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7 strokes to make you no longer passive when in love

Love is the eternal theme of human beings, men and women in love is sweet, but because of the differences in thinking and psychology of the two sexes, sometimes miscommunication can occur some small misunderstandings, small friction, serious, may also lead to a good love of early death. It is said that the woman in love IQ is zero, do you recognize? Now teach you a few tricks to make you not so passive.

1. Always waiting for his reply

Falling in love Women tend to always look forward to SMS, tiktok and phone calls from men who reply. This shows that you pay too much attention to him. Don’t forget that there are so many people and things besides you two that deserve your attention.

2. Always mention his name

When you talk to your friends, how many times do you mention his name? When you talk to your friends, how many times do you mention his name? Is it true that many topics that originally had nothing to do with him, you will also inadvertently mention him? This means that your mind is completely occupied with him.

3. Always around him

If you can’t go a day without If you can’t go a day without seeing him, reflect on whether you’re clinging to him too much. Neither of you is the only person in each other’s lives, and like you, he needs time to spend with family and friends.

4. Endless jealousy

If you see him with a beautiful female colleague or ex-girlfriend It’s normal to be jealous if you see him with a beautiful female colleague or ex-girlfriend. But if you are jealous that he is with his parents or his best friend, this is a problem. Jealousy is a very common phenomenon in emotional relationships, but don’t let it get the better of you.

5. Cry for him a lot

How often do you cry for him? While some tears are worth shedding, learn to control your emotions.

6. Make big plans

If your relationship is only started a few months ago and you’re rushing to plan your future wedding – not so fast! Think long and hard about whether he can get you to settle down. Rushing the wedding is likely to scare him away!

7. Get depressed without him

This is also a common problem for many women in relationships. The most common problem for women in relationships. Don’t put your happiness in his hands and learn that you can live a happy, fulfilling life without him. What could be more important than being in charge of your own happiness?

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