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Which women are not suitable for marriage

Men and women take marriage seriously and are quite strict about who they marry. Men are cautious about the choice of marriage, because living well is a lifetime, living badly will face the risk of divorce. So which women will men not find to marry?

Too young

People young heart is also simple and light-hearted, but for The degree of adaptation to various conditions of life is much less than that of older people. When you get married early and start a new life, a hundred situations always tend to make people feel bad, and finally the divorce rate for women married at the beginning of 23 is always much higher than for women married at the beginning of 30. What’s more, women without the involvement of trivial things, income is also higher than early marriage, think about it is better to get married later.

Consignment mentality

In general, women are more likely to have “consignment mentality.” The “entrust mentality” means “I give you the responsibility of my success and happiness in life”. For a man, there is a notion that if he marries his wife, he must do his best to take care of her and make her happy, which is a husband’s uncompromising responsibility. Since this is the husband’s responsibility, he must shoulder the success and happiness of both of them on his own. In this regard, the disadvantage of the “trust mentality” is that it puts too much pressure on the husband. In fact, because it is impossible for one person to create enough success and happiness in the other person’s life, it is a responsibility that is impossible to achieve satisfactory results.

Reluctance to share inner feelings

People who are “reluctant to share their inner feelings” are very common in Chinese society, generally more men than women. We are traditionally a people who are reluctant to touch our inner feelings and speak up for fear of either being perceived as weak or afraid of giving others an opportunity to take advantage of them. In a marriage relationship, the excuse to hide these beliefs is that you don’t want the other person to worry. In fact, such an excuse is not a good one: the other person sees his or her emotions manifested through words and actions, but has no way of knowing what is going on, and only worries more, creating more suspicion and worry. Ask: if the person you are going to spend your life with can’t share your inner feelings, who else in the world can? A partner in life is, of course, a person to share your worries with. If you really love and care for each other, you should tell each other the truth and let them feel that you allow them to give you support and that you accept it with pleasure.

Private gain by any means necessary

During the relationship, she will excuse

In the period of love, she will use the excuse that “love is selfish” to achieve her own goals; after marriage, she will take the interests of her small family very seriously and do whatever she can to gather the interests belonging to and not belonging to her in her name; in the workplace, she will try to suppress others in order to get ahead of herself.

Too much romanticism

A little woman with a head full of Qiong Yao-style The most unsuitable woman for marriage is a small woman who is full of all kinds of unrealistic fantasies about love and marriage. Of course, this file of feelings is allowed to be full of all kinds of imagination, but, human beings can not always live on fantasy. This is especially true of marriage. Marriage is probably more cruel and brutal than love. It is not that marriage is so terrible, but for a woman who is too romantic, marriage is a big devil, killing all the beautiful fantasies and aspirations of women for marriage.

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