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12 magic tricks to help you get rid of anxiety

I can’t find my keys, my mailbox is overfull, the bus is late… Various small details in life can always make you anxious, annoyed and other negative emotions. With the accelerated pace of life, many people have also become impatient and sensitive, often plagued by a variety of negative emotions. Here, I teach you 12 wonderful tricks to get rid of anxiety easily.

Everyone has experienced anxiety or nervousness. When faced with a meaningful event, most people will feel their heart racing to varying degrees, their chests suffocating, their speech unfavorable, and in severe cases, they may even faint from overexcitement. The parents waiting outside the entrance examination room, the fidgeting fathers-to-be outside the delivery room, the job seekers waiting for interviews for important positions. You can easily catch the look of anxiety on all of their faces.

Anxiety is an extremely common emotional experience, and while most anxiety is generally normal, once it goes beyond a certain level, it’s time to be on the lookout for an anxiety disorder.

90% of white-collar workers have varying degrees of anxiety

A study of urban “anxiety” workers aged 20-40 years old found that they are more likely to have anxiety than to have anxiety.

A survey of urban “drifters” between the ages of 20 and 40 shows that 90% of them are filled with internal anxiety. Among them, “feeling lonely and isolated”, “no sense of belonging”, “lack of identity”, “future development confusion” became the main cause of anxiety. Behind the anxiety are more objective factors that create barriers.

Nowadays, more and more young people choose to leave their hometowns and flock to big cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou to struggle, but deep inside they are not at peace. Compared to locals, many foreigners can never melt into the city. Even buying a house and having a car doesn’t completely alleviate the worries, and anxiety spreads among this group.

Anxiety and stress are the physical and psychological responses people have when dealing with perceived (not necessarily real) danger. Since most of us are not chased by a tiger in the woods, it’s often the little things that irritate us, such as an overflowing email inbox, being in a hurry in the morning, or not being able to find our keys before we leave the house. But luckily, we’ve rounded up a few tricks to help you deal with this kind of stress.

12 Tips to Get Rid of Anxiety

1. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep can have serious consequences: not only does it affect our physical health, it can also cause anxiety and tension throughout the day. Sometimes a vicious cycle is also created, as anxiety usually prevents sleep.

Especially when you’re feeling restless, try to get a 7 – 9 hour sleep schedule, get a few full nights of sleep, and see if your anxiety lessens during the day.

2. Laugh

When work gets us down. Quickly adjust your mindset and have a few giggles. Studies have shown that laughter relieves depression and anxiety, so it’s a good idea to find some funny clips from the Internet to calm your nerves.

3. Simplify your brain

Material simplification = mental simplification.

It’s hard to relax and make work seem more cluttered if it’s in a messy place. So take 15 minutes or so to tidy up your room or desk, and get into the habit of keeping things clean. These can help us think more rationally, and there’s no chance of anxiety.

4. Express gratitude

Research confirms that saying gratitude often helps to reduce anxiety, especially when we are well rested. So let go of the exhaustion and start your gratitude journey with gratitude in mind.

5. Eat the right things

Anxiety can make our bodies in disarray: appetite changes along with it. To give your body the support it needs, you should choose foods rich in nutrients like vitamin B and Omega-3 with healthy whole grain carbohydrates.

Research confirms that vitamin B is associated with good mental performance, while Omega-3 can reduce depression and anxiety. Whole grain carbohydrates can help regulate levels of pentraxin, the neurotransmitter that makes us “feel good” and keeps our minds at peace.

Beware, though, that eating sugary and processed foods can worsen anxiety symptoms.

6. Meditation

By now we should all know that meditation is Relaxation, but scientists have also found that meditation actually increases the amount of gray matter in the brain – the substance that causes stress in the body to decrease. Many professionals have emphasized the positive effects of meditation on anxiety, mood, and stress symptoms.

In addition, meditation is a way to look at the brain and figure out how intriguing anxiety really arises. And understanding the brain’s thought patterns helps keep us away from those negative emotions.

7. Make an outlook board

If the future seems too pale and scary, change your view of the current status quo. Spend an hour making a prospect board; sometimes just setting specific goals alone can save us from the anxiety of the unknown future.

And for the less crafty, try making a fun electronic version of your prospect board to add some motivation. When making the board, think about the five words “true, beneficial, inspiring, necessary and good”: Is my idea true, beneficial, inspiring, necessary and good? If not, get rid of it.

8. Play

Children and animals seem to have an innate ability to play. ability to play because they don’t have the anxiety that comes with an overflowing mailbox. It’s not until the office sends out the news of a vacation that we must responsibly organize our leisure time.

Propose taking a friend’s dog out for a walk or helping a friend with the kids for an afternoon, let your brain relax and unwind, and let these carefree kids drive you to play.

9. Absolute silence

Plan out a period of time where you completely isolated from the outside world. Start with a small amount of time that works for you so that it lasts, even if it’s just a short 5 minutes.

Absolute silence means you turn off your phone, turn off the TV, don’t check your email, don’t read the news, just turn it all off. Let people not be able to contact you during this time, so you can stay away from worrying for a while.

Too much noise increases tension, so set aside a moment of absolute silence for yourself in the midst of the noise of everyday life.

10. Plan ahead

The way to fight anxiety in advance The way to do this is to prepare beforehand. Try creating a work plan or a to-do list to get into the good habit of being more productive. So instead of spending ten minutes every morning frantically looking for your keys, get into the habit of putting them in the same place every day when you get home.

Find out what you’re going to wear the night before, pack your gym backpack and leave it at the door, or order lunch ahead of time. Be sure to prepare ahead of time to avoid anxiety.

11. Learn to breathe properly

Breathing is not only an effective way to prevent panic attacks, it’s also a measuring stick for anxiety levels during the day. Short, shallow breaths indicate mental and physical stress and anxiety.

On the other hand, subconsciously lengthening and intensifying your breathing can send a signal to your brain that it’s okay to relax.

12. Imagine good things

When faced with some tricky problems and you’re irritable, you’ll be able to see what’s going on.

When faced with a tough problem and you’re irritable, take a moment to envision yourself solving it calmly, easily, and smoothly.

Try to ignore your current state of mind and just focus on imagining what it would feel like to have smooth sailing through the storm. This method, called “guided visualization” or “guided visualization,” can help relieve tension.

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