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How do couples get along in a relationship that lasts?

Walking through the season of love, harvest love men and women, as expected into the marriage, began the life of two people once vowed husband and wife, in this common home, planting hope, cultivating the future. But many people will have this feeling, said marriage is the “grave”. After marriage, the sweetness of love is less, the trivial things more; you and I have less atmosphere, the time of the sword is more …… This is marriage is not love, love and can be a shot, marriage to the end of the divorce I believe there will not be many people willing to try. In fact, there are ways for couples to get along with each other.

1. Stop the bickering

As the saying goes “A thousand words will not make a friend, but one word can offend a friend.” Not to mention a couple lying on the same couch. If there is a real problem, bring it to the table and figure out what you are trying to do – not to argue, but to solve the problem. The problem between the couple is not a big deal, “courtesy”, calmly resolve, think more, the other party to give their tolerance, understanding, consideration, warmth, interest, think about the problem from many angles, what else can not be put down, what else is worthy of a couple of things? Since God is destined to go to the old, and why do not create each other’s troubles, do not cherish it? The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

2. Mutual respect

Some people say that “Behind a successful man there must be an amazing woman”. In the long run of life, husband and wife should be the most emotionally compatible, and this complementary lifestyle dictates that couples should get along and respect each other. In family life, the couple’s quarrel is inevitable, but remember: Never speak without leaving room for maneuvering, do not leave a way back. After the incident, the couple should review themselves and seek forgiveness from each other, to know that the sea of people, couples can come together is not easy. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

3, treat each other as equals

A man and a woman born in the prime of life walk into The marriage is the master of the home. No longer misled by the idea of “male superiority over female”, to talk like good friends, as wild, to appreciate each other in love from a new perspective to find, you will feel: he may be more handsome, no longer a child, a man’s might, more caring and considerate of you; she may be more beautiful, a little more gentle, more tender. She may be more beautiful, more gentle, more tender than usual, more attentive and caring eyes. Couples may wish to see more of each other’s strengths and send more words of praise. Politely put forward the other side of the problem or need to improve the way, the other side is not to refuse. Because he or she knows that you respect him or her.

4. Heart for Heart

An important reason for couples to get along well One of the most important reasons for couples to get along is to exchange hearts for hearts. The old saying “people are not grass, who can not have feelings”, “hearts are flesh long”, “the kindness of a drop of water, when the spring to repay” and so on. As a husband to care about your wife, “what she needs, what to do, tired, hard or not, what she likes, what she likes hobby, what she wants most ……” and so on, as a wife should also care about your husband,, “he What do you need, what do you do, are you tired, are you working hard, what do you like, what do you like to do, what do you want most ……”. Both husband and wife think more about each other for themselves, for their parents, for their children, for the hard work of the family, with a loving thanks, for each other, is not this a true, pure, beautiful combination?

5. Close the distance

Couples, despite being inseparable and spending time together, the distance of the heart cannot be ignored. It has been said that the farthest distance in the world is the distance of the heart. To close the distance of the heart, we must find the couple common concerns, concerns, interests and hobbies of the topic. The most important thing is to find a way to make the most of the time you have left to chat and exchange, to keep your own views and opinions that you don’t agree on, to talk about the future in a world of two people, and to think about the past, what things are worth remembering and recalling with each other, what things have changed with each other, and so on.

6. Overcoming “isms”

Some couples practice AA, which is a fashion and a new trend that breaks through the traditional concept; some are still influenced by the traditional thought that the husband or wife has the final say at home, either male or female, which is not conducive to the healthy development of the family. In a word: discuss it together.

7, deal with fairness

Couples in the treatment of friends and relatives. Especially the treatment of both parents can not be divided into relatives and friends. It is important to know that couples are raised by their parents hard work, both parents are their own parents, sons to do their sons and sons-in-law’s responsibilities, daughters-in-law to do their daughters-in-law and daughters’ obligations. Some couples are not like that, which is not okay and should be changed. Has it ever occurred to either spouse that when you handle things unfairly, you directly hurt the person you love – your husband (wife) – and ultimately yourself; indirectly, you also hurt your conscience, and “caring for today’s elderly is caring for tomorrow’s us”.

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