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5 things to avoid the sinking of the great ship of love

Everyone wants their love life to go smoothly, and everyone has a different perspective when it comes to relationships. No matter how much you love each other, you can’t ignore the importance of managing your love. These are ways to get a successful outcome to your relationship and avoid the huge wheel of love that says it will sink.

The biggest enemy of a love marriage is not time, but the fact that you don’t put your heart and soul into your relationship as time passes. Many times we put our heart and soul into it, but the other side still feels that you don’t love him or care about him. Perhaps the problem lies in the method. If you happen to have this need, please read carefully and stick to it. It is a special blessing to meet love, and it would be a great achievement in your life if you could keep this happiness.

1. Talk like good friends

Building and maintaining long-lasting The most important thing for a happy intimate relationship is for two people to be able to sit down together and have a good conversation, to be able to appreciate and talk freely to each other as good friends.

1) Perceive your lover’s emotional cues

Each of us are all different in our ability to receive information, some are more sensitive to visual information, some to auditory information, and some to tactile information …… so it’s quite possible that you and your loved one, receive emotional signals differently.

2) Maintain active physical contact

In addition to verbal

In addition to verbal communication, physical touch is just as important a way to convey affection – looking at each other, touching each other gently – and these nonverbal messages are just as important.

2. Keep yourself actively growing and renewing and getting to know each other again

Keep yourself constantly growing and renewed and try to stay fresh in each other’s minds. Romantic love and passion requires a sense of novelty.

Prepare a few nice home outfits, give yourself different looks at home, try to change the tableware, the room arrangement, change our talk, our brain, change our ability… …to grow positively through change.

3. Leave “private time” for you and your lover

1) Commit to spending time with your lover on a regular basis

Even in the most stressful and hectic times, a few heartfelt words to each other can bring your hearts closer together The hearts of the two of you are more tightly bound together. Don’t plan when the next one will be, you’ll never have time for a date. Set a time for both dates.

2) Discover common likes

Do as many things as you can that both of you like at the same time. Do things that you both enjoy at the same time. Go dancing together, take a walk, or sip a cup of coffee together in the morning~

3) Try something new together

3) Try something new together

:2em;text-align:left;”>This will bring you closer together and keep your relationship fresh at all times! It’s as simple as going down to a new restaurant together or taking a little trip like never before!

4. Learn to handle the ups and downs of your relationship

< strong>1) Don’t inflict your worries on your loved ones

The stress of life can make us irritable and use our family as a “punching bag”. This is the easiest and safest way to let off steam, but, in the long run, feelings will slowly be eroded. Find other ways to vent your resentment and anger.

2) Some problems need to be solved together

Forcing your will on others will only create more problems. Everyone has their own way of solving problems, and don’t forget that you are a couple in the same boat, and working together will help you turn bad times into good ones.

3) Be open to change

It’s inevitable that things will change. You can accept it or you can reject it. Adaptability is essential to fickle feelings, and it allows you to thrive in good times and bad!

5. A healthy relationship reaps what it sows

If you want to get 100% from a relationship, just wait to be disappointed! Healthy relationships are based on mutual benefits, and the perfect win-win can only be achieved by mutual efforts.

1) Be sensitive to your lover’s desires

You need to know what your lover wants – this is important to create a friendly, mutually beneficial atmosphere. On the other hand, the other person should also be attentive to your needs, but you have to make them clear. Giving and giving back are inseparable, and not giving back, just giving, is an unhealthy relationship pattern that will lead you to resentment.

2) Don’t impose your will on the other person

If you always have your significant other do whatever you want, it will be difficult for you to reach a compromise. This attitude arises sometimes because of unfulfilled teenage wishes and sometimes because old grievances reach boiling point and conflict is imminent. There is nothing wrong with sticking to your beliefs, but it is also important to listen to the other person’s opinion. Respecting each other will make it easier for you to achieve your goals and for both sides to be happy.

3) Learn to resolve arguments with dignity

In your relationship life The purpose is not to see who “wins” who, but to solve the problem in a harmonious and loving way and make up. The most important thing is to make sure you are arguing on a fair basis, don’t attack each other directly, use “I think” sentences to express your opinion, don’t reveal “old wounds”, discuss the matter and respect each other.

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