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How women understand the psychology of men

A man’s every move reveals his character and qualities, especially when he’s off guard or doesn’t realize you’re watching him. Psychologists teach you the secrets of seeing through men in ten minutes. Don’t take it lightly when you notice any of the following psychological aspects in your boyfriend. Of course, strictly speaking, any man will always have one or more of the above-mentioned things in his mind to a greater or lesser extent. It’s not necessary to panic, and it’s not necessary to “break off” a relationship as soon as you find out, because you’ll never find a partner you want.

The standard for this “degree” is that you do love him, so you might want to talk openly and honestly about your concerns and make him aware of the dangers of this hidden danger.

Absolute ego mentality

This kind of man is very utilitarian and demands The man is utilitarian and demands that his girlfriend bring out the “edge” and give him some kind of benefit from time to time. Once his expectations are not met or are not likely to be met, he will be angry and even feel that you have failed him.

Logical misassociation

This type of man is often characterized by a high level of He is generally very attached to love. He generally takes love very seriously, but has a narrow understanding and is very sensitive to his lover’s actions. If you have a girlfriend who has done something he can’t understand or is unhappy with, you will “think about it” and try to find evidence that you are not with him.

Non-emotional empathy

This kind of man evaluates, treats The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. Especially when his girlfriend is in a difficult situation and needs to be emotionally moved in to treat her, he often shows withdrawal or ignore. He can only share your joys but not your difficulties.

False Contrarian Mentality

This kind of man often compares his strengths with his girlfriend’s shortcomings, or compares his girlfriend’s shortcomings with the strengths of others. This kind of man in the beginning of the relationship with you, can quickly find your strengths and very appreciated, your feelings will also be straight up. But if he found the original merits of your body is so insignificant, you will be indifferent. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re doing.

Comply with the excitement

This kind of man generally likes to be fashionable. The feeling is keen, but lack of autonomy and self-confidence, individual consciousness is swayed by external trends, especially like new trendy women. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. However, once you fail to adapt to his “aesthetic” requirements, he will complain more than once.

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