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Which women are more likely to suffer from anxiety disorders? Why are women prone to anxiety disorders

Many surveys and studies have shown that women suffer from relatively higher levels of anxiety than men. Why is this so? What are the causes of anxiety disorders in women? Which women are more likely to suffer from anxiety disorders?

Four types of women are more likely to suffer from anxiety:

Strong women

Strong women

Strong women are more likely to suffer from anxiety. strong>Strong Women

This type of woman is very strong, perhaps the strong woman in the family, in a strong position, and everyone in the family has to do her bidding. A strong person has high goals, pursues perfection, is demanding, is good at comparing, and always compares her children with other children. If her child is not good and does not do well, this type of woman sighs all day and feels helpless every day. The anxiety comes in.


Most of these women are introverted, delicate and sensitive. They are delicate and sensitive, and feel afraid when they encounter difficulties. If their children are not obedient, their grades are not top notch, or their grades are relatively poor, they are prone to be filled with pessimism about their children. The first thing you need to do is to think that your child is not good, and you won’t look for the reasons yourself.

The self-centered woman

always takes all the spirit Transferring to yourself, such as worrying about your health condition. Always afraid of getting this disease and that disease, always self-centered, overly attentive to the feelings of self, and prone to anxiety disorders.

Single mothers

This type of woman, due to emotional instability The self will be subject to greater psychological pressure. After divorce, for women is a kind of emotional damage, generally need a period of time to adapt to it. It is not easy for divorced women to remarry. So if your own psychological adjustment is not good, it is easy to suffer from anxiety. If there are further problems with the children’s education, it makes the single mother feel even more psychologically frustrated.

Causes of anxiety disorders in women:

I. Genetic factors

The occurrence of anxiety disorders is closely related to genetic qualities. Familial studies have found much higher rates of homozygosity in their relatives than in the general population, with higher rates of consistent onset the closer the blood relationship.

II. Psychological factors

Major sudden onset or duration of Negative life events that last more than 2 to 3 months pose a significant impact on the onset of anxiety in individuals. Significant negative life events such as the death of a loved one or the loss of a relationship are direct contributors to anxiety disorders.

Three, gender factors

Epidemiological data show that women Women are more likely to suffer from anxiety disorders than men, and women are twice as likely as men to suffer from depressive disorders. Women are more sensitive, more sentimental, and more likely to suffer from anxiety disorders than men.

Four, social factors

Adverse social factors have a significant impact on the anxiety disorders, unsatisfactory marital status is an important risk factor for depression, and key members of low economic income families are also vulnerable to anxiety disorders.

V. Environmental factors

Among the environmental factors strongly associated with the occurrence of anxiety disorders is insufficient sunlight. The one that is closely related to the occurrence of anxiety is the lack of sunlight. The onset of seasonal anxiety disorder is mainly related to short daylight hours in winter, insufficient sunlight, and endocrine changes in renti when the weather becomes colder.

Sixth, personality factors

Personality traits with more pronounced Individuals with more pronounced traits of anxiety, compulsivity, and impulsivity are prone to anxiety disorders.

Seventh, educational factors

One is that during childhood, parents, especially mothers, tend to demand that their children be submissive and obedient. mothers tend to demand obedience and compliance from their children, and fail to really care about their children’s inner needs. This inner need puts the child in the contradiction between self-will and parental discipline for a long time, making the child prone to anxiety when he or she grows up. Secondly, parents are overprotective. These two types of education have a greater impact on girls. As a result, when unexpected events occur when they grow up, this childhood impression is strongly reflected, making adult women more prone to anxiety.

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