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What benefits does sex bring to women? How to have healthy sex

Lovemaking is the nature of human beings, and a proper sex life helps to have a harmonious marital life and good health, but of course nothing should be overdone, and too much snapping can also hurt the body, what do you know about snapping? Let’s learn together!

7-13 minutes of sex is best

William Howell, a psychologist at Penn State University, followed 382 volunteers over the course of his life He, along with other sex research scientists, came to some important conclusions about sex, which lasted 7-13 minutes, less than 7 minutes, not enough, more than 13 minutes, feeling tired. And they also concluded that foreplay is very important, and that the average duration of sex without foreplay is 5.4 minutes, and that the average duration of sex after 11-13 minutes of foreplay extends to 7-8 minutes and is very satisfying.

6-8am is the time to have sex

Testosterone levels in men are at their highest in the morning, meaning it’s the best time for men to have sex. Men are more active and give a better sexual response during this time. The highest concentration of sex hormones in women’s bodies also gives them the most pleasure. Men’s testosterone levels peak around 7 a.m., when they are well rested and their senses are sensitive. Women, on the other hand, wake up with a heightened and responsive sense of touch.

Afternoon passion at 3pm

3pm is the “afternoon pleasure” time This is the best time for both sexes to satisfy their sexual appetites, when men are pleasured while giving women the “emotional support” they crave. The key to having a truly satisfying sex life for both sexes is to synchronize their sexual desires. Regardless of when women ovulate, the best time of day for them to have sex is in the afternoon. This is when women’s bodies are rich in cortisol and full of energy. At the same time, while testosterone levels in men are down, estrogen levels are up, prompting them to become more sensual during fapping.

Those benefits of sex

Cure insomnia

Sex cures insomnia better than sleeping pills because the muscles are tense during the snap and sleep better afterwards in a soothed state.

Helps you lose weight

Half an hour of sex burns 200 calories, which is equivalent to 45 minutes of aerobics, and if you have sex once a day, it’s equivalent to jogging 175 kilometers a year. kilometers, burning 15,000 calories of heat energy. And sex is a no-cost exercise. Boys burn 5 times more calories than girls. The effect of weight loss is even greater, while girls also lose excess fat and maintain a slim, attractive and good figure.

Beautiful skin

Sex increases adrenaline production and accelerates blood flow to the heart, resulting in better skin and blood color. People who have sex normally have a rosy complexion. It stays shiny, smooth, and has exceptionally few age spots.

Cure pain

Sex can relieve all kinds of pain due to the high secretion of “endorphins” during the snapping process

The reason is that the hormone “endorphins,” which fight pain, can also fight depression.

Strengthening memory

The process of making love is a metabolic process that can delay the rapid decline of the brain’s memory. Therefore, the elderly should not lack sex. Older people abroad are still guaranteed to have sex every other day when they reach the age of 70 or 80. Therefore, the elderly abroad are much less sick than us. The same 80 year olds, our elderly people have to look about 10 years older.

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