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How long after the relationship is the most suitable for marriage?

How long is it appropriate to get married? This is the question that lovers will keep thinking about when they are in love, and the short line of dating is afraid that they will not be able to look at TA carefully, and the long line is worried that the idea of marriage has passed. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new one.

How long is it appropriate to get married (survey of married people)

The survey results show that among married people, the largest number of people get married between 1 and 3 years of love, accounting for 44.4% of participants; followed by the “flash marriage” within a year, accounting for 30.1%; 5 to 8 years and above “long-running people” at least, accounting for only 9.8%.

For the time of dating and marriage, 45.8% of people are in favor of getting married between one and three years, while 31.6% think it is more appropriate to get married around one year. Only 3.3% of people support more than 5 years of love before getting married. However, 73.4% believe that the most suitable state for marriage is when the relationship is stable and mature, when they can fully understand each other and accept each other’s shortcomings.

How long is a relationship suitable for marriage (three must-know points)

< strong>Why give men a trial period

Men and women in modern society are no longer as innocent and pure as they used to be. Love is mixed with a lot of material things, such as money, power, beauty …… as a woman, in love is generally the most vulnerable, and strong men even if they suffer from the heavy wounds of love, the wounds can heal more quickly. If you have no money, no power, and no beauty, then women will also worry about men cheating their hearts out and hollowing them out ……

Trial period, not only applies to men on It also applies to women. In the woman to give men a trial period, perhaps the man is also giving you a trial period, in testing whether you are suitable to become their lifelong partner. Both sides are trying each other out, found unsuitable to terminate early, which also avoids the occurrence of unhappy marriage. The trial period may be used to test whether you truly love each other, whether you can withstand the test, personality and other aspects of whether they fit together, etc. To give men a trial period, but also to give themselves a trial period, after all, marriage is not just a matter of two people, or two families. In a society where the divorce rate is so high, the elderly at home do not want their offspring’s marriage to end in divorce. The probationary period is a good accounting for yourself, for each other, and for your family.

How long to get married after dating depends on the person

To ask how long to get married after How long before you get married, everyone will have a different story because everyone’s situation is different.

There are older leftover men and women who hate to get married as soon as they fall in love and end the road to singleness as soon as possible; there are younger men and women who want a longer relationship period because marriage is different from love, and after marriage they will be bothered by tedious chores and so on, without the romance and stress-free during the relationship; there are people who want a longer relationship period, because marriage is different from love, and after marriage they will be bothered by tedious chores and so on. The romance and stress-free; some people think that the relationship period should not be too long, because the love for a long time, love has faded into family, friendship. The company’s main focus is on the development of a new product, which is a new product for the company.

Some people get married in a flash and can go to the end of happiness; some people get married after a love marathon, but face the crisis of divorce after less than a year or two of marriage; some people get married after a year or two of love and also harvest happiness… …

So there is no definitive answer as to how long it takes to get married after falling in love, and no one is saying that how long it takes to get married is a sure way to grow old together or midway through the process. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are happy after getting married. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

The best time to get married

Some people say get married after six months of love The first thing you need to do is to get married after six months of love, after all that is still the sweetest moment of love, and you can also judge whether the two sides truly love each other. Some people say that marriage after two years of love, in addition to love has a psychological security, there are habits, personal ills and other gradual acceptance and mutual adaptation, which laid a better cornerstone for the future of the two married life.

Some people say that after five years of love marriage, after five years of working together, the two have the economic basis for marriage, at this time to get married, perhaps just to give an account to both parents, for the parties concerned, the name of the couple has actually been established.

See, the best period of love before marriage, mostly between two and five years. A compromise between the two, three years in love should be considered the best time to get married. Three years, the passion may have faded a lot, but it is still surprising to look back on. Three years, the economy has also accumulated, even if it is not enough to buy a house, both parents can also help to make a down payment. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

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