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Why do some people choose to be a third party?

As society opens up and human sexual culture picks up, the word third party is appearing more and more frequently in the public eye. There are so many people to choose from, so why go for the third party?

Why third party

Third party is generally a term that belongs to The term woman, because most women as long as they love that man, she will go to tolerate, willing to be a scorned third party, this is the woman. Not many men can do it, even if there are, it can also be called “the best of men”. No woman is born to do the third party, she just had to do the third party in order to love the man. Because they heart of the suffering only when you really know firsthand will know. There are women who complain that they are in love with a married man and their own reason tells them they shouldn’t be, but they can’t control themselves emotionally.

Also it could be that you are overwhelmed by the mature charm of a married man, or it could be because of a woman’s natural vanity and envy and jealousy.

While some women do third party, it cannot be said that they are happy to do it, or that they do it for the sake of being happy to do it, in fact, many of the prerequisites for them to do third party are because of true love, and they cannot help themselves for the sake of their love, they are also very conflicted inside. Will be very contradictory, they do not want to destroy other people’s families, do not want to be said, but because of love and can not be cut off! But in the third party by no means rule out that some women are doing third party for men’s money, this kind of women let us not understand, more hateful! There are also women who do third party, but also in the case of unknowingly do, for example, some married men want to “home red flag does not fall, outside the colorful flag floating”, they want to find a lover, and with a lie that they are not married …… and cheated the girl The girl’s heart, the result is that the girl is unknowingly doing the third party! So you can’t say that some women are happy to be the third party, who are not happy, who want to spend a long time with their loved ones, together with the world of two! But no matter what the reason for doing the third party, we do not advocate and severely put an end to such things, for the sake of other people’s families and moreover their own families!

The third party

The reasons for an affair There are many reasons, but there are two main ones

One is the social culture of male superiority over female, so the proportion of men having an affair is higher.

Second, it is the result of the individual’s dissatisfaction with his or her desires in the marriage. An affair generally hurts all the relationships associated with it. Of these, 65% of the marriages of affair victims will end in divorce (USA). China is now experiencing a yearly increase in divorce cases due to extramarital affairs. According to a survey in one district of Beijing, divorce cases caused by third-party intercourse, which was 14% in 1982, had reached about 40% by 1988.

Personality mismatch refers to the vastly different personality traits of a couple. One is very extroverted and one is very introverted or one is very dependent and one is very independent, such a combination of couples is prone to marital problems.

Divorce due to one spouse’s physical or other reasons is generally a divorce due to one spouse having a physical, infectious, or mental illness. Other aspects such as divorce due to housing issues, long term separation or one party leaving the country, and some sham divorces due to children’s account issues also occur from time to time.

Divorce due to financial problems or when there are major changes in life:

Materials are the foundation and the spiritual life guarantee. Money is one of the essential factors in love and married life. With the transformation of China’s economic system and the development of science and technology, the competition in society is becoming more and more intense, and layoffs and unemployment increase people’s psychological pressure. Unemployment and layoff often cause persistent anxiety, and some couples blame each other, thus intensifying the contradiction between husband and wife and causing the breakup of marriage, and the destructive power of unemployment on marriage is far more than we can imagine. In a survey analysis on the marital quality of divorcees, the author found that in the comparison of the factors of marital quality, especially the economic arrangement factor between the divorce group and the married group presented and significant difference (p<0.001). In fact, poverty does put excessive pressure on marriage, so much so that the divorce rate of poor couples is twice as high as that of rich couples. Some foreign studies have found that couples who divorce or quarrel over financial problems are more likely to be less educated. Couples with higher education levels rarely argue over financial issues. On the other hand, some of our high-income couples also have differences and conflicts in their financial arrangements and spending patterns, which can also lead to marital crises in serious cases.

Why divorce

Causes There are many reasons for divorce, and in daily life, the main ones are as follows:

1. A marriage that lacks love or a marriage that cannot grow in tandem is often encountered in marriage counseling. The lack of love marriage is to maintain the marriage relationship is not love but other factors. For example: hasty marriage and practical marriage, the parties concerned greedy for each other’s social status, money or against their will marriage. These types of marriages usually end in divorce when they reach a certain stage of development. Usually the man will be his wealth, social status to attract women, they think that as long as the money can be a woman’s heart, not knowing that women in material life to fully meet the situation, will pursue emotional satisfaction. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

A marriage that does not grow in tandem means that the couple cannot progress and develop together. For example, the husband or wife is good to learn and improve, while the other party is doing nothing, playing cards and playing all day, not paying attention to their own quality of training. The common language and interests between husband and wife will become less and less over time, and differences in worldview and values will emerge, leading to the breakdown of the marriage.

2. Lack of skills and methods to get along with both sexes, not knowing how to meet each other’s needs, not feeling each other’s love, mistakenly believing that the relationship has broken down and leading to divorce

In marriage counseling, such causes account for a large proportion of marital breakups, and most of them are caused by small couples. The reason for this has a lot to do with the improvement of material living standard in China. People began to pursue spiritual and emotional satisfaction on the basis of meeting their material needs. But because of the great difference between men and women in cognition, thinking and behavior, so that this basic need is very difficult to meet. Sometimes both spouses give love, but this love may be what the spouse does not need. The reason for this is that they do not understand what their spouse really needs. Some people think they know their spouse well, but in fact they know nothing about their spouse’s psychological needs, and love is often lost in this misunderstanding.

3. An affair or personality mismatch is a companion to human marriage, and the “affair” phenomenon contains a very complex social-family-personal psychological component.

Why be a third party? An expert’s perspective

So when there is a third party problem, one party should not simply be blamed, or the third party blamed. The injured person may also have some problems themselves. Only if both parties are honest enough to face up to their feelings and put their hearts and souls into it, can a third party be ruled out.

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