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Couples quarrel when 6 sentences must not say

After spending time with each other, conflicts will inevitably arise between lovers, let alone couples. Couples in life to support each other, share each other, more or less always a little friction, this is more than normal. However, this does not mean that the quarrel will be able to send out with the heart, nothing to say.

The first sentence: “Why are you so annoying”

Women, natural chatterbox, but you must think that she said so much must be for your own good, other men let her say she does not care, even if you do not like to hear, directly tell her, honey, I know, I love you, this is more effective than anything else, otherwise your a “how you so annoying ah “will certainly let the wife set off a “family storm”. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

The second sentence: “What do you know about it”

I don’t know if men see women as stupid, but I hear a lot of men say that in life, often saying that women are stupid and don’t know anything. In fact, is a woman really stupid? For what she will become silly? Think back then this kind of silly women, stupid women, but also you get in the pursuit of gunfire, are they not silly then? So as a man never hurt your sweetheart with such thoughtless words, learn to cherish.

Third sentence: “Marrying you back is what you do.”

What is the purpose of marrying a wife? I’m afraid that only the man himself psychologically understand how wide the use, if only to let her for your laundry, cooking, dry chores, then you are still married, rather than find a nanny OK? Remember, your wife must be the most important person in your life, the most intimate lover, what she is willing to do for you, because enough love you, is the performance of hard work, home with a good wife, what else do you crave?

The fourth sentence: “What do you care”

You say you care or not? Yes, what you do is beyond the control of others, but the condition is that what you do is not indeed doable. When your woman stops you to help you analyze things, you should learn to be grateful, not a face of love, when because you say this, have you noticed the silent and tearful eyes of your wife?

The fifth sentence: “What else do you want when you eat and drink from me”

The fifth sentence: “What else do you want when you eat and drink from me”

Maybe such words are said to a full-time wife, but you must remember that this sentence is tantamount to insulting a woman’s character and really hurts her. It is not a simple matter to be able to do a good job as a full-time wife, busy with household chores, teaching children, they are the reigning business men’s logistics. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Sixth sentence: “If you can get by, get by, if you can’t, get away”

Sixth sentence: “If you can get by, get by, if you can’t, get away”

When you feel that this sentence is noble, how much of your relationship do you think is left? A woman dedicates her beautiful youth to you, is it for you to give up midway? It is said that it only takes a minute to love a person, but it takes a lifetime to forget a person, couples are also, life is but a rush of dozens of years, not every moment has a beautiful scenery, not every woman you love can be as sincere as your wife love you.

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