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What makes even women cheat?

We often hear or see men cheat, but women actually cheat too. In addition to that, it is known that 70% of women cheat because they are insecure in their own marriages and feel unusually lonely. So they this leads them to eventually take the path of cheating, betraying the vows they once made and betraying their marriage. But how to save a cheating marriage? The first thing you must know is what causes women to cheat, and here are 6 reasons why women often cheat.

1. Enjoy the romance

Women need understanding and support, but husbands are sometimes not the best match. The love between couples often fades away in real life, with little time for communication and a lack of calm atmosphere. Women are often dissatisfied with their husbands: their husbands lack humor, their husbands are not diligent enough, their husbands are not considerate enough, it’s simply enough, but who can they talk to about these things? Who can understand the struggles of work and life? When one meets someone outside the marriage who can give comfort, it is easy to go down the wrong path of cheating.

2, find the feeling of first love

Bland life, boring What else but a lover can make women who are tired of living in the same house think of themselves as fairy tale princesses again? The lover makes women feel in love all the time, doesn’t make women cook and wash dishes at all, and the lover will always say, “Baby, what do you want to eat?”

What’s more, women face more temptations in their lives than men do, and any woman who is remotely attractive should have countless experiences of being pestered by men from childhood to post-marriage, and with men outside of marriage, women can get back to feeling like their first love.

3, to satisfy the feeling of vanity

A man can go to the massage room The next generation can sing in the K lounge with their arms around them, and they can stay out all night. Women are also human beings and have to pay a lot more than men to have children and raise them, so why can’t women cheat? Why should women be expected to put up with humiliation, be clean and careful?

Times are different, and women’s vanity has to be satisfied, and they no longer want to be around the stove, around men and children. If you can find a lover, he will accompany the shopping day, looking at the wide range of goods, will keep saying: “Baby, this dress is beautiful, you must look good in it, try it?” “Baby, this handbag goes well with your black dress, buy it?”

4. Desire for sex

Women is in need of nourishment, both love and sex. Women are sexual because of love, and without love, the desire for sex shrinks. Long-term unsatisfied with marriage, will make the woman in a double hunger for love and sex. At this time, if another man comes forward to care for her and appreciate her, women will not hesitate to use him to fill the emptiness and hunger, and mistake extramarital love for true love.

5, rich fantasy

Where there is a rich sexual fantasy The woman who has a lot of sexual fantasies is a woman who is easily aroused. The so-called sexy, not only out of the appearance of flirtatious, but also out of the mind the ability to sexual fantasy. Women who have rich sexual fantasy ability naturally need to have more opportunities to practice their sexual dreams. When the right man comes along, they are naturally more tempted.

6. Sex for love

The lower the self-esteem to no self The more women who have low self-esteem to no ego, the more they want to please each other by satisfying men’s sexual needs, hoping to gain each other’s love through their own devotion. They mistakenly interpret a man’s sexual need for her as “he loves me because he wants to have sex with me”. The woman is unable to fulfill her desire for love, so she has to exchange it for sex.

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