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Eight points to make you please your mother-in-law

Family harmony and happiness is the first thing, isn’t it? Switch your thinking – the difficulties in the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, in fact, the daughter-in-law should also self-examine, more from each other’s point of view, a slap in the face is not a sound.

One, it is right to be filial to your mother-in-law

Although your mother-in-law did not raise You, but she raised your husband, so since you love your husband, you have to understand how your son feels about his mother, you have to respect his mother with him, you have parents too, if your husband talks back to your parents and ignores them, will you be happy? So give your mother-in-law more smiles and talk with her more. If you are good to his mother, he will naturally be good to yours.

II. Don’t be overly affectionate with your husband in front of your mother-in-law

Very I read this advice to my daughter-in-law a long time ago. Although you think you are used to this type of communication, but the elderly are after all the elderly, they have traditional thinking, it is like in front of outsiders, and excessive intimacy with your husband is also a disrespect to others, you say, this is your home, you can do what you want, this is true, but the family lives in the elderly, this aspect should still be careful.

Three, take care of your husband’s emotions when making suggestions

The company’s main goal is to provide a solution to the problem of the in-laws, especially the money problem, you always have to give your husband advice, but must take into account his emotions, speech must be skillful, although your heart 10,000 reluctance, but do not say it directly, you have to politely and husband reasoning, let her know that you are willing to help but for some reasons can not help, and to more comfort words then advice. But some money you have no way to make the decision, such as the father-in-law is sick, even if you do not give money, people must also get money everywhere to Dad’s treatment. So since you can not escape, it is better to take the money, and show very willing to look like, by you to your mother-in-law, so as to please her mother-in-law, her husband is satisfied, and in the future can be more for your consideration. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Four, don’t call your husband in front of your mother-in-law

This truth It’s actually easy to understand. Think about it another way. If your parents came to live at home and your husband kept making you do this and that, how would your parents feel? They will think that their daughter is not easy at home, tired of living. Especially in a society like China, where men are still inferior to women, your mother-in-law will be unhappy to see that you have nothing to tell your husband, your son is not in charge at home, but is actually being ordered by a woman, who will not have resistance? The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Five: Be more attentive to your mother-in-law’s daily life

Whether you’re being disingenuous or not, it’s important to be more sensitive to your mother-in-law. Whether you are being vain or fake, superficiality is a must, which will also make your husband look at you differently. When you buy something for your own mother think about buying one for your mother-in-law as well. Observe her daily life more carefully, is it hot or cold? What do you want to eat? What do you want to make? Take the time to fulfill her wishes. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Six, leave some time to listen to her chatter

Many daughters-in-law treat The way many daughters-in-law treat their mothers-in-law is to respect them and avoid them. But for the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law who live under the same roof, hiding is absolutely unavoidable. Then simply put your mind to it, nothing to coax her, the elderly well, like to have someone to talk with her, if you have time to listen to her say a few words. She loves to nag, so let her nag, it’s just the son’s affairs. She tells how hard it was to raise her son and how he grew up, and while listening, she echoes a few words: “Mom, it’s not easy for you, I must be filial to you.” What’s the fear of saying something nice? It’s just a waste of a few words. The first thing you need to do is to make her feel that you and she are a family and she has you as an extra daughter, not a woman who stole her son

Seven, there’s nothing wrong with saying something ugly up front

Before your mother-in-law comes to your house, you’d better come to an agreement with your husband first. Before living with your mother-in-law, many daughters-in-law feel that she is still good, but living together is full of contradictions. First of all, you should know that it is impossible to live together without conflicts, even with your own mother living together sometimes there will be unhappy times, not to mention the mother-in-law? However, there are some principle things, such as: you do not have the means to get up early, you do not have the means to do housework every day, you and your husband do not have the concept of male superiority in life, etc., please better communicate with your husband before your mother-in-law comes, so that he can tell her the situation in advance. And if there are things that you just can’t stand in the process of living together, then please don’t put up with it and let your husband speak to your mother-in-law. Let’s be ugly up front.

Eight, let bygones be bygones

Living together, there will always be minor friction between your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and occasionally an unpleasant word, a thing that upsets you, let it go, don’t always take it to heart. If your own mother said you, you must have forgotten in two days. To some extent, the mother-in-law is a bit of a parental taste, may sometimes love to educate you, willing to listen to two sentences, do not want to listen as if they did not hear, and then the big bad and she discerned the reason. The company’s main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem.

Of course, I would like to remind that it is best to keep your in-laws out of the house, because many conflicts happen in the small things in life, and if there is no way you have to live in the house, then you have to prepare your heart, not just from your own mood. I’m not writing this to say that the conflict is the daughter-in-law’s fault, just the Internet, reading books are mostly daughters-in-law, we are dissatisfied or aggrieved, life has to go on, rather than holding a hard feeling life, why not start from themselves to improve relations. What can be done? The most important thing is that you have to be able to get the most out of your life.

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