Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

The schoolmate who followed me to work in my hometown

When I went to college, I stumbled into the Federation of Associations by mistake. This is an organization that is on par with the school student council. It is an inspection organization of all the clubs in the school, right?
At that time, I was a miscellaneous officer in the association. The most work I did was to produce posters. I was a good artist, and the idea was also quite clever. So at that time, the posters I produced were well liked by the alumni.

And this sister is my boss. Let’s call her Han.

When I went to report on the first day, I was wearing shorts and slippers, and I had long curly coffee-colored hair, and I used a hair band to hold my hair up.

Sister Han told me that she had a very bad impression of me at first sight. I thought I was the kind of rich kid who was hanging around.

The girl is the kind of girl who comes from a family of books, tied in a ponytail, wearing glasses. To how innocent have more innocent. At that time I actually have little good feeling about her, just think this woman’s chest is still quite material. Then there is no then ……

In fact, I do not know when Han began to me interesting. I only know that every time I paint in the studio, no matter how late Han sister will come to the studio to see me. Bring me water or something. At that time, I used to draw with headphones plugged in. Later I realized that many times she had been standing behind me silently watching me for a long time.

Then slowly transitioned to, every day at noon she would call and send a message asking me if I had eaten lunch. She would even bring me lunch …… and sometimes she would call me when there was a big meal inside the club. At first I just thought maybe I was good at drawing. So pay special attention to me. Forgive my stupidity at the time, all my thoughts were smashed in the World of Warcraft.

Later she began to take the initiative to ask me out for a walk. Late at night in the quiet woods of the school walk. I even didn’t touch her. At that time, I was really too upright.

Until the night of her graduation, she called me out, and that day she was wearing hot pants and a T-shirt. It simply made her breasts even bigger. I kept staring at her breasts and swallowing ……

I was sitting with her on the grass in the playground. We had no words for each other, and she said there were mosquitoes, so I fanned around her legs to get rid of them. Then I accidentally touched her leg …… then I awkwardly apologized to her …… she also lowered her head and said it’s okay

It feels like that’s the most youthful and innocent feeling, right? Although I kept staring at her breasts …………

Later I saw that it was already 8 o’clock, I said sister, it’s 8 o’clock, do you want to send you back to the dorm …… (actually it’s 8 o’clock, the guild opened group activities). She said I do not want to go back to the dormitory ……

At that time I was suddenly so annoyed, because I could not participate in the activities. But it is not good to go back hard. Just sit with her like this.

Suddenly I noticed she was sobbing. I asked her why she was crying. She said she was leaving tomorrow, but she still couldn’t say what she wanted to say. She was very anxious and very afraid that she would never see me again once she left …… words so white. I don’t know the meaning I’ll learn the language for so many years in vain ……

I said it’s okay, sister, you can still meet after graduation. For example, I went to your city, or you came to my city. I did not expect to say this casually, she really came to my city behind ……

I just gently patted her back and she leaned on my shoulder. From my angle, I could see her cleavage. A thousand words of touch floated in my head …………

So I slowly wrapped my hand around her waist in the back of the pat, and I could feel her shaking slightly. Then as the waist slowly moved to the side of the chest, I felt her breathing slowly strengthen. When my hand touched the edge of her bra, my mind flashed to a very clear self, if you don’t like each other, don’t use each other’s good feelings to satisfy your own animal desires …… I was directly into sage mode …… hand moved away from the edge of her bra and moved to her arm.

Because of this action, she raised her head and looked at me. I smiled faintly. Nima, now that I think about it, I was really tall …… she leaned more closely against me with tears in her eyes.

They sat speechlessly with each other for 3 hours, feeling like they were going to be impotent if they sat down again …… so I asked my sister, 11 o’clock, my sister I’ll send you back to the dormitory, right? Otherwise, you will have to check the room later.

Sister said tonight I can go back later, or not …… nima I was in sage mode ah. I bite a no and pulled her back to the girls’ dormitory.

She looked at me with reluctance. I told her to hurry back, she looked at me like this step three times and went into the women’s dormitory ……

After returning to the dormitory, I didn’t even think about turning on the computer and started playing World of Warcraft ……

Only the next day I saw the message she sent to me

“XXX, to know you before graduating from college is my biggest happiness and biggest regret in college. Why couldn’t I have met you a few years earlier ……”

Another one was sent by her at 9am

“XXX, I’m leaving, I’ll remember the promise I made last night.”

Up at 10, I looked at my phone and returned a bon voyage. On to World of Warcraft again ……

After she left, I thought I would never have any involvement with her again, and my casual agreement that night was just a quick remark. There’s an idiom called wishful thinking, Han is wishful thinking, she always remembered this agreement, and also firmly believe that I always remembered this agreement.

