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AA couples? Marriage should not be counted too clearly

The full opening of Chinese society and culture has led to the spread of many Western concepts in China, and AA is undoubtedly one of the best. “The reason is that AA has solved an important problem in the interpersonal field: face. The reason is that AA solves an important interpersonal problem: saving face. With the practice of bill sharing, many people no longer have to choose between face and pocketbook.

Under the influence of this AA trend, many post-80s men and women have started to carry AA to the end: when they go out to eat, AA will settle the bill; when they fall in love, AA will share the bill; when they get married, AA will share the cost; even after marriage, they will still be an AA couple. The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the public.

This is the independent life that many modern women boast: I earn my own money and spend it myself, I don’t take advantage of men.

From a theoretical point of view, this AA system is indeed a subversion of the thousands of years of Chinese women’s “marry the man, marry the man, dress and eat”, a manifestation of women’s self-reliance. But real life is not a theoretical test, and China’s national conditions do not buy this part of the AA women: but those women who want to take AA to the end, often always get kicked out of the marriage!

Men who are in AA marriages tend to have double the cheating rate of ordinary men! It is clear that AA marriage is a silly way for a silly woman to do things. The Chinese saying “spend the money did not buy good”, said this is the meaning. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

The physiological pattern of women has always been the same, when young earn money easily spend money generously, when wait until after middle age to know that money is not easy. The company’s main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem of the problem.

You don’t have to refuse a man to throw money at you when you’re young, because a man’s willingness to pay for a woman confirms that you’ve given him pleasure and joy. Women, really don’t have to use AA to confirm the nobility of their love!

Marital AA is not the way to go in the long run, or rather, it is only suitable for the early stages of a relationship between a man and a woman, and when the couple has more and more common experiences, AA should naturally exit the stage of history in due time. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

We suggest that women who like to boast about their independence with AA should try to set up a family communal account, taking the same portion of each spouse’s income each month for family spending money, and saving the rest for their own personal money. This is a relatively more humane approach to AA life!

AA is a hurtful word, especially when used in a couple, because you are denying him his emotional investment, and a marriage that is all money and no emotion is likely to dissolve at any time. The company’s main goal is to provide a new and exciting way to make sure that the company’s customers are happy.

Marriage should be a muddled account, the more muddled the marriage the more sticky it is, to live a happy life, remember not to count too clearly!

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