Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

How can you tell if you have found true love?

After being together for a long time, basically, not only the relationship has faded, but even the moments of being together will appear to be bored, tired of feeling, like once thought that going on a road trip is a fun experience, now when you can’t find the way, you will feel that the other party is wasting their time. In fact, whether a couple can go to the end, often depends on whether they are willing to continue to love each other when faced with such a situation, holding I am going to fight with you, I am willing to have arguments with you, but no matter what I still just want your heart to persist. The company’s main focus is on the development of a new product that will be used in the future.

1. Going on a trip together and everything going wrong

The reality is that the TVs in your hotel are only a few channels away and the internet sucks; you’re running out of time at the airport and you can’t figure out which gate to be at because the board keeps changing. You’re a really good match.

2. You’d drive around together and spend all day together

If driving with your significant other to a place farther than the supermarket near where you live, it’s likely you’ll start to feel restless, bored, and exhausted…. Maybe he’ll want to play Nickelback and you don’t want to listen to anyone but Beyoncé; the excitement of not having to go to your regular beach, deciding to drive six hours to another beach, will now become “What the hell, you drank the last sip of water! and “Why didn’t you bring more snacks with you? The first thing you can do is to go home together after all these tragedies and still like each other, which is true love.

3. You met his parents, and they didn’t like you at first

The whole meeting each other’s parents thing will always be stressful, and if they love you a lot that’s fine, but if they have doubts about you as a person, but you find ways to not take it personally with his parents, not say angry things like they’re lucky to have you, and get over it all, cherish the relationship.

4. You have a problem with one of his best friends

I’m pretty I’m sure some of my friends’ girlfriends made me feel awful when I first met them, and I think there was a part of me that kept screaming “Don’t be with this girl! But I’m also glad that some people don’t really do that, after all, sometimes it’s just the tension that causes that attitude or behavior, and you and your significant other and his friends have to walk through it together.

5. Sitting on a plane and starting a fight as a result

On What’s there to argue about on a plane…? In such a tight space, even if it’s just the last packet of peanuts left on the table and you don’t want to share it with him, it can lead to an argument, and because you can’t go anywhere there’s absolutely no room to calm down, and at this point if you still want to hold each other’s hands when you get to the ground, then don’t let go again.

6. Go shopping at IKEA after being together for a long time

Just It may be romantic to go to IKEA at the beginning, but after being together for a long time, staying at IKEA with your other half for five more minutes can turn into a disaster (watching him choose one thing for an hour, and walking back and forth the same route three or four times. ! It’s really admirable that you don’t feel like throwing things at him, and you even managed to assemble the furniture together when you got home.

7. Go to a party where he knows everyone, but you know no one

7. align:left;”>While it’s likely just a little awkward in the mood, if you’re willing to go to a party like this and put up with only being able to binge on potato chips out of boredom, sit alone on the couch on your phone, and fake laugh over jokes you don’t even understand, that’s really admirable, and I’m sure your future doesn’t have to be worried about.

8. Attending a wedding without feeling uncomfortable

It’s normal to go to a wedding together and look at each other with awkward looks, but it’s a great sign if you can watch the newlyweds commit to each other for life with an open mind and feel good about the fact that you’re sharing this moment together.

9. Find a coordinated approach to setting up the apartment

I haven’t met any couples who have a coordinated approach to setting up their home. I haven’t met any couple with exactly the same taste in home decor, so being willing to compromise on something and accepting that the table is ugly to you but quite beautiful to him means you’re a sound-minded other half.

10. When you haven’t eaten all day and neither of you knows what to eat

10. align:left;”>This situation can easily turn into a drama of taking it out on each other, and if one of you thinks that getting on the phone and ordering pizza will solve the problem instead of starting to gamble and waiting for the other half to fix it, you can really get married!

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