The day she arrived home, she left a message on twitter telling me she was here. Then she started to leave twitter messages every day. They were all reports on her whereabouts and some unpleasant things. At first I replied to her in a token way. Then I started not to have time to reply to her because, more often than not, I am invisible on twitter, and the purpose of twitter is just to see if there are any messages from the guild group and also if my EX is far away in Canada to leave me a message.

In fact, feelings are so wonderful. The people you miss don’t love you, the people you don’t love miss you. Everyone is being a bitch. Sometimes I think, simply to find those who like my girl dating forget. But thinking back, the people I like don’t have this awareness, why I have to go to aggravate myself ……
The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things.

I can actually understand her mood when she didn’t receive my reply, waiting for a night at the computer side, because I also have the same mood, but I have World of Warcraft, and she is probably waiting at the computer side.
The compassion, so I began to repeat the reply to her message, she also calculated that I on Warcraft open computer time, and then every day this time online and I chat, I also in the team tidy time and she chatted with a sentence, sometimes then play a copy of a series of more than half an hour did not return to her words, and then after playing, want to get up to her back, that head immediately appeared to be entering the prompt. It turns out that she has been staring at the dialog box for half an hour. Suddenly a little heartbroken ah …… to the back every time I want to activity to very late, I will let her go to bed first. Instead of waiting silly. She also quite obedient …… seriously she really touched me. In the last few years, I realized that this is what male gods do ah ……

One day she sent me a message saying that she and her boyfriend had broken up. I suddenly recalled that she did always have a boyfriend that was a childhood friend. She had never been in a relationship when she was a child, and this man had been pursuing her, and she was with this man. She did not dare to break up with him, should feel that break up also do not know how to do, not to mention the family lineage or childhood friend. Her first time is also to this man. She said it was her initiative to break up …… asked in detail, she told me. Her boyfriend saw her writing those articles about me in the space and then asked her if she liked another man. She also seems not to be afraid of this man, said she did fall in love with another man, she really does not love him, just because it is a childhood friend, to be together. Now she understands what love is. So she wants to break up. I listened, suddenly so admire her, so love can make a person strong to this extent ah ……

I started to click on her space for the first time, which was covered with articles about me, some of which had excerpts from my articles in spaces. I remember that spaces was used by me to talk about my feelings for my ex-girlfriend who was abroad. She ended up reading every single one of them. From the day she started liking me, her articles started to go from a few hints to almost openly writing about how she missed me. One of the titles I remember most was – How I will make you miss me more. I remember this is what my ex-girlfriend said to me. I didn’t even know how to cherish it before, and she said it to me, and now it’s turned into me trying to say to her, how I can make you miss me more.

She knew that I had gone to see her space, and then began to pursue me openly …… I also then thought to chat with her even. But we are all men, for the woman they do not like, and every day to haunt themselves, and then the body is also good. You are embarrassed not to chat with her, and will certainly go to the sex side of the conversation, so that at least bring up some interest in chatting with her ……

So I started to do the scum act, every day and she chatted about her body her sexuality and some erotic topics. I can feel that she can not stand …… but for that pair of huge breasts. I think I can’t stop …… just keep scumming on ……

Until one day after I graduated, she left me a message saying “XXX, I kept my promise! I’m coming to your city!”

I just remembered that night ……

After graduating, I was bored at home and slept until 12:00 every day, got up and ate, then played Warcraft or went out for afternoon tea in the afternoon. Then go running Swimming Biking. Run nightclubs at night ……

One day, her avatar was flashing, and after clicking on it, she said she had arrived at me and was working in a bank. Say find time to come out and get together ……

To be honest, I really didn’t want to meet her at that time, because during that time on twitter and she was talking about sex, I always felt that she wasn’t too energetic. I don’t like to beg people to do something. I found out she wasn’t too interested. My interest in her disappeared straight away too. Even that huge breast wasn’t hanging around in my head anymore.

If you don’t care about something, it wears off so fast in time that I almost forgot about it. In contrast, my ex-girlfriend is going back home in a week and this whole thing is making me feel like a minute of torture. Surely it is because of love ah ……

A month or so later, my sister asked me by twitter if I was free tonight, and I thought I wouldn’t go if I was free or not. I have a sentence to take her words, she said the place where she lives has not pulled the Internet connection, work can not play cell phone. And after work, look at the time too late she also dare not contact me or something. I realized that really came here for more than a month on that twitter message, she really did not contact me half times. Suddenly I flashed back to her in front of the computer waiting for me to return the message look …… heart has a reluctant ah, I told her I would go swimming in the evening, after swimming may be more than 8 o’clock, eat a thing to go to the nightclub. Ask her to go, she said she did not like to go to the nightclub. But you can have dinner with me at 8:00. I will eat something before swimming, and I will be hungry after swimming, so I need to eat once at 8:00. She probably held off until 8:00 to eat with me. To be honest, I’m a soft-hearted person, I said forget it, I’m not going swimming at night. Where is your company, call me before work, I will go over to pick you up. She hurriedly said it’s okay, you go swimming first, I’ll wait for you …… I told her not to say anymore. That’s it. She silently returned a good ……

When I went for a bike ride in the afternoon, I accidentally looked at twitter. her twitter signature became “happy looking forward to work ……”

At 5:20 she told me that she could get off work at 5:30. I said, “Damn, you get off work at 5:30, you tell me at 20. She said I was afraid you would wait for me …… I was speechless and said okay. You wait for me under I’ll be right there.

