Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

Tearful, my love that has gone with the wind! (Original First Release 2)

A Wen and their faction to go to a city in Guangxi, the reason I now estimate that may be engaged in pyramid schemes more people, hanging out in groups of three or five, the daily rally to the residence rally, today you that tomorrow I there. They also have to sing and give speeches. There is no proper occupation, which has caused dissatisfaction among local residents and the attention of the local government. Although the pyramid scheme was not yet a street rat, everyone shouted at it. But after all, it is not legal to be openly active. I had to go to a city in Guangxi. There is still uncultivated virgin land, there should be a great future.
I do not want to go back to this mess, but also see that this line of work, although it looks easy to get rich, the actual operation is difficult. First of all, you have to have a black heart, can not speak of conscience, have to tell lies to deceive people. To come also have to do everything possible to join him, join also can not, but also he can call people, interlocking, your downline no one, which is a dead line, you only mention into no income again. The principle is particularly simple, geometric multiplication. Not in detail. I am a good natured person, we really can’t do anything against our conscience, after all, this is a matter of cheating acquaintances and know. I called a few people did not say much at all, let him come over to see, here is a chance to make a fortune to see if you fit. More bizarrely, I said to my best buddy Qiang here a year can earn millions over not, he actually came, but stayed for two days also left, but also let me go with him. I could not help myself at that time, there is A-Man, where do not want to go ah. He was in Chengdu bar bartending, did not return to Chengdu, went to Guangzhou, these people are still in contact with me, but I still feel in my heart owe them. I feel sorry for them.
A Wen does not want to go, she and I are different, she is a student, just graduated from high school in the community only two years, I was discharged from the military in 98, and stayed in Chengdu for two years, social experience after all more. Plus the army’s traditional education for four years is not completely useless, or will play a leading role in your life wandering stage.
When I was unable to choose anxiety, Meng Yi suddenly arrived in Zengcheng. I saw the bb machine showing the army, I have arrived at the Zengcheng bus station. Come quickly. Yi. My head exploded, lost in thought for a few seconds, was at the rally, busy giving a wink to Ah Wen, she also followed, I briefly said, she froze, eyes full of suspicion, perhaps she thought I did not want to go to Guangxi, let Meng Yi to pull me. I explained half a day, she said helplessly, go ahead. I pulled my leg and ran, in the afterglow from time to time, found her still standing for a long time. Perhaps, at that moment has buried a crisis of trust.
I took a taxi for ten minutes to the station and finally saw Meng Yi buying fruit. She looked at me and jumped into my arms, hugging me with both hands, crying and saying, “Why didn’t you call for so long? Is it that you don’t want me anymore? I was speechless, I really changed a lot in three months, call Meng Yi not more than ten times, think of her time is only a few. All day long, I don’t know what I’m doing. Money is not earned, even the most rustic emotions are gone. I thought I liked Ah Wen more, but now I see Meng Yi like this, I also sad, I do not know what to do.
I said to Mengyi, “No, I have a lot of things to do, I think about it. Although the mouth said so, the heart wanted to slap themselves a few, so kind girl you are cheating, is a little unkind, not my usual style? I said don’t do this, the street is crowded, go back. Meng Yi and I just walked a few steps, behind someone shouted, girl, fruit. The original Meng Yi happy to see me forgot everything.
This time Mengyi came, I found her obviously plumped up, but the clean face can not hide a trace of haggard, happy in more than a restless and sad. I asked her, “You’ve gained weight. She blushed slightly, panicked to cover up, which has ah. I was busy to change the subject, the army, you have lost weight, is not a good life ah! I said, the main burden is big, tired. She didn’t say much all the way, but her left hand held my hand, tightly. I carried her small bag, a handful of fruit, all the way to introduce her to everything here walked back to the residence.
The station is not far from the residence, and will be there in a moment. I wonder what will happen? My heart was pounding. Here it comes, Arwen smiles and comes out to greet Mengyi. He took Meng Yi’s fruit. A chat, the atmosphere is cordial, I just put my heart down. By now it was noon and the group was cooking with their hands and feet. Originally, according to the rules of who came to buy who went to Lai, we also follow the tooth sacrifice, improve the food. And we have to eat with nearly ten people. And then poor also have to buy 70 or 80 yuan. I was about to go to buy, Ah Wen has gotten up and said, Jun, you accompany Sister Chen I go to buy food. I said yes. Anyway, she and I can’t be separated financially, and we have to take it from her when we run out of money.
