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The most common lies of flirtatious men

Times are changing, you used to be happy to hear men say two sweet words, and then you knew everyone would say that, but in the end it’s not always that way, and as time shifts, the level of men’s lies goes up, and there are new excuses, and you don’t hear it every day?

I. “I’m fighting so hard for you and the family.”

I. “I’m fighting so hard for you and the family. indent:2em;text-align:left;”>If a man says this with the right expression, the degree of sensationalism will not be inferior to any Qiong Yao film, but you do not rush to hot tears, the man struggled first for his own sake – in order to have the conditions to eat, drink and play like the successful men around, which is the continuous motivation of men struggling. The purpose of the man said this is to escape from the household chores, to find excuses for not staying home at night, so that you give up your career to be the woman behind him, as to whether he can fulfill his promise after success, depends entirely on his conscience, good conscience, can still give you good food and clothing, but do not expect his love for you to remain the same; bad conscience, divorce, he will not stay with you as a family nanny. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Two, “You think I like to socialize?

Nonsense, the new bad men like to socialize”, and good at socializing, socializing is a decent front, many ambiguous hookups are therefore logical, they can do many ridiculous things without leaving a trace, they swim in the wind and moon, happy, and then in The woman in front of the indignant do innocent and aggrieved, saying he really tired of socializing, but people in the jungle, can not help themselves. The fact is that what he is planning in his heart is: I heard that a few new ladies in the lounge are good, this night about a few buddies to hook up with hook up.

Three, “I will make you happy and joyful all your life.”

A man is either drunk or overwhelmed by the happiness of the moment when he says this. If you can’t let him continue to be happy and happy or even become a burden to him, he would like to get rid of you as soon as possible, like shaking off the gum stuck in your hand, so if you live with him and accidentally “have”, when you shyly with joy to say: “Honey, let’s get married. “The man will push back:” You see I have no career, no career, no money, let you marry me like this, my heart restless ah. “The new bad guys are very good at making and enjoying all the pleasures of life, but they don’t want to take the responsibility and consequences associated with it, just like some of the stars who go on the road and like to count their appearance fees, but don’t have the habit of voluntarily paying taxes.

Fourth, “I will keep our lives forever romantic.”

It’s safe to assume that the man saying this is in a hot relationship or has not been married for five years.” New bad men” are the masters of creating romance, and such men talk about love, interesting, but the man’s romance will wither with a paper marriage, the first year of marriage Valentine’s Day, he will also invite you out to eat candlelight western food; the second year, he will remember to bring home a bunch of roses; the third year, he will also be patient with you at home to eat a meal, don’t expect roses, he said. “ten dollars a piece, it is better than a whole roast duck really. “The fourth year, I don’t know where he ran off to fool around.

V. “I’m a man who knows how to live”

The new bad man during the honeymoon will fry a good dish, change the way you make breakfast, the level of housekeeping first-class, make the small life a sound, but as the honeymoon period ends, the man’s interest will shift from the stove to the mahjong table or TV, if you are tired of housework back pain when a few complaints, he will justifiably backlash

If a woman doesn’t do this, what does she do? “

Six, “I’m flirty but not nasty.”

The new bad guy thinks he can flirt with all the beautiful women in the office, have a “spiritual relationship” or two, have three or two “confidantes”, or spend late nights on the Internet with a girl who goes by the name xx baby. Online and a bad old man alias xx baby say a bunch of nonsense, are not related to pornography, which they still enjoy, to prove their charm of the capital. But the self-proclaimed flirtatious men inevitably end up with the most clichéd ending – sleeping with women.

Seven: “I want to be a gentleman”

The new bad man is graceful and gentlemanly outside the house, but at home, the smelly socks are stuffed in the shoes for a week and he doesn’t bother to wash them, and after playing two games of mahjong, he is full of obscenities, and quarrels with his wife, no more than any neighborhood shrew with a clumsy tongue, and when he beats his wife, he strikes no lighter than the dog spies in the Jagged Cave.

Eight, “I like the new but not the old”

The “new bad man” aspires to and pursues the thrill of extramarital affairs, sexual encounters, and one-night stands, and at first abides by the rules of the game of “the outside flags are flying, the home red flags are not falling”, which he, like smoking marijuana, once addicted, can’t stop, in indulging in The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Nine: “I will always be faithful in love and marriage”

Nowadays it is not easier to find a man who is absolutely faithful than to win a sports lottery jackpot. The level of lying and the experience and insights of the new bad men to hide their private money can be written into a not-so-thin book, and they also say: lovers are like clothes, they always change a few pieces in their lifetime. He is willing to accompany you on the street because the street is full of beautiful women to look at; when he hugs you, what he mutters in his heart is that your waist is at least twice as thick as Miss Chen in the office.

Ten, “I’ll take care of you and be considerate for the rest of my life. indent:2em;text-align:left;”>This is so heartwarming, but it has a slightly longer survival period than a blip. The new bad men understand women’s minds, and can easily cater to them, they are women, especially the little girl’s dangerous killer, using the weapon is the unfailing care and tender consideration, a buddy of mine every day to the office of the little girl who loves to sleep with a buttered bread, to show care, three months down, the girl did his lover, he four two dial a thousand gold love field skills, let people admire The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

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