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Women’s 7 kinds of behavior to make men think wildly

In addition to the other half, we will have many opportunities to spend time with the opposite sex in life and work, how can we grasp the degree of getting along well? This is a very test of skill work. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

The most important thing is to get along with men and women is to grasp a good degree. For women, the scale is not well grasped, it is easy for the other side to misunderstand, and even make men produce some very ambiguous ideas. Although the man’s character is rough, but the face of the woman, often coarse in fine, he will be from the woman’s words and mannerisms, to capture some details. And it is precisely these details that often make men produce a variety of illusions, so that the thought of non-existent. For example, the following behavior, it is easy for men to have many fantasies between the two. Is this a good thing?

1, casually in front of the opposite sex to pamper and whine

Pampering or Whining usually happens between couples, husband and wife, or father and daughter. If a woman is pampering and whining to a male colleague, or a friend of the opposite sex, once or twice now and then it’s okay, they’ll think you’re cute. But the number of times, it will be misunderstood by the man is showing him favor, that you want to have something with him. Once a man has a different idea about a woman, the fluctuation in his heart is not the usual ambiguity.

And this can easily lead to jealousy if the other half knows about it. After all, this belongs to his right it. At this point, you will not take this seriously? The situation will escalate further.

2. Showing inappropriate concern

Whatever the relationship is Keep whatever distance and cross the line to let the other side have other ideas. Some women are more enthusiastic, not only concerned about the man’s interests, but also the man’s food and clothing, cold and warm thoughts, sometimes hot up will let the man can not hold. For example, a man suddenly has a cold and fever, the woman reminded to take the medicine on time can be, but if you not only buy the medicine for him, but also the medicine and plain water to his hands, soft words and warmth to watch him swallow, and from time to time, the man’s thoughts will be more. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

3. Always complain about your significant other in front of other men

Two people have conflicts or arguments is very normal, but some women often can not hide things in their hearts, but some things can be said, some things killed can not just say. But in life, some women can not control their emotions, in front of other men, count the husband or boyfriend is not, complaining about each other this bad that bad, and even put them and in front of the man than. In fact, said this is not intentional, but the listener is interested. The more you confide, the more the man’s thoughts will be. The more you put your husband or boyfriend down to nothing, the more men feel the opportunity to take advantage of it. Many women are seduced out of the wall, and the mouth can not hold the door, there is a strong correlation.

4, like to joke around with men

Some women are more

Some women are more vivid, not only like to go to the men’s pile, but also like to make some uncommon jokes. Sometimes a mouth, the dirty paragraph out, paragraph not away from the men and women that thing. Some women like and handsome men to take “room” “rolling in bed” joke, or with men from time to time, or ambiguous words at the table, and a man to drink a glass of wine. The man is not a stubborn stone, the woman is so bold and open, if they do not have some other ideas, it means that there are physical problems.

5, like to be cheap in relationships

We often say. Greedy for small gains and big losses. The actual fact is that some women are not reserved enough to take advantage of the situation, and when there is a good thing, they will stick to it. As long as you can rub, you can’t help but rub. Dilly eat, dilly play, dilly car, dilly things. Occasionally rub a few lively, men do not think crooked. But the number of rubbing, and is habitually rubbing, it will put the candle in the heart of the man lit. If there is a gap in the egg, flies are sure to smell the wind and move. As for how to ding, men are not stupid, there are sets and methods.

6. Say something with a hint

A buddy once The first time I saw this, I was able to get to know her, and she liked to tell him what was going on. One day before work, she suddenly came out with the words – “My husband is not home tonight. This is good, he went home on the way to think, think when eating, go to bed still can not stop thinking, he always think female colleagues have words, as if to him hint what. In fact, he thought too much, the female colleague also said so casually. But when a woman faces a man, and each other have a good feeling, she throws out such a sentence every now and then, the man will certainly want to get into the wrong. Similar words are: “I’m bored, I want to find someone to keep me company” – the man will think, do you want me to keep you company? “You are so good to me, I seem to owe you something” – owe what? Most men will think in the direction of ambiguity.

7. Don’t pay attention to your clothes

According to relevant statistics The best conversational distance between men and women is 0.5 meters, while the distance to walk with friends of the opposite sex should be kept at about 1 meter. If a woman is too close, it is easy to send the wrong ambiguous message to men, leading to men’s whims. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

Don’t intentionally create ambiguity

Men and women work together. Many people feel that if they can deliberately create an illusion of ambiguity in their work and life, so that the other party wants to get into it, they have an extra guanyin soldier to do whatever is convenient. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

But men aren’t stupid, and the number of times they’ve tried to take advantage of this, either he’s completely ignored you and the relationship is irrevocable. The actual fact is that you will be able to find out more about the actual actual actuality. The high fighter, you can guarantee that you must be the last to win that one? Many things, often this is the beginning, just the results are not you said even. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do.

It’s good for a woman to let her man think about you, but letting other men think about you might start a fire. So, it is good to be properly reserved. If you meet the opposite sex, you may want to be a friend, but also to respect each other.

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