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What age group of women are most likely to cheat

Women cheating is not a new thing, but there are certain patterns that occur with women cheating as opposed to the universality of men cheating. For example, the age range is a good example.

A survey done by the Singapore Family and Juvenile Justice Center showed that relationships are most likely to go wrong when the average husband is 40 and the average wife is 37, and the divorce rate is quite high. After more than a decade of living together, the bonding period has long since passed, so why can’t you escape a marriage crisis?

Women love to hear men say “I love you” before they get married, and they want each other to repeat these three words over and over again, and they want him to provide supporting evidence to prove his love for her, so men are afraid to keep sending her these words. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on this. The majority of men, after marriage, always feel that the two sides of the name has been set, no more care for his wife. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

The men did everything before the wedding to create the atmosphere for the pursuit; all the romance before the wedding turned out to be a waste after the wedding, so they simply stopped this kind of “unnecessary transport “. But this time the woman, psychologically and physiologically, is more in need of men’s care. In fact, in terms of men and women’s attitude towards sex after marriage, they are also very different. The man sees sex as a pastime, while the woman sees it as an extension of her relationship and marriage.

After five years of marriage, it is easy to have an affair

Today’s industrial society The relationship between work and affair is evident in the coexistence of men and women in the workplace. In addition to online dating, the office is the most ideal place to spawn an affair. In the early years, foreign experts found that the women who had the most affairs in all age groups were 26 to 30 years old. A recent survey pointed out that the proportion of women cheating in their 20s, even higher than men of the same age 10%. 1988, a survey conducted in the United States for extramarital affairs reported that young women betrayed their husbands after marriage, faster than any previous period. 1960 years before marriage, the average woman to 14 and a half years after marriage, the first cheating affair. Today, women start having affairs as soon as five years after they get married.

More surprisingly, today’s women start planning to have an affair as soon as four years after marriage. Professor Fisher, an anthropologist at Rutgers University, spent 15 years traveling to 62 countries to conduct research and finally came to these conclusions. She pointed out that the four-year time frame from proposal, marriage, cheating to divorce is pre-programmed into women’s brains, causing the chemicals that make them fall in love with others to disappear within 36 months, followed by a year to recognize the fact, go out and find someone new, and then divorce.

Professor Fisher also pointed out that another reason why women get divorced is that their genes tell them that their children need to be raised by a series of men in order to develop multiple talents and have a better chance of survival, which explains why it’s usually the women who get divorced. women file for divorce.

The above study by Professor Fisher, which reports that women’s genes tell them that their children need to be raised by a chain of men, coincides with the insights of paleoanthropologists. They have always believed that primitive humans practiced group marriage during the caveman era, and in order to survive, women resumed sexual activity in the shortest possible time after giving birth, so as to keep men around to provide food and protection. But it is not known whether men at that time were willing to live with women only until the child was weaned, or until the child could walk and then leave. Is this the 4-year period that Professor Fisher refers to? In addition, does this suggestive gene remain until today, making women think of change 4 years after marriage? These two points need to be further investigated by scholars.

Men who are young like to be promiscuous and women who are older are likely to cheat

Men who are young like to be promiscuous and women who are older are likely to cheat

Men who are young like to be promiscuous and women who are older are likely to cheat

The general picture is that men tend to be most sexually promiscuous in their 20s before marriage. Conversely, women are most likely to cheat when they are 30 to 35 years old after marriage. This point also has certain social factors: in Hong Kong this inch of land, the cost of building and renting a building, has become the heaviest burden on the family economy, to scrimp and save to barely cope with it. Therefore, the general area of the family are very small, which is most unfavorable to the birth of children. This is the reason why many young couples are reluctant to have children for many years after marriage, or only want to have one.

If a woman gives birth to a child around the age of 28, within ten years the child will be in the fourth or fifth grade and will gradually know how to take care of herself without much care from her mother. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. On the contrary, her husband is very busy with his life. At work, he was probably at a critical point in his career and did not have much time to take care of her and care for her. Before the marriage, he would send her roses, but now it is a luxury to watch a movie together. The sweet words that he used to proclaim in his mouth have now disappeared. He may really be too tired to make more love. The loneliness and resentment in her heart was born.

I think, after marriage, women always think they deserve the same love and romance they had before marriage. The timely appearance of an extra-marital lover makes up for the lack of passion. Once you get another man’s thoughtfulness, praise and compliments, do women which have not fallen in love with the reason. The feelings of the lover is romantic and eager to take good care of her, every time she is lost, give her warmth and comfort. The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the public.

Today’s women are more educated than their mothers’ generation. Women in their 30s and 35s have been in the workforce for 10 to 15 years and should be earning several times what they did when they started out. A stable and decent income, as well as a relatively well integrated social security system, eliminates the worries that women may have in case of divorce. It can be argued that women’s increased education levels, and economic independence, have greatly increased the trend of divorce in today’s society, reversing the trend to in turn lead to the derivation of extramarital affairs for women.

In the past, a woman who was unfaithful to her husband would have her life ruined if she was caught in the act. Today’s moral standards have changed considerably, and people are generally more tolerant and even-handed about extramarital affairs. Even if it is unfortunate that the affair is discovered, the big deal is to seek marriage counseling or simply go to court for a divorce. The women of today, especially the highly educated ones, are more likely than their grandmother’s generation to live independently after divorce, raise their children alone or remarry, none of which is difficult for them.

Marriage takes two people with their hearts and minds, and cheating is just an active or passive backlash and helplessness. To solve the problem, it takes two people to think seriously about what to do.

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