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5 tips to prevent menopausal depression in women

Menopause is a stage that every woman must go through, but the symptoms vary in severity and duration for each person, from mild ones that can be peaceful to severe ones that can affect work and life and even develop into menopausal disease. It can last from a few months to several years. Depression in women has become more and more common and can be pervasive, especially in menopause. For menopausal women, depression is more likely to invade them, so how to prevent such a mental illness?

The causes of menopausal depression are complex, and in addition to changes in one’s own physiology, they are also closely related to social, family, and psychological aspects.

One of the most important aspects of menopausal depression is to be prepared for it.

Proper understanding of the causes of the disease and its clinical manifestations allows us to prepare ourselves psychologically in advance. Even if early clinical symptoms appear, you will not be nervous and upset by them.

Two, deal with various relationships.

Menopausal women are easily agitated and prone to conflict with their families. This requires mutual understanding and calmness when things go wrong, not to get worked up over a small matter or a disagreeable word. Family harmony is the happiness of the whole family and an important factor in preventing this disease. Menopausal women should not only adapt to their families, but also to society. They should have a correct understanding of some phenomena in today’s society and exchange their views with others if they do not understand them. It is important to treat life and society with optimism, which is very beneficial to prevent depression.

Three, enrich your life.

Most menopausal women are nearing retirement, and some are already retired or laid off at home, with high mental stress and always a sense of loss. This is the time to arrange your life in a rhythm and increase your hobbies appropriately. The most important thing is to have a good understanding of the nature of the brain, and to keep the brain functioning well, and to improve physical and mental health, which can help to prevent the disease.

Fourth, exercise.

Physical activity can promote metabolism, enhance the physiological functions of various organs, and improve physical fitness. It also improves psychological quality and the ability to adapt to unexpected events. You should choose sports with low volume and slow pace, such as taijiquan, sword practice, jogging, walking, etc. It is beneficial to prevent this disease by gaining joy in sports and forgetting about worries and misfortunes.

V. Facing up to stimuli.

It is very important for menopausal women to deal with unexpected events (such as loss of spouse, separation of relatives, illness, etc.) correctly. It is important to stay calm and take care of your own health, not to be anxious and not to think about the consequences, which can trigger or aggravate the disease.

The above is an introduction to how to prevent menopausal depression, and I believe you now have some understanding of this. It is important for menopausal women to do a good job of depression prevention in order to ensure their physical and mental health.

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