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Quickly see what level of procrastination you are to

What is procrastination? It is a modern phenomenon that can have a negative impact on an individual’s physical and mental health if it is too severe, and can even be accompanied by mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression, so we must pay sufficient attention to this serious state of procrastination when it occurs!

Take a test: How far do you procrastinate

“Everyone has procrastination,” and everyone has more or less of the symptoms of procrastination. The difference is that some people have lighter symptoms, while others have reached an advanced stage and have become senior procrastinators. So, let’s measure your level of procrastination!

1. Whether it’s a summer or winter assignment, or a task given by your leader, you always procrastinate until the last minute.

2. It’s tempting to be self-disciplined and always set a start time for yourself, imagining that you’ll be able to quit procrastinating from then on, but it never lasts more than a few days.

3. I have friends who procrastinate more than I do, and have secretly rejoiced in my mind that I’m not too bad.

4. There is no one among my friends who procrastinates more than I do anymore, and I can hardly stand it.

5. Sometimes I am so helpless and mad at myself, why I have become such a procrastinator.

6. Even when I go out for appointments, I am late, and I have missed very good people or friends or clients because of this.

7. Every time I procrastinate until I finally have to finish a task, I realize that it’s not that hard and it doesn’t take that much time, and I don’t understand why I just put it off before.

8. I often fantasize that I can stay up all night to finish the task, and the more I get to the end the stronger the fantasy gets.

9. Feel that procrastination has seriously affected your life and interfered with getting the success you were supposed to get.

10. Imagine that one day there will be a cure-all for procrastination that will get rid of you all of a sudden.

If 8-10 of the 10 questions above speak to you, congratulations, you’ve become a severe procrastinator; if 4-7 are accurate descriptions for you, you’re a moderate procrastinator; if only 1-3 match your situation, you are still a new member of the procrastination family, a mild procrastinator; if none of them match your situation, either you have never procrastinated and are extremely self-disciplined, or you have successfully gotten rid of procrastination.

The real face of procrastination

“Procrastination is a trendy word, and many people even try to put themselves forward as procrastinators, as if it’s not fashionable in this day and age to not have some minor mental illness. But what we thought was no big deal is probably already affecting every aspect of our lives, and even unknowingly having serious consequences for us.

Is your “procrastination mind” always on the move

The term “procrastination” has become popular in recent years, and many people often post online “I hate procrastination,” “How can I procrastinate so much? “The company’s main goal is to provide a solution to the problem of procrastination.

Young people even try to put themselves forward as “procrastinators” by any means possible, as if it’s not fashionable in this day and age to not have a minor mental illness. No matter what is not accomplished, or fails due to personal factors, you can say “hey, I just blame it on procrastination”. It’s amazing how procrastination has become the best excuse for failure.

Procrastination seems to be a common problem in our time, and there are many factors that contribute to procrastination, not just the usual perception of laziness. The company’s main goal is to provide a platform for the development of a new generation of people who will be able to work in the future.

Tips to stop procrastinating

1. “procrastination”, you must first pay enough attention to it psychologically.

2. Your procrastination has actually gone far beyond your imagination, and quitting procrastination starts with the smallest things.

No one can steal your time but you

Many People are asking: Where did the time go? But the truth is, no one can steal your time but you.

You may not be able to decide what college you go to, what city you go to, or what job you do, but you can decide how to use your own time. You can choose to muddle through, or you can choose to live each day to the fullest, to the fullest.

Everyone has a limited amount of time in a day. For the average worker, who works 9 to 6 and spends at least nine hours a day at the office, there are only four or five hours in the day that are really free to spend, after commuting, eating, and sleeping.

People who have a habit of procrastinating also have a much higher probability of becoming moonlighters. Because the future seems illusory to them, they are not willing to pay for future time.

But all the future that has been postponed and delayed will come, and the future will definitely cost you more time and energy. As the saying goes, “Sooner or later, you have to pay back what you came out with.”

Tips to quit procrastinating

1. Don’t schedule things for The unpredictable tomorrow, the people who do not cherish today, tomorrow is only a beautiful imagination.

2. Identify those trivial moments you waste (like waiting for the elevator) and find ways to minimize them or make them more valuable.

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