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Don’t miss 5 times to cultivate a good man

Good men are not born, but are nurtured by women. It is not only the method but also the timing that a woman wants to cultivate a good man, so what is the better timing to cultivate a good man?

One, when the body is sick

It is not necessarily a serious illness. The fact is that the man who did it is not good enough to read your good name, he usually thinks you can still buy food and cook and do laundry, which means that you are fine, so if you are a small woman inside, don’t pretend to be a big woman.

Two, pregnancy

Pregnant women are the treasure of the family, and then The tough man, in the face of a woman’s growing belly, will certainly have a soft side, women in the enjoyment of the man’s kitchen chores at the same time, do not forget to correct the man’s bad habits. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time, and they’ve been in the business for a long time.

Three, promised to marry him but not yet licensed

Promised to a man’s proposal, but not yet licensed

Promised to a man’s proposal, but not yet licensed The period of time when a man is most obedient is when he has not yet received his license. Because when you have not agreed to marry him, a lot of his true nature you do not necessarily see, which is not called cunning, in fact, we women are the same, the period of love will always show the best side of their loved ones.

Fourth, 3 years of preschool for your child

Fourth, 3 years of preschool for your child

Fourth, 3 years of preschool for your child

indent:2em;text-align:left;”>Many women will complain that men never care about their children, life regardless of learning regardless, in fact, it is all a habit that has been developed, the first two years of the child’s life, most of them are women with, but wait until the child goes to daycare, women should leave something for men to do, such as telling stories to the child, or accompanying the child to visit the bookstore, even if it is to play The woman is not a man to contact the child is not worried about this not worried about that, the man is not so stupid, that is his own drop of children, he does not need to teach their children bad, if this time the woman does not guide the man, then the child after school, the man will not care.

V. When a loved one passes away

Life and death, it is a touching experience for everyone. People are a touch, in this very period, is the best period for women to move, of course, after those initial days of grief. In those days, if your grief is greater than his, then take the initiative to ask him to borrow a shoulder to lean on; if his grief is greater than yours, then take the initiative to lend him a shoulder to lean on. This is the best period to change many bad habits of men after this.

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