The car to her bank door, looking at her wearing a bank uniform, the lower body is tube skirt. Chest of the shirt was her breasts propped up almost burst feeling …… I think my little universe is going to explode again ……

She got on the passenger side, my eyes unkindly keep stealing a glance at her breasts. She was very shy and wanted to keep staring at me.

While waiting for a red light, I started exchanging pleasantries with her and she said I had become more of a man. My eyes have changed. The whole person seems different from the one in college. I hala a few sentences and passed. I felt her whole face flush off.
The mind is thinking, there is a need for this ……

I didn’t ask her what she wanted to eat, and I guess she couldn’t think of anything, so I just pulled her to eat Thai food. The actual fact is that you can find a variety of nostalgic topics, a variety of hearing cold warm. To be honest, not to mention now, even after eating that day, I have no way to recall what she said. Because I have been concerned about her breasts …… fruit scum ……

After eating, I said to drink something, she did not have a problem. When drinking something I asked something about her work, asked her if she needed some savings, or sell funds or something or gold. She guessed she did, but was too embarrassed to ask me. I said if you need help you can tell me. Sister, you’ve been taking care of me in college. Now that I’m here, let me help you. In fact, at that time I just wanted to say to make her feel more good about me or something. She was moved to a mess ah ……

See almost nine o’clock. I asked her if she wanted to go to the club together, and she refused in a hurry. I just said I’ll send you back. To her home downstairs, she got off to me and said thank you for your hospitality today, I said it’s okay. She said the words and said a sentence to drink and do not drive oh.

To the nightclub, playing to more than 12 o’clock, see a few more messages. All of them are sent by her. All of them let me drink less and asked me what I was doing. Or when to go home …… I opened twitter to see her signature is “I’m in deeper ……”

From that day on, I also often keep in touch with her. Sometimes after work and her to eat together, or walk for a walk. She also slowly let go. Not so constrained, sometimes flirting with me. I also began to slowly open her yellow jokes. Ask her if she will want to do so long without. How do you want to solve. She is a shy face not to answer.

Two people together for a long time, the more she can not leave me, sometimes a few days do not see me, she will not be able to stand. I wondered how she was holding back her sexual desire, did she fantasize about me?

Until one day a few months later …… she didn’t know how that day, suddenly the emotions broke. Keep saying love me, say want to be with me, say no longer with me will be crazy or something …… then I said Han schoolmate, I also frankly tell you, I am now more to you is the sexual aspect of the fantasy, away from love there is a big distance. The men are because of sex to have love. I was also thinking of saying, simply pretend to go out with you, and then sleep with you, after a period of time to divide and forget. But I can’t do that. I really want to sleep with you. But talk about feelings. I really don’t have the energy right now ……
She seemed to understand. After a long silence, I thought she would probably give up. As a result, she said something that shocked me. She said even if there is no love, as long as you can sleep with you. I am also willing to ……

I was really dumbfounded. Then after a while, the brain flew through countless of her huge breasts …… immediately became scum.

I immediately felt that there should be a play, so I asked her, that good …… you surprisingly all say so, then let’s make an appointment ……
She said time I set.
I said any time is fine. Otherwise, tonight.
She said it was too soon.
I said when else?
She said: “I have to work on weekdays, let’s do it on weekend nights.” ……
I said Where do we go to get a room?
She said, “Not a hotel.” ……
I said, “Why don’t you go home? I can’t go to my house.
She said My roommate is not here on weekends, so it should be fine ……
I said OK! Let’s do it this weekend then ……

Then I happily went to the bar…

Now I feel excited just thinking about it ……

Maybe that’s what’s called reality. After she agreed to sleep with me on the weekend, I was in touch with her with almost unprecedented frequency. Sometimes even waiting for a red light are messaging with her. Maybe that’s how businessmen are, when you smell an opportunity that might work, you put more energy into hastening its success ……
It was hard to get through to Friday, after she got off work, I called her

I said Why don’t we have dinner together?
She said Ah, I’m already eating with colleagues, what to do?
I said Oh. That’s okay. You can eat first.
She said, “I’ll talk to my colleagues, I’ll come to you now?
I said, “No, I’ll just eat ……
She said, “I’m sorry.