I talked with Meng Yi hot pot city, her face smile obviously more up, it turns out that she just transferred from the team leader to the floor foreman, the salary also has 700 yuan. I feel a sorrow in my heart, others are progressing, but I have not changed, standing still. The guys were also interested in avoiding it, sometimes coming over to pour water.
Wen came back, bought a lot of cold dishes, the abundance than the past a heaven and a underground. The atmosphere was cordial, the group had a good laugh, Arwen has to say is a very different girl and Meng Yi, talk and mannerisms are appropriate, the grasp of proportion is in place. I don’t see any relationship with me at all. I was a little distracted, thinking about what to do next.
In the afternoon, Mengyi and I went to Xiaonan Mountain to fly kites. There are always people flying kites there. The environment is good, a large lawn to lie down, is a good place to relax. Today was not a weekend, only a few people were flying kites. We were sitting on the lawn, leaning together. I don’t know why, but we seem to be less intimate with each other in the past.
Jun, you seem to have changed? Meng Yi said. How did you know about this place? I asked her, avoiding her topic. It was Qiang who told me. I guessed it was Qiang, someone she and I both knew, and an elementary school classmate from back home. The last time Qiang came and left, he told Meng Yi everything about the place on the phone. Let’s go back, shall we? You are an ambitious person, the lobby manager said our hot pot city to open a branch in Beijing, is short of people, let you go back to train waiters and team leaders. Beijing store opening you go to be the lobby manager. I also go over. Meng Yi said hopefully. This news is very tempting to me, there is no doubt that a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is in front of me. The news should be true, I heard when I was going to open a store in Beijing, and I did a good job in the hot pot city, and all aspects of the relationship is also very good. On the one hand, the business ability is okay. On the other hand, the various song and dance competitions held in Chengdu, I have also won awards, although not the best ranking, but in this catering industry, is indeed the best. It is not the best, but it is the best in the restaurant industry. It has won a reputation for the hot pot city and has shown its face. The first thing I did was to have a good relationship with the lobby manager, who was a special forces soldier and retired from the military five years earlier than me. Perhaps people do not know that the military relationship is the most iron most reliable brotherhood, especially about righteousness. Even if you are a big boss, I am a civilian, as long as the same military origin, the relationship immediately close, no sense of restraint. Most of all, he is the boss’s own brother, of course, the right to speak about personnel relations. I want to leave he also reluctant, pulled me a drink, special instructions as long as back to Chengdu, must go to him.
How many days have you been here? I asked Meng Yi. Just five days, three days on the road and back, stay here for two days. I’ll leave the morning after tomorrow. Meng Yi said. Then I’ll think about it. I really don’t know what to do. Consider what, do you have a problem? Mengyi looked up at me. No, no. I squeaked. Admittedly, I have a lot of weaknesses in my personality, and sometimes I am guilty of selective difficulties and indecision. I heard that many people have, to buy something, two brands, it will not know how to choose, will compare for a long time. I really want to go back, but what about Ah Man? Now what about Meng Yi? I am not sure who I love, I can’t even come up with the right judgment right now.
The first thing I want to do is to get back to the house. Meng Yi said softly. I was silent,. In fact, I came to prepare my mind before. It was Qiang who told me. Speaking of which, Mengyi flung herself into my arms and cried. It turns out that Qiang left from me, and did not go to Guangzhou, but back to Chengdu, all told her, she wanted to come immediately, but the service industry is not other industries. Even the Spring Festival is not rest, this time suddenly take leave, no special reasons do not even think about it. Unless you don’t want to do it, even if you don’t want to do it, you have to write a resignation report to the HR manager half a month in advance. Otherwise, it is and money can not go. I go all rely on the manager of the identity of the comrades, or deducted money is certain. She is the foreman, the size of the middle leadership, the entire floor dozens of private rooms rely on her management. Especially at night when there are many guests, from 7:00 to 9:00, there is a queue for the number. Do not book in advance is not want to eat this store’s hot pot. Not to introduce the hot pot city in detail, anyway, very famous in Chengdu. I do not know how it is now more than a decade. Hundreds of tables in the lobby have to return to half of the table. Upstairs is better, there must also be a third. At this time, the foreman must also greet customers. Meng Yi did not take a vacation, those days in a trance. Always make mistakes. Finally lead to the night to help the waiter to watch the table distracted guests run a single.
