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What details can hook men’s lust

Women are mostly averse to the idea of men being horny, and are associated with the image of being horny. The actual fact is that it’s a good idea to take a look at this. After all, intimacy is a very important thing in a relationship.

“Men are horny, horny, horny!” When it comes to men, some women will scream like this. Men are horny, this point seems to be recognized by many people, of course, including many men, in fact, he has feelings for you, is proof that you are attractive, for the two emotional development is also a good thing oh. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

What details can arouse men’s desire

Some details It’s easy to get a man horny, so if you’ve been together for a long time and your attraction has waned, you might want to learn.

1. Red

According to the Times of India, a new study by the A new study from the University of Rochester has found that women in red are extremely attractive to men. This suggests that color not only has aesthetic value, but also exerts important effects on psychological functioning in subtly important and stimulating ways.

2. More hugs for two

Time Magazine published A new study involving 1,009 heterosexual middle-aged couples at Indiana University’s Kinsey Institute for Erotic Studies found that men who hug the most feel happiest in their marriages.

3. Big Breasts

The University of Wellington study in New Zealand found that Men do love to look at breasts. Not only that, the study found that nearly half of the men who took part looked at women’s breasts first, then their faces. Men’s eyes linger on women’s breasts more than all other body parts, but men don’t care about the size of women’s breasts.

4. Sexy

Two studies from Indiana University found that men are less likely to remember news content when they see a sexy female news anchor. This is because men’s cognitive mechanisms favor visual over verbal.

5. Marriage

According to Time magazine A new study done jointly by Marriage USA, Rutgers University and SUNY Binghamton found that among 5,200 single men and women ages 21-65, men are no less eager to get married than women.

6. Showing off to women

US “A joint study by the University of Texas and the University of Minnesota, published on Fox News, found that men love to show off their fancy cars and other items to their girlfriends, and the principle is not unlike a peacock opening its screen to attract the opposite sex.

7. Virginity

Loved by American college girls, the online A survey completed by Her Campus, a magazine popular with college girls in the U.S., found that 4 in 5 guys think women’s chastity is important.

8. His favorite foods, like pumpkin pie

Men who When they come across their favorite food, the reaction in that moment is the same as the reaction of getting horny. For example, a man who likes pumpkin pie, says Dr. Alan Hirsch, director of the Center for Smell and Taste Therapy Research in Chicago, has found that the unique scent of pumpkin pie can help men increase ding-dong blood flow.

9. Tears are the opposite

Obviously, in men A woman who cries in front of a man can’t get him turned on. Studies have found that sniffing a woman’s tears can lead to a drop in male androgen levels and a big drop in attractiveness to the opposite sex compared to sniffing salt water. Pearly tears and all that are very demanding of women.

10. 45 degree head tilt

Australia Newcastle University study finds that men find women who love to tilt their heads more attractive. The sideways tilt of the head may be a subconscious move for some women to attract the opposite sex.

11. Women who are easy on the eyes

Women invariably want to to be attractive. However, one study found that facial recognition calculations on participants showed that men preferred to chase “less attractive women”. The reason for this may be that men think they have a better chance of winning by going after such girls.

What to know about a man’s lustfulness

Some aspects of The most important thing is that you have a good relationship, but there are some aspects of lust that are not a good thing. For example, a man who loves philandering is a scum. The old ancestors left behind the saying that from the face of a man can see the character of this person. This has a certain truth oh, let’s take a look at which face of the man is easy to lust it. The first thing you need to do is to get to know the person’s personality.

His eyes

The look is more exposed, often in a state of disarray

They are very changeable in nature, and are also the manifestation of philandering and lustfulness, easily indulging in wine and sex.


There are many shapes at the end of the eyes, not only the shape of the eyes, but also the lines.

There are many forms of the tail of the eye, not only the shape of the eye, but also the lines.

The shape of the eyes

The shape of a man’s eyes is long and slender, and a woman’s eyes are round. . Both are representatives of greed, preferring to enjoy, both materially and physically.

The things that horny men love to do

The things that horny men love to do

The things that horny men love to do

A man with a hawkish nose is very good at reading people’s minds, and when you frown or smile, he knows what you’re thinking, and of course he knows how he should behave.

Thin upper lip and thick lower lip

Thick lower lip and thin upper lip, that is The man who has this lip shape is also very egotistical, he only puts everything or thought in his heart and thinks about it over and over again, and does not say it to let people know.

Mixed and disorganized eyebrows

Mixed eyebrows are usually The four limbs are developed, simple mind, everything does not like to think too complicated, one is one, two is two, absolutely no one plus one does not equal two ideas appear. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

Peach Blossom Eyes

A man with watery eyes and peach blossom eyes is a man who is horny by nature. The company’s main goal is to provide a good service to its customers.

Deep and long lines

The lines are congenital. It is a type of line that appears on both sides of the mouth and is greatly related to the frequency of changes in the mouth and face. A person who loves to laugh and joke has shallow lines, while a person with a debauched nature has deep and long lines.

Sunken forehead, collapsed mountain root

Both of these conditions are One is prone to extremes, and the other is not versatile and lives a monotonous life. Once a person falls into these two mirror lands, it is impossible not to be greedy for sex and money.

The man with curly hair

The man with curly hair is often The most important thing is that the person with curly hair has a strong sexual appetite and a dominant mentality towards the opposite sex, so as long as they meet someone who likes the opposite sex, they won’t let go as long as they have the opportunity.

Everything has its pros and cons, and so does being horny. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

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