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What to do in case of betrayal in marriage

We often see betrayals in marriages that subvert mutual trust while making people feel that love is destroyed. The truth is that love never destroys, love only gets hidden, so people should not be blinded by emotions to avoid seeing love, many feelings are hidden in fear, behind everyone’s fear there is love, and the truth is that you are so hated, and hate is just another expression of love.

No matter how bad the situation is, make sure you stabilize your emotions before you make a decision. Marriage is too big. Please stay calm and don’t leave easily. If you leave capriciously, it will only hurt you more, and the impulsive actions taken to maintain that so-called dignity often cause great pain to yourself, your children and others.

Know that the greater betrayal than an affair is abandonment. Having an affair where one party just leaves for a while at certain times, while giving up is leaving for good. Such pain would be greater is because you betrayed yourself by betraying the choice you made in the first place.

When you were in the crowd, so many people, and you chose each other to spend your life with each other, what a gift and affection, and at the same time, what a sacred commitment. The actual people who really love each other when your partner falls, how will not reach out to help? The same goes for extramarital affairs, which can be the most painful fall of your partner in the marriage. No matter how painful it is, do not forget your own will, after venting your pain, if you do not want to leave, please respect yourself and do not focus your attention only on the affair and the other person’s betrayal, but on saving the relationship, because saving the relationship is always much more important than the affair. In a long and deep relationship, forgiveness will benefit you more than your pride.

What makes marriage the highest commitment between the sexes is that we entrust each other deeply in marriage, in good times, in springtime, walking with each other, a gift from the God of love; in times of adversity, when fate shows its grim face It is the meeting of souls that those who love each other remain unbroken.

Marriage is the tomb of love, a “cloak of shame” for those who are afraid to commit, to commit, to commit, whose fragile hearts cannot escape the responsibility and weight of love. A long-term relationship has countless challenges and dilemmas, and those who are able to navigate through them gain unparalleled emotional wisdom and a second honeymoon that never fades, a unity of soul that comes after the years and dilemmas.

So marriage is like a path of spiritual practice, where you find the right person (almost everyone finds the best partner for them by instinct), and your shortcomings are often made up for by the strengths of another person, a coincidence so precise that it seems to be meditated The coincidence is so precise that it seems to be self-ordained, as if God has given you back your lost other half.

Then you make a promise to walk the path of a lifetime with this person, but after stepping on that path, you suffer, and as long as you don’t leave, you have a chance to learn, and the pain is there to force you to learn until you do, and see that couples have a different strength, and you can use that strength against each other, or you can use it to fight side by side.

Sometimes when a marriage hits a major crisis, it’s possible for one partner to briefly lose strength, and this is the time when the other partner is needed to hold the candle of love. Imagine that your partner is in a difficult place in life, isn’t that when your love comes into play?

Believe that through that person you love, you also meet with yourself – and meet again and again and again. How you treat him is how you treat yourself, because in him you either find yourself or you lose yourself.

“Our happiness is more important than my own,” is the motto in marriage!

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