Run single is a low-level error, generally few waiters will make. Unless the newcomer. You just need to concentrate on the spirit, keep an eye on the guests, it will not appear. Upstairs private rooms more will not, the door is closed, standing outside the door, the guests walk who know, is not a single run. As for eating bully meals. Not the responsibility of the waiter, there are naturally security guards to deal with. Meng Yi this level of backbone, at least a few years in the restaurant world, a big mistake, is difficult to account for. She is in a high position, the usual envy and jealousy of many people must be, plus people have a beautiful, that is even more extraordinary. You can’t take up all the good things. Let those people with mediocre beauty still live not live. Fortunately, Meng Yi is usually low-key, treat people gently, never lecture people. In addition, people are honest, and work quickly, so out of this, the rumors of the Fijian fallen people are not many, many people pleading for mercy. Manager on my face, called her to the office to ask the reason, comforted her a few words, revealed the meaning of letting me go back. And allowed her five days leave. Externally announced that she was suspended for introspection, five hundred salary deductions to compensate for the loss of half of the single run. The money was not deducted in the end, I do not know how this manager comrades is how to do the account to wipe out the deficit. That will not be known.
Knowing that Meng Yi for me suffered so much, I was in a stirring mood, hard to contain, looking at Meng Yi in his arms, crying with pearly tears. I feel sorry for her. I can’t control it anymore, I leaned down and kissed the cherry mouth. The familiar feeling came back, kissing me so much that I could not breathe, Meng Yi has never been so active, as if she wanted to tear me apart and dissolve in her blood. I couldn’t help myself, and I was back to my wolf nature. The bottom was shamefully hard. The mind is intertwined in the battle, so sorry Arvin, can not be in the hurt Meng Yi. In the end, who do you love? You have only sex and give up the conscience of being human? Is it to move and love her or have love and love? I can not say clearly
I raised my head for a long time and told Monique in detail about everything that had happened in the past three months, and the little bits and pieces of Arwen. She did not say anything for a long time, I am a lively and humorous extrovert, but at this time there is nothing to say. It is meaningless to say anything, explain? To argue? All pale and powerless. The fact is that I have known Meng Yi for seventeen years, good for six years, living together for two years, are about to talk about marriage, I cheated. I have thought about it, perhaps I and Meng Yi too good, too familiar. Love has turned into affection. Even sex is not much passion. She is an introvert but has a very good heart, and she follows me in everything. This has helped me to be more macho. During the period of cohabitation, I did nothing but work. She does all the laundry and cooking and buying household chores. What’s worse is that she also works and earns money. And what about me? Perhaps, she glowed to the limit of maternal glory. I was treated like an overgrown child. Maybe, she is with the worship mentality and I live. I am also the man of the hour in Hot Pot City, and it is a matter of honor to be my girlfriend. In fact, it is not necessary, she looks beautiful. It is the kind of beauty that is elegant and unpretentious. Use the flower as a metaphor for daffodils. Traditionally quiet, this beauty is the natural beauty, not decorated. A-Man is also considered beautiful, but compared with Meng Yi, the higher and lower. Aman is the beauty of the wild, firm character and calm and assertive. It’s like a roadside rose. The stubborn and confident, even sex is also active and wild. With Meng Yi, the passion tends to die down. The appearance of Ah Wen activates the inner impulse. Their very different personalities gave me a new and exciting experience.
What do you do now? Mengyi asked me. I don’t know, I’ll think about it for a few days. That’s all I could say. Meng Yi was obviously disappointed, and her hopeful eyes became dim. I avoided her eyes, let’s go back. No, I’m going back to Chengdu tomorrow, will you stay with me tonight?

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