I thought to myself, “I’m the one who messed up the appointment, how come I’m sorry?
In less than half an hour, she called and said she had finished eating and asked me what I wanted to see her about.
I said, “I want to talk about how we can develop our relationship or something. It is not going to be a friend relationship, and then tomorrow a serious to open a room ah? Of course we have to cultivate the relationship or something ……
She said ah ………… hmmmm, also, then where to wait for you?
I said: “In Xiti Park. I’ll be there in a minute.

The park is closer to her home, in fact, there is no place to go, after all, is not the person you love, where to go are awkward …… I arrived at Xiti in search of a parking space has seen her. Still that body bank uniform. The chest was wrapped tightly. The following tube skirt with white stockings made her legs more sexy.
I walked towards her and she pretended to greet me naturally. I walked over and put my hand in front of her. She stayed for a moment. I said hold hands. She was dumbfounded. I said tomorrow we will go to bed. Today is not hand-holding, funny oh …… see her still frozen motionless, I went straight over and took her hand and said, go over there and walk it. She lowered her head and followed me mute. Then I began to pull seven and eight. I saw that she kept her head down and did not say anything, I said you are so embarrassed, then tomorrow in bed how do you do ah! Slowly she began to take my words.
The park at night is full of people walking, the atmosphere is slowly relaxed, she also talked more and more.
After a short walk, I said let’s sit by the embankment. Sitting in the sea breeze, I looked at her side, in fact, it is not ugly. Should be considered 6-7 points of the woman it. Plus the body should be able to 7-8 bar. Strange why I just can’t produce love for her, but produced desire it ……
I slowly took my hand to her waist and could feel her shake slightly, I said in her ear, you have to get used to my touch. Otherwise how to do tomorrow ah.
Then I felt the fullness of the palm of my hand, the kind of knotted flesh, not the kind of sagging breasts very watery flesh, but very firm and very proportionate, without a trace of flabby touch …… her ears immediately red and hot. I pressed her head to her own shoulders. Then stroked my hand back and forth from her waist to the side of her breasts …… I could feel my split coming to life. The whole urge came up when I touched the side of her bra. I turned my face sideways to find that she was also staring at me. My whole being was then pushed by a force to kiss her mouth. But it was only a light touch. Then I turned my head over. She was still leaning on my shoulder.
I looked around and found that there were too many people around, so I said let’s go sit on the grass over there. There are too many people here. I think I spoke plainly enough, but she did not seem to understand. She foolishly said yes.
When we got to the grass, there were couples rubbing and hugging all around, and she kept pretending to be calm and said, “Nowadays, students are really bold. I said that there is nothing. It’s just a little hug. She said haha, then you still dare to do what oh. I said I dare to do a lot, you will see. She then asked what you want to oh.
I found a stone, sit down, and then asked her to do my lap, she began to be a little shy, I pulled her directly into my arms, she sat on my lap, hands do not know how to put. I held her directly, and she began to be embarrassed. I wrapped my hands around her chest and hugged her. She kept saying more people don’t la …… where I would listen to her, hands grabbed that dream chest. Through the clothes and bra, can feel her that full breasts. That touch feels like I can still jerk off on it now ……
She started to struggle and I said tomorrow we are going to have sex. Now you’re not allowed to touch this one either …… so how do you do it tomorrow. I feel like I’ve said this several times a night. She slowly did not resist. Then my hand began to rub in her huge breasts with abandon. The bra she wore was hard, so the kneading was not very comfortable. I tried to get in through the shirt, but she held my hand down with one hand. I reached into her tube skirt with my other hand. I came in contact with a fleshy mound like thing, and then a concave place in the middle. Her whole body then struggled ……
I felt the strength of this and her front are different, I let her go. She was also very embarrassed in finishing her clothes. I just said I’ll send you back ……
All the way to each other without words, she bowed her head and followed me. Silently said, don’t send me. I can go back on my own …… I guess just the fire of desire did not give out, shouted a sentence you less nagging …… she continued to follow me with her head down ……
When I got to her house, she seemed to have something to say to me, but the words stopped. I shouted and said go up quickly ah. What else is dilly-dallying ah. Then she was startled and said sorry. Then she rushed upstairs.

I went back to the parking lot to get my car, and sent her a message in the car saying, “Sister, I’m sorry to have touched you tonight, it’s just that you’re too tempting for me. But I can feel that you still don’t want to, so I won’t be going to your place this weekend ……
I feel like a saint after posting this ……

That night, I found that she posted an article in the space, the article is full of apologies to me ……

I instantly felt that Sister Han was really cute. I want to fuck her, then she disagreed, and as a result I was upset and she had to come and apologize to me ……

At that time, I had in thinking it was time to give her a good bit of memories …… Of course this is an afterthought.

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