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Why do boys chase girls after the cold?

Many girls complain that their boyfriends or husbands are not as enthusiastic as they were when they first chased them, and even react too coldly. So why do guys become cold after chasing a girl?

The halo effect tends to occur in relationships

It’s easy for guys to feel that good-looking people must also be smart, virtuous, simple and kind, who call the face that is justice, even if the goddess toothache also feels to be holding a lovely chin. We worship the star, but also just worship her halo, all their good aspirations and expectations are projected on the idol, once you find that she turns out not to be what you thought, you will feel very disappointed. The same is true for your partner, sometimes you get along for a long time, only to find that the other party has not been showing that side, it is precisely what you have difficulty accepting. “What you can’t have is always stirring”. There is a term to describe this situation called lithromantic tendency, which is when you develop a crush on someone, and when they have the same feelings for you, you hate the feelings and stop liking them.

Coldness is a natural phenomenon

You can easily notice Men stare straight at a beautiful woman’s breasts, but you don’t know that women are looking at your face while scanning even the shoes you’re wearing today. The man is a single-threaded CPU processor, things have to be done one by one, while the woman is a cloud computing, she can watch TV shows, eat snacks and play with the phone, but also take care of the puppy dog at the same time. In terms of evolutionary psychology, men are suitable for hunting and women are suitable for picking fruit. In the days of primitive tribes, men who were distracted while hunting were likely to return empty-handed or to be eaten by the prey recoiling from them. So when a man is chasing a girl, he is giving it his all and trying to reach his goal. When a relationship is established, they want to focus on the next stage of the goal. In general, men are hunting animals and their goals are staged, always like to find the next target, and when you have been chased by him, if you can’t catch his attention, he will naturally rush to the next target.

The sublimation of love

After two people have been together for a long time Love gradually sublimates into affection. In the pursuit stage, the man full of impetus, full force only to achieve the goal, and even in order to accommodate you, do not hesitate to make yourself look bad. But after the relationship is established, they want to run to the next goal: such as career. It is human nature to want to get what you like, of course, to put in the effort and become less fanatical after getting it. And for the sake of your future struggle, of course, it is impossible to put all your energy in love. Love may be 100% for a woman, but it may only be 60% for a man. The man holding you, you can not move bricks; moved bricks, you can only put you down. The whole body and mind are focused on you that, you suspect people nest; people are busy making money to support the family, and you suspect neglected cold you. When he wants to keep his promise to give you a bright future, you feel that he loves his career and not you, and when he is always there for you, you feel that he is not motivated.

So actually there are times when you will naturally know the answer with your heart. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. “Can’t get always in the stirring, being favored are emboldened”. The majority of the feelings that have been bombarded will not last long. The aftermath of using too much force, may be exhaustion. If you want to make boys not cold to themselves, you must always keep your love fresh. So how do we keep love fresh?

1. Create life interest

Life needs emotions, and a single The single, day-to-day, unchanging life can be boring not only for your boyfriend but also for yourself. For example, a sudden surprise, a change of outfit, a change of hairstyle, or a change in the layout of your room will make your lover feel fresh and happy.

2, Know Your Boyfriend Inside Out

When it comes to relationships, some The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers. If you want your boyfriend to leave you, you need to understand his inner needs, emotional experts Mr. Connor believes that the psychological needs of men are trust, acceptance, appreciation, gratitude, praise, recognition, encouragement. Only when a man’s inner needs are met will he feel comfortable developing a long-term relationship with you.

3. Keep the mystery alive

Mysterious women are the most charming and can keep men around you forever unable to extricate themselves. Men always like to elusive things, especially for women, the more like a mystery, the more he wants to find out, and in the process, men often fall deep into it can not extricate themselves. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.

4. Show your versatility

A static life makes The woman who is single and boring makes the man feel bored. If you want to catch a man’s heart, you have to show your versatility in front of him, so that he is always fresh and fascinated by your versatility. Most men are averse to the old, and when he is used to the same thing, he may be as dependent as a woman, but if there is something more interesting to him, he will not hesitate to abandon his habits to seek novelty.

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