female sexual desire and sexual excitement, recognize the significance of sexual life to the normal life and development of people, and abandon the prejudice and misunderstanding of sexual life.

2. Actively improve the couple’s relationship, eliminate the psychological barrier and various negative emotions between the couple, coordinate the rhythm of sexual life, cooperate with each other and understand each other. The man should not be impatient and rough, but help the woman to gradually reach the climax of sexual desire.

3. Use massage techniques

3. align:left;”>①Sexually sensitive area massage

Sexually sensitive area is the body surface band or point that can provoke sexual desire and sexual excitement. It includes sexually sensitive zones and sensitive points. The woman’s sexual desire sensitive belt such as ears, neck, inner thighs, armpits, breasts, nipples and other parts of the most sensitive, its sensitive points are “Huiyin”, “Huiyang”, “Jingmen” and other points. When massaging the sex sensitive zone, the male side should slowly and gently knead, so that it has a soothing feeling; massage sensitive points, the palm surface of the finger can be used to press, to the softness of the rigid, to achieve the effect of stimulating the female sexual desire. In short, the female partner to experience a sense of pleasure, comfort as the principle. It is a good idea to massage it once a day.

② Waist massage

Take an upright position, with both feet shoulder-width apart, press the ipsilateral kidney point with both thumbs, and rotate the waist in small increments. The two feet are separated by the same width as the shoulders, the thumbs of both hands press the same side of the kidney point, rotate the waist quickly and bend to the left and right, while the palms of both hands rub back and forth from above and down for about 2-3 minutes, to the extent that the deep part feels slightly hot, 2-3 times a day.

③Shenqu massage

Lying on your back with your legs shoulder-width apart, press the palms of both hands on the Shenqu point and rotate them left and right for 200 times each. 200 times, to the extent that the deep part feels slightly hot on its own, 2-3 times a day.

④Guiding gymnastics

Sit with your legs straight, let go naturally, put your hands on the ground behind you to support your body, and open your feet outward. Toes, while in the inhalation backbend upper body, that is, the torso, head back; then the toes twisted into the inside, while in the exhalation of forward bending, but hands can not leave the ground. This bends forward and tilts back 3-4 times.

Sexual indifference cannot be corrected by women alone, but husbands must also care for their wives and work together to create a harmonious sex life and a harmonious family atmosphere, not to blame women or use cold violence against them, which will only get worse. The use of massage techniques must be persistent, adhere to 1-2 months, there will be the possibility of a complete cure.

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