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What are the reasons for quarrels between couples How to maintain the freshness of marriage

Many people mention marriage, their views on it are mixed. Marriage needs to be run and fresh blood needs to be injected, but inevitably couples will argue and fight in marriage, so why does this happen? How can we maintain the freshness of our marriage, take a look below.

Husband makes too little money, not enough for the family court expenses.

Many female heads of household habitually blame their husbands’ incompetence, their husbands’ inability to earn enough money to support the family, and are accustomed to living on their husbands, for this reason, some families have couples who quarrel when there is not enough money. The wife is in a depressed mood, sometimes the more unpleasant words, regardless of the feelings of the husband, their own grievances and complaints all brain to vent on the husband, if the husband is also in a bad mood, will certainly be angry, and the consequences are unimaginable. In fact, the family is not your husband’s alone, your dissatisfaction with life and complaints are also very distressing things for your husband, just men do not like to put on the mouth, because it does not help at all to solve the current economic constraints facing the family, men always work silently, silently bear, silently pick up the burden of the family. The company’s main goal is to provide a better solution to the problem.

Disagreement on how to educate the children

Disagreement on how to educate the children

=”text-indent:2em;text-align:left;”>Many parents feel the headache for their children’s education. The ultimate wish of all parents. Therefore, the impatient-tempered parents encountering their slow children will certainly not be a peace of mind, and if the protective party joins in, it will often become the basic topic of the most quarrelsome couple on how to educate their children.

Husband’s bad habits problem

Men have a problem with women The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the market.

The problem of mutual fidelity between husband and wife

Many couples quarrel It is the mutual suspicion that the other is red or cheating outside, especially young couples, or in the face of a more cheerful and lively wife, or a big-hearted wife who likes to play with the boys without squeamishness, it is easy for the husband to get jealous. Likewise, faced with a playful husband is the same, perennial late at night home, often to the kind of place to worry about the wife to play, often play some of the games that make the wife worry, will always make their wives feel worried and upset, sometimes from the regulation to quarrel is just a step away.

One partner is addicted to gambling or addicted to drugs, and they won’t change

The majority of quarrels between husband and wife in many families are due to one party’s addiction to gambling or repeatedly quitting, no matter who it is, seeing that the other party has turned a good family into a penniless one, quarrels are certain, and some families quarrel to finally break up, and wives are separated. The problem is that the quarrel may be effective for people who like to gamble a little, but for people who are already addicted to gambling quarrel is simply a waste of spittle, the psychology of gamblers is not because of the family quarrel and the pot of gold. And for the addict, quarreling simply won’t change the addict’s behavior.

So how do you keep a marriage fresh?

No love can ignore “face value”

Some women are like pears, eating sweet to make the man’s heart happy, the core of the pear is sour to make the woman’s heart grieving, some men are like onions, women will shed tears while peeling, but peeled to the end and found that the onion does not have a heart. More and more men are ignoring emotionalloyalty, even if it ismarriage. span>is also not binding on them, more and more women under the banner of true love to be a mistress, and even boast that they can not be named to accompany the man who can not return to the right track to forever. Time, however, will give such men and women a resounding slap in the face, because the essence of love is purity and freedom, the essence of marriage is security and companionship, leaving these any emotions are not likely to last. But those women who are lethargic in love, marriage gave up their wives, how much of your face value is left? In addition to pestering, jealousy, complaining and hard work, how much of your life interest is left?

“Face cultivation”: a kind of self-management for women

Changing others is better than changing yourself, making a pear and falling in love with an onion is a mistake in itself, waiting for others to turn back is better than speeding up your own steps, you come out of a new world, only to find that there is really a peachy place waiting for you. I appreciate those men and women who are clean and tidy in appearance, if they can fashiona little bit will It will bring a different aura, and those exquisite details will be unforgettable. Thank you for your pleasing eyes, so that I can see the spring in the gloom, the smile in the sunshine, and the brocade in the dark night is stunning neon.

Communicate with an open heart

If your If communication is missing from your marriage and you never realize it, chances are that your relationship has been silently damaged. Everyone talks about honesty in marriage, but honesty is only possible if the lines of communication are open. So, even if you are very busy dealing with work, taking care of the kids, going to the gym, doing housework or participating in social activities, set aside 15 minutes or more each day for communication with your partner. You can use this precious time to sit down and talk to your partner about your heart, work or family – any topic will do. You can also take an interest in what new interests the other person has taken up recently, and the two of you can share your experiences together.

Respect each other

Marriage psychologists believe that people should Fully affirm the influence of love, and that you respect your spouse’s wishes and give each other dignity, which will enhance the couple’s relationship and help keep it long. Even if you enter into marriage and the other person becomes an integral part of your life, it does not mean that you own the other person completely and cannot take everything for granted. Whether you are alone or in front of friends and family, you should not always try to control each other or dictate. Learn to respect each other’s feelings and decisions, even if you have different opinions.

Transparency in financial systems

Each person has the right to maintain independent complete financial stability, so couples can each have separate bank accounts and can decide for themselves where to put their passbooks or what to save for. It is also important for your spouse to understand your financial situation as an important part of building trust and respect. If you plan to invest in a new policy or lend money to a friend or family member, it’s a good idea to involve the other person in the process, otherwise you will lose their trust in you and possibly create a rift in the marriage.

Compromise when appropriate

Many people think that compromise is a sign of weakness and so often act tough-mouthed. In fact, in some situations, compromise is the optimal solution. As you work together for more and more years, you are bound to face a variety of choices and decisions, and you are often caught in a situation where you need to find a compromise. In fact, this doesn’t mean you have to give up your right views, but rather that marital satisfaction increases when you both agree.

Don’t let romance fades

Marriage relationship experts say that while it’s a bit of a cliché, whether marriage how many years, it’s important to keep the embers always burning. Learn to appreciate and pay attention to your partner, and have regular time for the two of you, no matter how busy you are or how many children you have. Have a candlelit dinner or go for a walk in the countryside.

Attitude, persuasion and education as the main focus, and side-talk as a supplement

Wise women know how to use techniques to firmly bind their own selves, techniques that are unobtrusive but effective. Any woman with a brain knows not to try to inspire him with sarcasm, complaints, ridicule, indifference, which can only be counterproductive. The real way to keep him on a leash is to persuade and educate him, mixed with a few harmless side-trips, remembering that being bossy and unwarranted is a no-no.

The real meaning of a relationship is to suffer together

This is not a joke. Just kidding, the love you desire is more than an empty promise, it’s based on the solid idea of sharing a common destiny. You have to share the risks of life with others and build dreams together. You have to share the hardships together so that you can share the blessings in your future life.

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