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How couples can get along to make the marriage last

What are the rules for couples to live happily together? This time I believe many people envy the married life of An Hyun Zai and Goo Hye Sun, two people in love to get married, two people in addition to sweet in life also emerged some small conflicts, Goo Hye Sun has a saying especially deep in the hearts of people, marriage is not happiness, but for happiness. So how is a happy marriage to be built? Let’s take a look at how couples should get along to make a long and happy marriage.

Exclusive “heart” time for two

Don’t think of exclusive time for two people as a private moment in bed, or as watching TV at home together, or going out shopping together; think of it as a heart-to-heart connection that is truly “for two”! Take half an hour out of your week, don’t choose a movie theater, don’t look for a rowdy entertainment venue, try to go for a walk with him in the evening, or just sit at home without the TV or computer on, drink a cup of hot tea on the carpet and talk. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers, so that they can be sure that the company will be able to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Don’t try to keep the passion alive

Don’t deliberately try to Maintain the passion between you, passion is a short-lived thing, let the love develop naturally, therefore, you should be more attentive in life, try to make money at the same time also let each other feel your love, from time to time to engage in some romance, not after marriage, it is past the crazy period. Even when you are old, you should make love sweet instead of living a mediocre life. The key to success in love does not depend on passion and love, but on the ease and joy of living together.

Set a monthly “cooking day”

With changing lifestyles and busy schedules, it’s common for young couples to eat out for three meals these days, but even so, can we try to cook at home once a month? The actual taste of the dishes served up is actually unimportant because there is love as a condiment. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Open up and communicate

If communication is missing from your marriage, and it’s not happening. If communication is missing from your relationship and you don’t realize it, chances are your relationship is being damaged silently. Everyone talks about honesty in marriage, but honesty is only possible if the lines of communication are open. So, even if you are very busy dealing with work, taking care of the kids, going to the gym, doing housework or participating in social activities, set aside 15 minutes or more each day for communication with your partner. You can use this precious time to sit down and talk to your partner about your heart, work or family – any topic will do. You can also take an interest in what new interests the other person has taken up recently, and the two of you can share your experiences together.

“Hairy Hands” increases intimacy

Compromise at the right time

Many people think that compromise is a sign of weakness. and so often act tough-mouthed. In fact, in some situations, compromise is the optimal solution. As you work together for more and more years, you are bound to face a variety of choices and decisions, and you are often caught in a situation where you need to find a compromise. In fact, this doesn’t mean you have to give up your right views, but rather that marital satisfaction increases when you both agree.

Give a hug when there’s conflict

Between couples, girls will always There are days when they are unreasonable. Since you have chosen this person, then try to tolerate her temper. When the quarrel, do not know how to do words, just rush over to give her a hug, silently say: you love her. This time, the girl will most likely be out of breath.

Don’t argue to be fair

Two people from < span style="text-indent:2em;">fromrelationshipto enteringmarriageThe hall is because of love, and love is not supposed to be about who is right and who is wrong, so don’t argue to be fair. Two people living together is to understand and love each other. When arguing, you can think more: is this thing worth arguing about? Is it worth arguing over? Is it worth ruining our feelingfor this? Ninety percent of arguments should be avoidable, and if they are unavoidable, they should be short and pertinent, keeping in mind that you only argue about what you are arguing about and not about anything else.

Don’t ignore the little things in life

Perhaps You’ve been together long enough to know each other’s habits well enough that the other person doesn’t care about their little flaws. If you think so, you are very wrong, because the other party did not say you, does not mean he does not mind, may be his heart is actually very unhappy that you do so, but feel that you should be considerate, but such things happen frequently, it will bring the results of the quarrel. Sometimes you should surprise each other with a kiss to express your love, which will help to maintain feelings of oh. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you are doing.

Encourage and praise each other

After marriage, many couples are quick to shed their mystery, coyness, accommodation, and rarely give each other encouragement and praise, taking for granted that it’s all about living at home. However, a truly happy marriage requires mutual respect, encouragement and praise. If the other party handles something to your satisfaction, be sure not to be stingy with praise, so that the other party can feel the greatest degree of happiness, in order to give all the effort to release and smile. Even if you do not do well, but as long as you try your best, make sure not to begrudge your encouragement, only then can the other party make progress next time.

Make small “sacrifices” as a love adjustment

Sounds simple? Hey, it’s a matter of picking the kind of thing “he likes, but you don’t really want to do”, yo! For example, tonight let him sit in front of the computer crackling with words to play the game, they do not nag; or accompany him to see the concept of the car show to listen to his eyebrows like a “speech” for the afternoon; or go to that he loves but you are not interested in the restaurant to eat a dinner I believe your he will also secretly remember, this kind of “sacrifice” in exchange for the “lecture”. “The most suitable soil for “love” to grow is called understanding.

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