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Men in love will not say the 8 things

It is normal for men and women in love to disguise themselves properly and hide some secrets in order to give a good impression to each other.

For some men who hide their flaws to impress each other, this kind of hiding belongs to the psychological level of “self-satisfaction”. For some men who have a secret agenda, things get complicated.

Men’s hidden secrets in love

First: the attitude of trying to get involved with women. The first is to try to get involved with a woman, even if you know from the beginning and the woman will not go to the end, but still willing to live with a woman. Because men are born with a “hunting” mentality. Even if you want to cheat women, but also under the guise of love to act. Because in the state of love, maybe he really pay true feelings, maybe he just play, it is difficult to distinguish. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Second: When pursuing a woman, she will make a grand promise like “as long as you are not married, I will not marry”, in fact, he is thinking: I am like this, if you still do not agree The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Third: No matter how rich a man’s history is, how many women he has cheated or abandoned, when he is in love with you, he will say, “You are the only one for me. This is a consistent little scheme of men, many women are clear about this when looking at the love of others, often to their own, they are not in love.

Fourth: In a man’s mind, the degree of development of a relationship is often to see whether or not to sleep with the woman.

Fifth: For most men, if a woman has outstanding looks and body, she will have an absolute advantage in the relationship process. In the eyes of men, a woman’s beauty is the capital that makes her willing. However, if a man wants to betray you, or want to abandon you, it has nothing to do with your looks and strengths and weaknesses, this time, all the man’s rhetoric is an excuse. Otherwise, in the first place, did he not fall in love with such a you?

6: Men fall in love with a strong purpose. If you love a woman deeply, he will not care about gain or loss, not eager to possess. And the man is very clear and the female relationship, is out of love or sex. If it is the latter, he will strive to find a way to get it in the shortest possible time. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.

7th: If a woman says yes to a man’s advances too quickly, it will give the man an inexplicable sense of loss. Perhaps you will say that this is “cheap”, but no way, men are like that. The more you get, the harder it is to get, the more precious it will be, the more you will cherish it.

Eighth: the man promised to the woman’s future, maybe only one year. And this year, it is possible that the woman will be misunderstood for life. Therefore, women in the process of love, to maintain sanity, on the words of men, can not disbelieve, but also can not believe in all. Most of all, look at the action. The most important thing is that you can’t trust a man who doesn’t have any action and is just playing with his mouth.

These are some of the “unspoken rules” of men that you certainly do not know

These are some of the “unspoken rules” of men that you certainly do not know

Love to look at beautiful women does not necessarily mean “horny men”

Woman’s Heart

As early as when I was in a relationship with my husband, I noticed that he loved to look at pretty girls, and after I laughed at him a few times, he stopped looking at them in front of me. After getting married, the original form again, and I walked together in the street, he also always like to look at beautiful MM, and sometimes turn back to see people. I think, if I am not around, he is not chasing people to see ah. I asked other sisters, whose husbands or boyfriends were less blatant, and they all laughed at my husband for being horny.

Now that I’m pregnant, it goes without saying that my body is in shape and my face is chubby. I can’t help but restrain my thoughts and worry from the bottom of my heart that my husband will be attracted to some beautiful woman.

Men’s hearts

It’s not surprising that we look at beautiful women twice when we see them.

It’s not weird for us to see a beautiful woman twice, but it would be weird to ignore a beautiful woman.

Most men want to look twice when they see a beautiful MM. As for why some girls feel that their boyfriends or husbands do not show interest in beautiful women, there are generally three reasons: one is to have you around, afraid to look at the complaints by you; two is afraid of being side-eyed by colleagues or passers-by, be mistaken for a lustful heart; three is afraid that the beautiful MM do not allow to see.

If a woman takes whether her boyfriend or husband loves to look at beautiful women as a criterion for judging whether she is horny and philandering, she will be fooled. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Something not to say is not necessarily distrustful

What’s on a woman’s mind

Woman’s Heart

I’ve noticed that my boyfriend’s mood has been a little off lately. Although he still looks happy when he sees me every day, his smile quickly disappears as soon as he turns around. The company’s main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem. Later, I learned from my best friend that he was removed from his job as a business executive because he had gotten into trouble with a customer at the drinking table, affecting a big business. I asked my best friend how she knew, and she said my boyfriend told her, and instructed not to tell me.

I’m the closest person to him, and he didn’t tell me, but went to tell another woman. The most important thing is that you can’t trust me, you despise me, or you don’t think I can comfort him?

Men’s hearts

There are a lot of women who are angry about these things — As far as you women are concerned, since you’re the closest person to me, you have to tell me everything, just like I tell you everything I have.

Unbeknownst to us men, that’s not how we see it in our hearts. In our opinion, the more trouble you have, the more you should carry it down yourself and not let the people you love share the pressure, especially the most beloved ones. Men also need to confide in, also need to comfort, also need to relieve. Then we have to go to other women who feel that they can hurt a little to talk about it. The most important thing is that you are the most important person in the world, so you can take care of you and throw the pressure to the women who are lighter than you in my heart.

Covered vulnerability

Women Matters of the heart

My boyfriend is a very tough guy kind of guy, and I fell in love with him because of that. But recently there was one thing that confused me in particular: the other day he was late and still not back, I called and he said he was having dinner with a friend to talk about something. After an hour, I called again and he said he would be right back. After another hour, he simply hung up when I called again. This has happened several times, and when I argued with him, he said how humiliating it was to come home when his wife called.

In a fit of pique, I said, “You might as well have your face, not mine.” Slammed the door and left. He carried me back into the house and said so many nice things, but in fact I was just doing it, not wanting to break up with him sincerely, and gave a step down.

In the middle of the night, I was awakened by strange noises. I was surprised to find him crying in the bathroom in a very repressed way, the kind of sound that comes out when you want to hold it in but can’t.

Men’s hearts

In fact, the stronger a man looks on the outside, the more he hides inside. The more powerful a man looks on the outside, the more he hides a vulnerable side deep inside, only this side is usually difficult to touch, and once touched, the man’s vulnerability will spill out. Almost all men believe that strong is our nature and responsibility, so we will not easily show their vulnerable side, we definitely do not want to show their vulnerability and weaken women’s sense of security. However, being strong can also make men tired, and the accumulated negative emotions always need to be released. So, “men cry, cry, it’s not a crime”, cry out the aggression and sadness inside, we will be stronger and tougher.

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