Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

11 details to see how important you are in the heart of TA

Women are auditory creatures, yet men are not as expressive as women. So most women are not sure if he actually loves them as much as they think he does, and how much weight they account for in a man’s heart. The most important thing is that you can see how much of your heart is in the small details of your life.

“You ask how much I love you, how much I love you”, do you often have this question in front of your lover? To understand the weight of your heart in his heart? Then don’t let go of any details, use your eyes, use your heart to observe and experience! Here are 11 areas that are very informative for this question!

1. Look at the order of shopping

Hand in hand together The first thing you need to do is to go shopping in the supermarket, buy household goods or snacks to break your mouth, or go shopping in the mall, this scene is full of happiness when you think about it. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of how much he loves you.

If he can’t wait to meet the things you’ve wanted to buy for a long time, and remembers what you said you wanted to eat last time you went to the supermarket, then let’s just say that you’ve met a man like this and you’ve met a treasure, honey.

2. See if he has declared himself single

The “stable relationship” in the relationship status field of the profile, or the simple phrase “wife in the family” in the signature, although it is only a declarative meaning, and I believe that there are many handsome women who do not care about this matter, but if it is the man The initiative to replace this state, with a proud and show-off mood to let the world know that he ended up single, quickly let friends around you know that you exist, so proud of your other half, what’s wrong? The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

3, look at the number of times he calls you

When a man misses you, he will naturally take the initiative to call you. Even if he is a workaholic, or that he has very little discretionary time, but he still calls you every day, and even care about how you eat three meals a day, then you must be very important to him, and even take you as part of life. Otherwise, the natural rough line of men, who will have nothing to do always call you?

4. See if he has photos of you together in his personal stuff

I have to say, if your partner has set your photo as the wallpaper on your phone, it is a great affirmation for you. Men are usually not good at setting the wallpaper of your phone as your photo together, and some of them even have goose bumps. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

But don’t feel bad if your guy can’t do that, maybe it’s just macho attention. The first thing you need to do is to take a step back, and if you can find a picture of you together on his computer or in his desk drawer, you should be happy too.

5. See if he’s actively talking to you about his family and family matters

While men are strong and generally do not shout about their family matters as women do, even the strongest man has the softest side in front of the woman he loves most. When he frankly in front of you to mention their own family people and things, recounting his most profound past, and even talk about his pets with interest …… then, he has you as his closest people to see, as if family, which can already prove that he loves you deeply. If he is in front of you on his family, family matters are always taboo, avoid it, then he must not really love you, at least, love you love not deep enough.

7. See if he comforts you first or complains about you when you make a mistake

If he loves you deeply, when you make a mistake, he will first consider your feelings, he understands that you may have aggravated yourself by blaming yourself, so he will psychologically produce a hormone called pity and love you, then he will be very forgiving to comfort you, and when you are as quiet and good as a kitten he will tell you what is wrong, and will never scold you or complain about you! If he just keeps complaining about you without asking the reason and questioning you, then his heart must not be dominated by you.

8. See if he has items in his car just for you

The romance of a petite couple is just as intense as the romance of a date where he drives you around in his car. After entering into a relationship, if he prepared an exclusive winter jacket for you, it means that he thinks highly of you and hopes that he can be the best driver for you to rely on in the future. What’s more, this jacket only you can wear, never allow others to move. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

9. See if he remembers your important holidays

Important How the holiday is defined is always a gamble for women and a guess for men. “A year of Valentine’s Day, in the end, how many?” , “For girls, what are the most important holidays in the end?” Obviously it is worth celebrating the day, for this matter quarrel, of course, the heart is not good. It seems unlikely that men will remember Valentine’s Day, White Valentine’s Day, the anniversary of their acquaintance, 520, the 100-day anniversary of their relationship, and so on. For men, there are only 2 important days, that is, your birthday (forced to be important XD) and wedding anniversary. Before marriage, men usually remember their birthdays but not their “relationship anniversaries” that women think are important, because birthdays can be checked!

If a man can remember your birthday, it means that you have a place in his heart. If he remembers the anniversary of your acquaintance and relationship, it only means that he is really attentive has loved you very much, if he does not remember, it does not mean that he does not have you in his heart oh, only that the man’s heart is too thick. The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the market.

10. See if he’s used to spending time with you when he’s home or if he’s used to entertaining himself

10. align:left;”>Women expect a man who is around 24/7, but this can be a little difficult for men. A man’s career takes up most of their time, but of course that’s because he has to work hard for your “bread”. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

But if all your guy does is surf the web alone, eat noodles alone, and go out to frustrate mahjong alone, then your love may have shifted more toward affection, or your love may have faded.

11. Is it sophomoric or corrective to your bad habits

Everyone has more or less the flaws that the other person sees, especially men, and women hate them for their vices like smoking, drinking, playing cards, and so on. If he is deeply in love with you, when you are complaining that he should not smoke, he can immediately correct, and no longer need your reminder, he will always pay attention to his behavior. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

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