Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

7 behavior that the man is chasing you

Friends above, lovers not yet full of time, but the man will try to please and pursue you. But some sluggish girls, because they are not sure of each other’s intentions, they tell themselves not to think too much, and the result is a good marriage is missed for nothing. Do not want to want to Korean drama heroine, to the last episode to know each other’s feelings, then come to see what men are using some tricks to express his pursuit. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

From friends to lovers, to cross this relationship in addition to confessing this way, is to pay you, to pay you have to face his existence. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

The truth is that many men don’t hide their likes too much, and even if they haven’t reached the ambiguous stage of confession time, he will make one move after another to be nice to you. The purpose is nothing else but to let you know that “I am interested in you” or to remind you that “I am pursuing you”.

01 Greetings and chats become daily

Say the important things out loud Once: Even regular friends don’t chat every day, and they don’t chat every day to ask about your day-to-day.

“What are you doing?” , “Good night, are you asleep?” and so on and so forth. The starting point is not to have any important matters, simply want to talk to you, want to know how you are doing, and every day every day. Even if any of you are busy and may not have time to chat, passing a simple text or posting a picture is a piece of him missing.

Everyone who receives this kind of concern, which tends to be ambiguous, can imagine what kind of miss and courage it takes to hold a phone and hesitate to send a message for half a day, and how important you are to him.

02 will send you a gift and it’s absolutely heartfelt

When it’s a holiday or your birthday, he’ll definitely send you a gift. The most important thing is that you have to be careful when you’re not going to be able to get a gift. The so-called unambiguous is that will give a gift that ordinary friends of the opposite sex will not give. For example, handmade gifts, such as a time you mentioned always wanted but not something, such as flowers, silver jewelry and other highly suggestive items. It means you are high on his mind.

03 Asking you out alone

Inviting you out alone and not doing anything out of the ordinary. The actual fact is that you will not be able to do anything out of the ordinary, or even invite you to dinner, go shopping with you, and show you new and interesting things, which is definitely the play of a man pursuing a woman. It is possible to eat and shop without being cheesy, but know that they are actually very not romantic, they just want more opportunities to be with you. Of course every date, no matter how late he will first get you home safely, is also a sign of his love for you.

04 Pretend to have a connection

The “chance encounter” trick is one of the usual “tricks” to woo the opposite sex and is often tried and true. In the way to and from work, you will often find him, he seems to be with you like a shadow. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

It’s not surprising that he would pull this move on you.

It’s not surprising that he would make this move on you.

05 prying openly about you

He will go around asking people on the sidelines and your close friends for everything about you. If only silently inquiring, he may just be secretly in love with you; but when his inquiring is not covered up at all, openly and honestly, it means he has launched an attack on you. He wants all his friends around him to know that he is pursuing you, and no one else should even think about you.

06 waking you up

This behavior is a little “ambiguous” in itself. It’s a little “ambiguous” in itself, and it’s definitely energizing to hear a favorite voice at the beginning of the day. This is one of the easiest and most often used, and has the highest success rate.

No reason, because when he asks for it and you say yes, it’s actually a hit and miss. Because no girl will let herself get up without feeling the opposite sex. Not to mention what time it is now, calling to wake up is better than booking a few more alarms on your own phone. So this is the start of you unloading on each other. A small call to wake up contains proof that the man wants to take care of you and that you acquiesce to him being good to you.

07 treating you differently than others

The first thing that you can do is to find you in a sea of people. It is also because your presence is so huge for him, others are not, it is only for you. The other people have, you can get a better one. You are the first consideration for him, and he doesn’t deny it in the face of others who question the eccentricity. He doesn’t know what it means to treat everyone equally, because wanting to be with you, you are the one who is most special.

A man chases a woman by doing something to make you happy, whether it’s giving you a gift, inviting you on a date, caring for you and loving you, all are proof of his pursuit of you.

But not all men have the courage to pursue the girl they like. There may be a crush on your side who is not actively pursuing you, but is also devoted to you and is around you caring about your every move. Have you ever paid attention to him?

01He remembers what you casually said

Even you forget things that you yourself He can actually help you remember things that you would forget. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you want to eat, and one day he will be able to say it and even make it happen.

If he likes you, he’ll always be watching you, trying to get to know you, and not missing the details. He tries hard to remember every word you say, also to let you know how considerate he is, and how much you weigh in his mind.

02He likes to tease you when he has nothing to do

He doesn’t say he likes you.

03 He says yes to every word you say

When a man likes someone, he treats himself like a superhero. What you ask, he will mission to achieve. You want something, he will help you with raw will also be born. If you want to go home, regardless of the southeast and northwest he will say all by way of. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

04 He might be cool

There are also The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you are doing. It will deliberately play cool in front of you and ignore you, but will have fun with other women in front of you.

If you want to test his true feelings, play with other men in front of him and see how he reacts. Or tell him “I’m going on a blind date” and see how he reacts.

05He instantly turns into an innocent boy in front of you

He Usually talks out of turn, but in front of you he’s polite, speaks carefully, and has a bit of a silly face.

Women are always attracted to men who are polite and generous, or at least that’s what men think. If you’re looking for a new one, you’ll be able to “recreate” your image to make you feel good about him.

06 He will dress up before he meets you

He usually dresses casually, mostly in boxers with a t-shirt. However, every time you are with him, he is dressed well, sprays his hair with hair wax, and you can even smell the cologne scent wafting from his body.

As the saying goes, “A woman is a woman’s best friend,” but men are not. They believe that dressing has a lot to do with confidence. If you have a certain amount of weight in his mind, he certainly does not want to be surrounded by men who are more “stylish” than him when he goes out on the street with you.

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